Whitney Edwards

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Everything posted by Whitney Edwards

  1. I was afraid to engage here too because of CPTSD.
  2. Conscious communication sounds good. I wanted Leo to make a video on high vibe communication. That would seem nice.
  3. At first I didn't believe this post. So scrolled down a bit. Now after seeing the first one, I believe they are lying. not gonna lie but the second guy looks a bit feminine. Harsh truth - Women want a handsome dude who is tall healthy, very masculine, knows how to flirt and value her and knows how to sexually please her, has a great personality and doesn't make her feel insecure, worships her and has a fat bank balance so she can splurge. That's it. And yes women value looks. Forget the first and second. Women like this kind of a guy. Masculine jaw and personality.
  4. The bot should look like a crocodile.
  5. OK. You have provided plenty of arguments for why you think it's not normal for a girl to behave this way in a healthy relationship. That's totally your beliefs and projection. Maybe others don't agree. Maybe women don't agree. And you can already see that multiple people disagreed with you on this thread. Need I say more? It can be safely said that it's a you problem since others seem to be fine with it. It's your belief and society doesn't revolve around your beliefs. Again who says this except you? You're creating a hypothetical scenario for the girl. You aren't a spokesperson for that girl's feelings. What if she feels completely satisfied with her boyfriend and still does this. This is your assumption that it's not enough. Maybe she is happy and just enjoying her life. Why not? These are foolish actions to you because you are a guy with a mindset who has possibly never been in a relationship from the nature of the posting and has absolutely no clue of female psychology but likes to dictate how women should behave so most of your so called plenty of arguments fall flat. Now I'll answer. Beauty is the most important value for women. A woman can do anything for beauty. Maybe not all women. But a lot of women value beauty even more than men. Either it's socially conditioned in us or it's biological. So a woman cares a lot about her beauty. Her beauty gives her confidence. She loves to flaunt it because she sees power in it, just like guys love to flaunt wealth, whether they are married or unmarried or have a girlfriend or not, guys love the idea of having more wealth and also boast about it. Similarly girls like to flaunt their beauty to the world. It's not about seeking validation or attention. She finds it very Empowering to show her beauty and sexuality to the world and she likes compliments on it. So she won't care if she is married or not or if she has a boyfriend she will still do what her core feminine is passionate about and it's her beauty and sexuality. Every woman likes to look beautiful and sexy. So any woman who looks beautiful will immediately capitalize on it just like men don't shy away from showing their wealth. Now you can sit there and rationalize it any which way you want, but people will do what gives them joy. A girl finds joy in showcasing her beauty. The fact that you hate it is your problem and not hers. The fact that you don't understand this about women also shows that you lack the fundamental understanding of female nature and psyche. The boyfriend probably knows that she likes doing this and that's why he doesn't bother about it. If you interfere with what a woman wants in the area of beauty and sexuality, she will most likely give a strong reaction to you because you are attacking her most valued passion, her core feminine instinct, then she will obviously feel attacked and controlled and will not tolerate it. She will fire back and leave the relationship. If I told my man to stop working and stop making money, he will be angry too. He will see it as interference and control with his core masculine instinct. He loves to be passionate about his work and making as much money as he can make. So he will think I'm a clingy girl. He will think of dumping me because he doesn't feel safe that his core masculine instinct is being interfered with. Similarly a woman won't take shit if you tell her to compromise on her core feminine instinct. It's a direct attack on her solidarity as a woman. Only a doormat will listen to her boyfriend and do what he says, probably the kind of relationship you are looking for from the nature of your sexist posting before. You're only thinking about yourself and not caring about the woman's emotions. If you don't care about her instincts and feelings, then she has no reason to care about yours either. Our sexuality and our beauty belongs to us and not to any man. And what we do with it is entirely our business. It's outdated mindset to assume that a woman's beauty belongs to her boyfriend. No. It doesn't. And women will always do what women want as society evolves, whether you like it or not. Women will eventually settle for men who are evolved enough to understand their needs and mindset so the immature men have the catching up to do.. In old days women didn't have the freedom or the option to explore their beauty or sexuality so openly. So they couldn't do it, doesn't mean they didn't want it. But post the sexual revolution, women have finally landed the freedom and opportunities through technology to finally do what they always wanted to. And that's what they are doing. Not all women feel this desire but most women do. That's why the makeup industry is a giant billion dollar industry. Because women love beauty, clothing, makeup, Sexiness. Plenty of options for women to explore and indulge their feminine side. This