Buck Edwards

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Everything posted by Buck Edwards

  1. Comparing Grande to JP is like comparing gold to dirt.
  2. What if they got successful in imposing their worldview?
  3. Set boundaries in your family.
  4. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/09/22/incels-rape-murder-study/
  5. It's like solipsism needs to start a topic titled "someone here syndrome, " to address the mayhem around it.
  6. @mr_engineer keep going with your pointless game. Nobody can help you. Goodluck.
  7. Can I kindly say that you're the one who is emasculating himself. If anything, most people are trying to trigger your masculine energy to show you that you need to wake up and take responsibility. The irony. You aren't seeking help. You're seeking validation for your neurosis. If you struggle with something for more than a few weeks, it's time to see a therapist. All you're doing is whining on a forum week after week. What are you achieving throwing your problems at strangers? What action have you taken? What kind of help are you looking for? Like I said earlier, talking about your problems seems legit. But there's a time period after which you have to fix those problems than just keep rambling about it. It's not the talking that makes you weak. It's the non stop rambling and looking for pity. You're using people as a crutch. And most people will support you but to what extent? Once you make it a regular habit to seek support, most people will see it as a form of inaction. Inaction indicates weakness, unreliability, irresponsibility and not wanting to outgrow your problems. Just stuck in a rut. It can be tiring for others to keep serving as your sponge or online therapist lol. Her compassion won't solve your weaknesses. How will you support her if you can't do that for yourself? She is not gonna be your mommy. She will find it repulsive if you keep running to her with your problems. Even your parents won't put up with it for too long. You suffer a mental pattern where you constantly want to be sympathized or stroked, probably your trauma, I have no clue, but you have to it solve it on your own, sympathy from strangers or even a compassionate partner can only last for some time, it's selfish to keep expecting more since it drains them to keep attending to your needs. Simply impossible in a practical context. You're having grand delusions that someone will always act like a hands-on therapist for you. Well, real life will be a rude awakening then. People have stuff to do than just be nice to each other. You take everything for granted. Now you're playing the game of hypothesis. Nobody said that you're worthless. You make shit up. Nobody said you shouldn't have emotions either. But if emotions is all you got, then you don't have much to offer, nobody would want to stick around that for too long, it's incredibly draining, immature and most people will hop out. There's a shit load of problems to deal with than just sulking in a corner about emotions. You can't post on a public forum and expect people to go away. They're going to respond to what they see. I thought you complained about emasculation. And now you seem to be having a problem with "strong men." I hate to break it to you, but strong men aren't emasculated, something I expect you to be looking up to, especially when you don't want to be emasculated, it's quite twisted and ironic. Your problem is you have very low self esteem. You cannot handle a strong position. Your low self esteem doesn't let you be empowering in a situation so you relegate yourself to victimhood to justify inaction. Fix your low self esteem instead of blaming others.
  8. @mr_engineer you live in victimhood. Most of your posts begin with absolutely zero self reflection or self awareness. When someone tries to say something to you, you end up with back and forth argument with them in an endless loop and assume that everyone here is trying to subjugate you. Most are just trying to help you. Regarding your concern, if a man is told to man up, that's not a bad thing at all. I'm estimating that 17 is the time where most men want to leave boyhood and slowly enter manhood and adulthood and this is the transition where they don't want to feel like a baby being told what to do. There's a rebellious need to push that away and be able to handle problems independently. In fact the opposite is true. What you're trying to do in this thread is an example of emasculation. You are trying to make men look weak and incapable and expecting them to keep bickering about their problems. This reason being why men admire Andrew Tate and the likes. They want the opposite of what you're looking for. You're expecting to be spoon-fed and Molly coddled. Coddling you is not letting you take personal responsibility for your issues. You stated in some of your posts that your problems are deeper and so they should be shown compassion to. But compassion doesn't solve problems. What you're looking for is validation for your state of misery. If your problems are deep, then they should be solved by counseling and therapy. That's where you get validation and comfort and assistance too. Not in public. You can't expect the entire world to cry with you. Seek therapy for your problems. That's called problem solving rather than just sitting with the problems and endlessly whining about it till eternity expecting compassion. Maybe you'll find some compassion with a female but that won't solve your problems because they go deeper than just having some compassion sprinkled on it. In fact it will further delay the resolution process. It will be a disservice to you. Your ego simply cannot bear that society is not designed to your expectations. The job of the masculine is not to molly coddle you. So don't expect other men to just keep patting you meanwhile you don't show any progress with your problems. You have problems that need addressal in therapy. Masculine wants to set a precedent and an order and wants to move on to higher goals. You don't seem to want that. In fact even your own dad will tell you to man up because he doesn't want to find his son just struggling and not doing much about it. Most masculine gurus will give you the tough love treatment. And it's not unhealthy, neither it is ignoring your problems. You're simply looking for someone to be your emotional sponge that soaks up all your issues. Most people will be willing to do that to a certain point, post which they will be tired of constantly coddling you and will tell you to move on. Most people can't live by your code or level of timidity. They don't have time to babysit you, that's why therapy. You have two options - either you choose to keep complaining till the point of validation and even after that. Or you build yourself from scratch and actually get to be doing something productive about it.
