Whitney Edwards

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Everything posted by Whitney Edwards

  1. Maybe I didn't frame my question correctly. (English is not my first language) let me reframe it. Would you date a woman knowing that she persistently cheats on men who date her?
  2. I'm tearing up. Thank you so much. It means a lot.
  3. Nothing personal. I asked out of curiosity but it's been bothering me for a long time.
  4. I hope Leo doesn't spank you lol. Leo be soft please.
  5. I'm not broke but I was thinking of someone who is and who I wanted to help. Anyway thanks a lot for the audio link. Although I don't think it's a good idea to pirate Leo's course. He worked hard for it. I was just looking for some free resources that I could give to a friend. In the future I want to set up an organization that will help broke folks with self development because I can see how underprivileged they can be. I saw my friend struggling with their life and I felt bad that we take so much for granted especially all the self help resources we can pay for out there yet there are others who can't but deserve to, so it was in my mind that I'll set up a foundation in the future to help such folks for free of course, it's a good incentive to help them get back on their feet. This was a novel idea on my mind since the last few days.
  6. Do you love a woman who is cheating on you with some other man? Asking out of curiosity.
  7. What evidence do we have for this? None. I don't think every man on the street feels rapey. Or that if he doesn't express it then he is suppressing it in some way. This could easily be a huge projection. Anomalous projection. History is definitely filled with an astounding amount of examples of brutality on one hand but on the other there are countless brave men who died in war saving their women and children. It's a pity that humans only choose to remember the negative.
  8. I don't like partying either. There's nothing fundamentally wrong with it. You can do a plethora of activities that pique your interest. Try cooking or other solitary activities. Cooking will help you bond with food in a healthy way and it's a good way to increase weight. You had queried about weight issues so cooking yummy food is a good way of spending time and bonding with food.
  9. This is true only for criminals. The average man is a good man, what you're doing is fear mongering against men, it doesn't help. The average man is more worried about feeding his family and keeping his woman happy, not some creepy stranger in an alley waiting to rape women. You don't understand men because you aren't deeply connected with your own masculinity. This mentality that men are scary rapey wolves is pure stage red bullcrap for men who haven't evolved to stage green and above. Most modern men are highly civilized and would shudder at the thought of rape. I've been sexually harassed countless times yet several times it was men who rescued me so this thinking that men look at women with rapey eyes belongs to the dump basket.
  10. Sorry to hear about it. It's tremendous trauma. Hope you find your healing.
  11. Leadership is a great quality though, mostly associated with the masculine.
  12. There's an asteroid out there that got trapped sort of. Now earth will be getting a mini moon. Great news. Soon we'll have 2 moon day.
  13. If he can control himself then men don't need to be aggressive as a wolf. Indeed testosterone makes him horny but it doesn't make him aggressive necessarily, there is no proof of such. So he can't choose his testosterone levels yet he can choose to not be aggressive. I think a huge role here is played by social dynamics.
  14. Yes I fantasize about rape. But me fantasizing rape had any connection to a man's testosterone levels is just unbelievable to me. Rape is more about power and dominance. Has it been laboratory tested that rapists have higher testosterone than the average man on the street? I don't know if such a study exists. What if it's the reverse? When have high testosterone levels been linked to rape? I'm yet not aware of such a claim anywhere. But on the flipside, rape is only common as a crime. Murder is common too and so are other crimes. This can't be a definitive evidence of men's testosterone levels. It also cannot be objectively proven that men who don't feel like a "wolf" towards women have lower testosterone levels. I don't know where such claims are originating from.
  15. If this was really really true, then rape would have been normal. Your theory doesn't hold up to evidence. It's pedeling bollocks.
  16. Couldn't it be possible that they do it out of love and or being strongly attracted to the person that they just can't help? Why would that be in any way or form be connected with trauma? It could be as simple as pure affection and the man just exploiting it.
  17. Women are more liberal minded with what they want in men. We don't have strict boundaries or a laundry list. We're organically attracted to men. You don't see women walking around with wing women or dating coaches. We simply don't possess a strict compass while navigating dating as to what we want in a man. Yes loyalty is one. But it's not a part of attraction. It's weird how men are overly logical about it to the point that they just lay it out like a software blueprint.
  18. I never saw girls being fixated on a guy's body that much. Weird. We don't normally screen guys for strength. In fact girls are often attracted to vulnerable men. Maybe what men prefer is an outcome of years of social conditioning and not necessarily evolutionary psychology and or genetics. Maybe it's a status thing for men to parade beautiful women as trophies to one up other men, I don't know.
  19. No impact whatsoever. Have a great day!
  20. Lol that would be like putting down those women.
  21. Sensitivity can swing on both ends of the spectrum.
  22. Yea I get that. I was specifically referring to broke people not immigrants.