Whitney Edwards

Member L4
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Everything posted by Whitney Edwards

  1. I want to sit in a garden right now but I also feel like eating.
  2. One of the problems is that I wake up too early. Hmm. And then I feel sleepy. I can talk to my sister today.
  3. Woke up early morning today. And I feel like I need to attend to some things. Feels heavy.
  4. I found an excellent way of avoiding the forum.
  5. Recipe for dehydration.
  6. Alexander Grace talks about being silent if you caught your gf cheating on you. Do you think it's possible to do that and what are your thoughts on girls cheating on their boyfriends?
  7. I need to work extra hard for the next couple of days.
  8. I need lots and lots of rest. I feel like I'll faint. Nothing feels good. Other than my husband. I have been so exhausted. I just don't like anything. Certain things are just depressing.
  9. I'll stay off the forum completely and block all notifications. I'm fed up with certain things. They are disturbing.
  10. My sister needs to help me out about certain things.
  11. I'm so uncomfortable right now. I don't like anything about the forum right now. It feels dull, the same boring debates. What did i get.
  12. Be away from traffic lol.
  13. He gets a lot of views and comments.
  14. A good diet also needs a lot of money. I mean it's not easy. All the healthiest choices. Plus discipline which I don't have. Maybe some day I get there.
  15. I like my new name — malicious moth. So funny and cute and malicious at the same time. Ahhhhh. I want to be in the mountains, away from humanity and all the
  16. We are omnivores. We need both plants and animals. This is so simple.
  17. I have a problem with impulsivity. I make decisions in seconds and regret later. Sometimes I lose money or friends because of that. I get a thought or feeling and I immediately jump to act on it. If you have been impulsive what has worked for you to stop being like that?
  18. Woke up early this morning and then fell asleep again. Yesterday evening I had decided that I will do a task which I had been putting off for days and I got it done. Feels so freeing a bit. Today I will definitely ask my sister about certain things. I have my passport work coming up. I need to do it diligently. This year has begun well.
  19. The yellow one is you. The red one is me.