is a woman's freedom, desire and empowerment. And if you feel threatened, insecure or oppressed by a woman's freedom and empowerment, then maybe you should never entertain the idea of dating women or find a woman who revolves her life around your fingers. Well let me break this to you. Women have been oppressed by men for millions of ages. Now we don't give a shit and we don't give a fuck. We have plenty of good reasons and technology to give us what we need and want. We can live alone, even without a man, it's a harsh truth. A woman can choose a cat over a man and a fat bank balance. Again times have evolved, feminism exists and will continue to exist, whether you like it or not, not our problem. Why should we care about your feelings when our feelings and instincts were hurt, oppressed and suppressed for millions of years. Might sound harsh right. But women are finally climbing out of the shell of male control and dominance and hedgemony, you don't have monopoly over our feelings anymore and probably some men are losing their grip on women and feel threatened by a woman's independence. Who cares. Your insecurity is your business, not ours. Like you said the guy should break up with her because she is not ready to listen to him. Well women listening to men is an antiquated idea. It's long gone. It was already well gone in 60s. You're probably still living in the 50s. And if the guy prioritises his own feelings and insecurities over her needs, who cares, why should she want such a man anyway. Also if she is beautiful, young and sexy, she has loads of options. Plenty of simps just waiting desperately to be her boyfriend. If her boyfriend leaves her for his silly insecurities, then she will find another guy in no time. You don't like all this. Well a woman doesn't like a man who doesn't care about her feelings either.
  6. Well you talked about breaking up and not about questioning things earlier. The boyfriend can question it and try to know her mindset and not judge her badly for her choices. That's called giving space and freedom. A loving boyfriend will never dump his girlfriend just because she is posting sexy photos, that's quite childish and immature. If my husband kept calling random women, I would definitely want to know what's it's about, but of course I won't break up with him. Relationships are built on mutual communication. So if a partner is not loving, not communicating his insecurities and not holding space for the other person's freedom, that's a huge red flag and the woman is kinda better off without him. If he is breaking up over such a thing, he needs to investigate his own feelings as to why he is so bothered by it to the point that he wants to break up. Breakup usually happen over big issues like cheating or serious lack of integrity or lying or something sinister, they don't happen because someone posted sexy pics.. Your ideas about women are quite outdated. They seem oppressive rather than helping men achieve security or stability. It's like you're playing on men's fears. Men who are matured understand their girlfriends well and also know when to establish boundaries and when to be assertive. You aren't preaching men security, in fact you are misleading men by preaching them insecurity.
  7. But she will see it as control. You clearly don't understand women's mindset.
  8. Maybe she will be the one to break up first because of his insecurity. Because no girl appreciates her boyfriend controlling her. So good riddance for her. Bullet dodged. She can find better secure men.
  9. But guys post half nude Pics of themselves too showing their abs and much more.
  10. Do you agree that this could be your assumption and this might not always be the case. Maybe it happens sometimes and it could be true that it could indicate emotional unavailability, however do you agree that this might not always be the case in every situation. Don't look at it as a universal thing. It depends on a specific case. Every relationship is likewise, it's like to each his own. Much can be speculation and assumption and might not apply to it.
  11. How do you know she is seeking validation. Maybe she is not. My ex boyfriend used to tell me to dress sexy in public. He used to like that. Maybe her boyfriend likes it. How do you know the nature of their relationship? Why do you assume her boyfriend must be unhappy? Maybe her boyfriend enjoys her posting sexy pics. Some guys like their girlfriends being sexy in public. And anyways it's her personal life and personal right what she does with her body. Posting sexy pics is not considered cheating by any means. If my husband posted his sexy photos online and other girls liked it, it won't bother me at all, I won't feel insecure about it. Relationships are about boundaries, if the boyfriend is ok then it's fine. If the boyfriend doesn't like it, then maybe she should have to reconsider it. But in any case, if I said that my husband shouldn't talk to other women or that he shouldn't post his body pics online, then it hints to my own jealousy, possessiveness and insecurities. It's not his fault. It's a different thing if someone is actively cheating on their partner, like excessive flirting or cheating by sleeping with someone, then boundaries need to be drawn and discussions need to be had. But my husband looking at other women or talking to other women is not equivalent to cheating. If the relationship is secure and strong, no partner needs to worry. Also cheating is bad, irrespective of gender. So if the girl is cheating on her boyfriend by sleeping with other guys, that's really bad and she can be held accountable for that. But posting pictures or talking to other men is not cheating. Same applies to men with girlfriends.
