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Everything posted by Jwayne

  1. I don't understand why the author concludes that AI leads to the extinction of everything on earth: "If somebody builds a too-powerful AI, under present conditions, I expect that every single member of the human species and all biological life on Earth dies shortly thereafter." The only way that happens is if it hacks its way into every network and somehow irrevocably sabotages them to end human civilization? Is that the line of reasoning?
  2. Is everything alright with you and your loved ones?
  3. You need to get her on a date. If she doesn't like your previous recommendations but is still talking to you then suggest different ones.
  4. It won't work obviously because women will read your energy. Do something more productive when you're in introverted mood, like reading.
  5. The mRNA vaccines have far more risks than the traditional vaccine. Even countries which used traditional vaccine have realized it only had temporary immune-modulating properties, didn't prevent transmission and wasn't as reliable in reducing severity as expected. Just as masks don't really help as they were promised to but they still linger as a preventative recommendation.
  6. Can you give an example? Some forms of discontent are highly productive and beneficial. It would be regressive to reduce them.
  7. Stop going to clubs to meet women. Meet women online or in-person and set up normal dates.
  8. Why don't you just try to date the girls that you like? Why not just date the girls that you like?
  9. Of the names you me Of the names you mentioned, Rupert Spira is very helpful as a teacher for new people to learn meditation. From that starting point they can move into many different directions. It's a place to begin from, not to finish at. Personally I find much lacking in the larger geopolitical schema that internet nonduality personalities lend themselves to and for that reason regard nondual spirituality teachings as unfinished. The application of metaphysics to social concerns is a major blind spot in all online spiritual communities. It is only remedied by concurrent study of political philosophy, economics and so forth, as well as with international travel, networking and active engagement on the ground to get direct insight of things.
  10. The connection is that suffering which is created by one's own unconscious narrativity comes to an end as you become aware of it. And that's no small part of the total share. But physical and circumstantial suffering aren't abolished. Aurobindo, for example, did teach that even physical suffering is a part of ananda and a major part of his personal efforts in Integral Yoga was regarding that subjective transformation of his experience.