Buck Edwards

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Everything posted by Buck Edwards

  1. Sex can make a relationship very strong. It's the kind of sex. Sex can be passionate, intimate and create a lasting impact on the bond. Don't underestimate the power of sex.
  2. This diagram applies here. True or False?
  3. I'm the simp lol. OK!!!!! (AND calling me a simp over and over wasn't emasculation of my own masculinity. Lol. The irony)
  4. I don't know man. Every time he says something, it's so hard to convince that he is digging his own grave. I don't know if he is trolling or what. Most of his posts are just about the same dang thing every time. You're right. I should just stop arguing with him. It's pointless.
  5. @mr_engineer I don't know why you twist the message of my statements. I'm telling you to become a stronger man for your own good. You will never find a man who will say "Yea bro, I'm a victim." It's simply against masculinity. Basic masculinity lies in taking charge. Basic masculinity lies in saying - "I'm stronger than this and I won't be defeated. I'll defeat this." The male brain wants to be the winner in every situation and paradigm. Victimhood is sometimes a self fulfilling prophecy. If you think you aren't good enough, you'll begin to believe that.
  6. Try to upgrade yourself. You'll benefit from healthy masculinity classes. Follow some like David Goggins. Find some life coach. You give too much power to society. Start powering yourself.
  7. And what is man-hate exactly? What does it look like to you? If you grow healthy friendships with both men and women, you'll never experience hate from either one. Radical opinions are like incels. They exist like pests around every block. You have to ignore them. Those are fringes of society. You can't be taking that kind of shit seriously. You also take away your own strength, courage and manhood that way. Who hated you? Sorry, you have to meet your needs your own way through life. Life won't come to you on a silver platter. You meet society halfway. Society gives you enough resources to grow and flourish. Your responsibility lies in grabbing the bull by the horns and creating your own path in life. You're giving into defeatist mentality and for any man this is very unattractive. That's why no man on this thread subscribes to your ideology, they find it disempowering and antithetical to manhood. No, they aren't simps. They simply won't stoop so low, they got some pride. Where's yours?
  8. Sorry, I'm not simping women. I'm just not into fake victim shit. Lol. Women have their own issues too. Bottomline is that both gender have issues. Gro sum bowls.
  9. The funniest part(and ironic too) of this statement is that I'll be the last person on planet earth to be anti-male. I have had the strongest pro-male bias hitherto in life. I'm simply incapable of being anti-male. The planet is dead without men, look around, men run everything from A to Z. Do you think this planet will exist without men? It wouldn't make any sense to hate men. The masculine always represents survival. When you don't have that, you don't have survival. You have nothing to worry. You'll not be the last man on earth.
  10. @mr_engineer you're starting a shit storm in a teacup. Feminism is a very broad movement. I don't know how you can simply box it like that. Are you consuming manosphere content on the regular? I meet a lot of women and they are perfectly fine. They don't hate men at all. Where are you getting all this? Your thread looks like someone complaining why vegans don't like meat eaters. Well that's because they're vegans. You'll always have extreme people in society. It's you who is being intolerant here. Reflect on it.
  11. You're laying in a bit too much into this rhetoric. Strong narratives exist on either side. If you went to a church in the Bible belt, you'll meet a lot of crazy fundamentalists. The attack that happened on January 6 is a good example. Worry about real things.
  12. Where is toxicity in all of this? Parts related to toxicity from a lacking environment and self sabotage. This model looks like an ideal set up that doesn't accommodate for low quality circumstances. Account for? Hunky Dory kind of a model.
  13. I think you forgot emotional.
  14. This is a social problem. This needs to be removed. Psychiatric help can do wonders. It's sad thing when it's taken as an insult, the same reason why so many people will forever be deprived of real mental help. We demonize mental illness. To the OP - I forgot to give enough context. To be elaborate if you're constantly struggling with thoughts and obsessive temptations and addictions an online forum can only give you support but not much beyond that. If you read on the serious medical consequences of your addictions, you are better off doing something urgently about it like contacting not only medical professionals, I'm suspecting that your addiction might have already led to some medical conditions that you might be oblivious to, so go look into that. You're simply wasting more time delaying the inevitable. Also there could be mental causes why this addictive behavior exists, trauma etc. So go seek psychiatric assistance for the underlying causes which will heal your symptoms partially. You'll need to do serious work to get your situation in order since substance abuse unchecked for long whether it's cigarettes or alcohol has long term consequences and dangers and the mind has a way to trick that everything is okay. Rest is your own choice. I was simply trying to warn about the dangers you might have to potentially be facing.
  15. Telling someone to seek help is "not being nice" now. A person is declaring that self destruction is stoicism and them believing this might further degrade their already declining situation. And you think that they shouldn't be told the truth. Is it time to play nice or is it time to make a person accountable for something extremely misleading and dangerous? Smoking can be extremely harmful and will lead to health situations that might become irreversible. I don't think this should be taken lightly. My tone is blunt on purpose. It's not to bash a person. But if you try to simply debate and argue with them, I don't think it will be very helpful. From the nature of his posting, it's clear that he is running away from his addictions. Telling him that is not necessarily being mean to him. And there is nothing wrong with getting psychiatric help either. In fact most people on the forum will benefit from it as they are quite mentally vulnerable and being ignored. Tell me if my claims are unreasonable. Thanks.
  16. Get psychiatric help for your issues and addictions. I see a clear avoidance of real work.
  17. Stoicism involves personal responsibility. Not recklessness. You're least responsible.
  18. I don't think damage equates resilience. Damage is just damage. And even if it does create resilience, is it worth it? Difficult experiences should happen of their own volition. Not something like injecting a heroin overdose.
  19. Just don't interrupt the Journaling. The other commenters are dudes. I don't feel awkward discussing sexual stuff with other men and they aren't going to be commenting forever. So its ok. But I don't appreciate a woman commenting on my sexual stuff, gets hella weird. Would you visit a male doctor to discuss your female sexual reproductive issues. The answer is an obvious no. Same way. I feel uncomfortable having a female probe into my sexual vulnerability. I hope you get that.