Buck Edwards

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Everything posted by Buck Edwards

  1. You can only write all this behind a keyboard. If you justified your creepiness in public, you already know what the consequences will be. So you satisfy your creepy impulses by writing on anonymous forums. No idea what you're trying to achieve but you will never have the balls to do in public what you write here anonymously. You already are aware of inappropriate social behavior, it's just that you're unable to accept it, your ego is too strong, but the public is not going to succumb to your ego, so let's see who in real life will support your creepy ideas about what you want to do with women or how you want to approach them. Instead of a woman calling you creepy, it will most likely be a man, then let's see how you convince the entire public lol. Your ideas will never fly in real life, you don't need any feminist to debate you, your ideas are so dismantled that most people in real life will be repulsed by it, so how are you going to convince people in real life. You come every couple of weeks and make the same thread, the same concept written in a different fashion. I think in your mind you're imagining that you have successfully convinced people that creepy behavior should be tolerated by women. This is only your mind playing tricks on you that you don't see. You are convincing nobody. You are in the prison of your mind. And whatever fantasies you have of doing weird things to women, they will stay that way. You have a need you want to fulfill like a child-like ego. You don't see outside that bubble. If you worked on your impulses by approaching women in a creepy way, the end result is just more disappointment.
  2. Tried hard to insert Leo Gura into the AI image but it doesn't show him as bald lol
  3. Shaman crocodile A crocodile on his roadway to heaven on a submarine
  4. Yea. Becoming a crocodile
  5. I can offer you a much better title for your thread - "Women should have no place." @Spiritual Warfare, sounds good? Why not go all the way if you are going to give a go for it? (Sarcasm)
  6. Why you do spiritual work if you want to go back to the same old centuries old biblical beliefs from Skydaddy lol?
  7. Wow. What a post. Sounds biblical. The Spiritual work and the irony in these posts. Mind boggling.
  8. Universal laws of Bashar. Universal Law #1 “You exist…you always have and you always will. You are eternal.” In other words, your fundamental nature is that of existence (rather than that of non-existence). You are a part of existence, therefore you are eternal, just like everything else. Existence is eternal, and since you exist, you are eternal as well! Understanding this Universal law, I’ve found, is quite relieving. There is no need to fear your death or the idea of your non-existence, as you are eternal. It never ends, you keep on going and you keep on expanding. So, if things aren’t going the way you’d “like” for them to, it’s ok! You have an eternity to figure everything out. Enjoy the ride! Universal Law #2 “Everything is here and now.” We are experiencing our consciousness through a created filter of time and space. However, this filter is simply a creation of ours that allows us to experience expansion in a linear fashion. In “reality” everything exists in one place (here) and at one time (now). In addition, you only ever exist in this here and now moment. Understanding this Universal law has been helpful to me, as it has helped me focus on the only thing that matters: NOW (without getting too caught up in what “was” or what “will be”). Now is the only place you will ever be, and now is where 100% of your power is. Focus your attention here and now. Universal Law #3 “The One is the All and the All is the One.” Many people believe they are separate from the whole of the Universe. The entire Universe, it seems at times, is a bunch of stuff outside of “me.” Other people, other worlds, god, spirits, etc, under this definition, feel like they are “outside” of us. However, you ARE the entirety of existence functioning as YOU. I am the entirety of existence functioning as ME. Understanding this Universal law has helped me in understanding that everyone I meet (here and beyond) is just ME from a different perspective. You are the me having the “you” experience, and I am the you having the “me” experience. This is useful because it helps you understand that everyone is in this with you. We are all of the same thing, we all work together, we all need each other and rely on each other. This fundamental law has made a massive improvement on the way I relate to other people, and to the divine. Universal Law #4 “What you put out is what you get back.” As a teacher of the Law of Attraction, I suppose you could say my predominant focus is Universal Law #4. You are creating simply by getting back what you are putting out. If you are sad, reality matches you with “sad” scenarios and phenomenon in your reality. If you are happy, reality matches you with a “happy” reality. Additionally, if you spend 90% of your time thinking about and focusing on your business, your business will take up approximately 90% of your life. If instead, you spend 90% of your time focused on your family, family will take up the bulk of your reality. Further, if you judge others, they will judge you back. If you love others, they will love you back. Call it karma, the Law of Attraction or Universal Law #4, there is no escaping the fact that what you put out is what you get back. Universal Law #5 “Everything changes except for the first four…” This final law describes the ever-changing nature of reality. No matter what we do, we are incapable of stopping change. Different faces, different places, different events, beliefs and ideas. Reality is constantly in flux and it is constantly expanding. What we knew 50 years ago in many ways is highly irrelevant and inaccurate compared to what we understand today. Old information and technology is continuously revamped, improved and replaced. Understanding this Universal law has been helpful to me, as it has helped me detach more from the idea of things needing to be constant or stable. It’s helped me move forward when things have changed, where in years past I would cling to what was. If everything changes, and change is inevitable, you might as well go with the flow and enjoy the journey. Just know that even though everything will change, the first four laws will remain constant no matter where you leap to next. In this way, you always have a map and you will always know what to do, no matter where the journey may lead you! If you enjoyed this post, feel free to share it with your friends and family. After all, sharing is caring! Author: Andrea Schulman
  9. Leo Gura on top of books.
  10. crocodile black belt.
  11. Sadhguru fighting with Croc.
  12. Crocodile and Sadhguru.
  13. Adds a bit of glamor Leo Gura style.