  12. Sustainable homes by Elon Musk. It's called Boxabl Casita.
  13. Just because someone appears to be superficial doesn't mean they are really that way. And just because someone appears to be spiritually deep, doesn't mean they are spiritual, they could turn out shallow later. I met a 1000 guys in the past. Both superficial and deep. All kinds. The most superficial ones were the ones that boasted themselves as spiritual. One guy told me "I'm not like other guys. I don't think with my dick." Then his very first full conversation with me was all about sex and seducing me. It's like that. I was surprised by his irony. He said something "I'm not the dick first, questions later guy." Lmao. Then I thought a guy was into me just for sex. And his first conversations were all about that. But surprisingly as time went on, his conversations were deeper and about different things both intellectual and spiritual and he was not too interested to talk about sex. I thought that I jumped the gun and judged him wrongly. People might give out superficial vibes but they can be different inside. People can give this whole deep character vibe and turn out completely vapid and shallow in the end. We tend to judge people narrowly. It's only when we talk to them for long periods of time that we slowly see them for who they really are. A girl could be shaking her ass and tits while walking down the street and you might think she is being cheap and shallow but that girl might have a golden heart and a deep need to connect spiritually with a man. You never know. So don't just keep your heart open. Also keep your eyes open. Our eyes deceive us through our own biases and perceptions. Reality is far more intimate and intricate than what meets the eye. Some guys are into spirituality just for the ego. They feel they are great.
  14. ^This. You go girl. I often see certain kinds of men targeting women's sexuality on a regular basis. Apparently they don't have a problem if a married man watches porn lol. But if a woman expresses her sexuality openly, suddenly these kind of men see a problem with it. I'm like - leave a woman's sexuality alone and women can live in peace.
  15. Psychedelic didgeridoo.
  16. The universe guidance. https://youtu.be/BqRYvkiKQL0?si=FT6Zn4uF9BBjvrEd The great Alchemist. https://youtu.be/i-3yNyLcfKw?si=kWXBeqd663Rrhs8l Zach Michael. https://youtu.be/jBgfcNVLCBA?si=DxZkE7H0UrQdzg9Y Ethereal Energy https://youtu.be/VfIwsVPCiII?si=qR1mZE10UasP4E09 Mystic flow reality. https://youtu.be/7u6JNjbruO0?si=1XCC20QQGG1nHjC5 The 5th kind. https://youtu.be/lAOaHNxyb8o?si=YUCQ4CyPukJY-lW_ Chosen way https://youtu.be/Ep20tALaaI4?si=YeCgMPWvHQzGdShT
  17. If you wanted a deeply spiritual partner, what kind of qualities would you be looking for in them?
  18. Put some people in your ignore list instead of complaining incessantly about them and you are good to go. If you don't know about the ignore button, it's a good option. Click on the top right side menu bar, three bars, and then click Account - > scroll down - > Ignored users - > add the unbearable user to your list. Done. Then you won't find it so boring. I have added some to my list. It helps.
  19. Your shame tactic is not gonna work. Let's see how you use it on women. Women, whether it's me or some other women, we will always stand up for ourselves as the opportunity serves us. And your bunch of ideas will never fly. Because the root of the matter is you have zero respect for women, and of course they sense it and walk away from you. Name us, shame us in the name of your goddamn accountability, we aren't changing how we feel about your creepy approaches. Your disrespect of women is not our problem. Also you are not the only man in the world. There are men out there who know how to respect women so we can bond with them. We don't need disrespectful men or their accountability. Meanwhile you can count your luck. We can sense men who truly respect us and treat us kindly and a woman will only respond to that and that's her free will and you can't take her free will from her. Keep shaming me, I don't care. We are women, we are proud, we walk our way and we don't need the validation of disrespectful men like you.