  9. Anger can often cause rape. It doesn't mean it's a woman's fault. She did not contribute to it. But his lack of control over his anger can make him either a rapist or homicidal. Angry ex boyfriends have also been known to rape their women. It's not so much about the lack of sex as much as it is about revenge and seeking retribution in the form of punishing the woman, again no fault of her. Btw, rape had been used as a form of punishment for women(especially women held as prisoners of war), in ancient times centuries ago. It was thought to be used as a weapon to control women by punishing them with brutality. Such a mindset exists today as well when angry incels rape and think of it as justification and punishment for the rejection they feel in life. Does it mean it's right? Absolutely not. But it shows the more animalistic feral nature of human beings who are easily prone to brutality when their needs are not met. Yet, there's no guarantee that they would stop if their needs are met. It's like they need a reason and sometimes an excuse. But developing collective harmony can blunt some of the animosity and hostlity that incels feel. It shouldn't be outrightly ruled out, ignoring their frustration is not a solution. It only let's the problems fester. This does not mean that women owe them something. But finding ways to let them channel their frustration, letting them find companionship can alleviate some of the anger from escalating.
  10. It's not far fetched to assume that lonely people could rape. Loneliness can lead to anger, frustration. Frustration can easily funnel into incel behavior. Joining fellow incels can trigger rage and such groups are known to support and promote rape mindset. Then a lonely enraged incel can be triggered enough to plan a rape someday. Although his loneliness could have been cured in healthier ways, he chose a rabbit hole that ultimately leads to crime. You see how the dots join.
  11. Why are there 4000 guests? Creepy
  12. I have struggled a lot with honesty. I suffered too much because of it. I keep reminding myself that authenticity and honesty can go a long way in improving myself. But my fear of people's judgement comes first and blocks my honesty. Then I go back into a vicious cycle of manipulation, lies and deception where I'm deceptive to those who are close to me. This causes a rift in my relationships both professionally and personally. I have tried to break this cycle but I'm unsuccessful.
  13. I don't think anyone ever needed a relationship for that. If you need a relationship for those things, it's codependency. You need a relationship to feel loved and to give love. Companionship, care, sharing, affection, and - sex. It's impossible to just keep loving yourself. Like Leo said many times — you need "self-love" and "other-love." We're homo sapiens, social beings, we need validation. It comes from our family and partners. Of course being overly reliant on such validation is a recipe for misery and a result of neuroticism, but being overly independent can make you disconnected and anti-social, even marginally autistic. Your biases stem from an excessively mechanical and hyper logical way of reasoning social love. You're placing boxes and tick marks on it, like a laundry list. It's simply falling in love, connecting. This is only a problem if you aren't financially secure or healthy. If you got both bases covered, the first thing on your mind is the need to share your journey with someone special, same sex or opposite sex depending on your orientation. It's not a neat mechanical survival need, so of course you can survive, thrive and live without it, but it's like a state-of-the-art painting on the wall, it adds that touch of opulence to your home, it enriches your life the way art does, most people who live in scarcity don't think about love.
  14. You don't have to be a horny dog or incel to crave a woman. That's taking it to extremes. It's not so much about need as much as it is about attraction. If you are cis straight/hetero, you're automatically attracted to someone of the opposite sex and seek fulfillment in their companionship. It doesn't always have to be about sex per se. It's about romantic attraction and sharing your life with that person, which of course if you aren't homo, you won't be able to do that with the same sex person, that's why dating exists in the first place. If people only wanted sex, there's casual hookups, yet I doubt if people only want that. And not only is it just not about only sex, it goes beyond companionship as well, people want to make families too especially as they get older, or they simply want someone to share the rest of their lives with. I don't think you could bypass this need easily. It's an ancestral need, vestigial in it's origin. And attraction is hard wired and biological, you'll be attracted one way or another to the one who you're meant to be attracted to. It's simply cannot be otherwise. Attraction is a hell of a drug. You wouldn't know unless you've been in an intensely sexually attractive relationship. It would need high impulse control to not get sucked into it. It almost always does.
  15. "I've always been faithful to you... sort of." Did I hear that right?