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Everything posted by withinUverse

  1. @Devin I want to promote healthier and happier humans. I tend to be that comfortable woman.
  2. @Devin Well you're definitely helping me convey why I'm trying to recommend dancing. Absolutely, it's an extremely condusive environment even for guys who might be shy and afraid of rejection. These are the guys I'm hoping to encourage. Speed dating can be a good way of putting it as well. Hardly anyone is going to be upset or taking it personally when they switch around. I don't know if its just me, but I enjoyed when others were attracted to my partner too. It felt satisfying to know that... but I got to take them home. I feel the classes are the safe start. Its beneficial to be able to pickup the subtlties of women expressing reciprical attraction. There's differences in smiles, looks, and touches. Helps men understand when a girl is just being nice or she's wanting more. Also helps them understand what their body language is communicating as well. But the classes can get you in the comfort zone fairly quickly. There's a different dynamic when they actually go out to clubs.
  3. @NoSelfSelf Yes I agree that some masculine men won't accept friendzone, especially if their primary purpose with a feminine is only sexual in nature. In fact with your comments, I'd assume you don't have any reservations with your confidence in finding females. Most of my friends are males and I could probably agree that they are more of a combination of masculine and feminine, as am I. I don't have any issue embracing my masculine side and telling a man I'm not interested when I know their only focus is sex. We've found more to talk about other than sex... especially with me I love to talk to them about self-mastery, awakening, and what purpose they want to create in their lives. Lol... that's majority of what I like to talk about. Some people just crave attention and communication from someone else. Most are the nice guy types which I love, but I also see why they have issues finding feminine interactions that result in the lack of sex or deep connections. They are not realizing the attractiveness for strong masculine energy... the ones I'm trying to assist usually need to gain more confidence and leadership to develop their masculinity with their presence. Again, most are nice guys and even want to put the feminine on a pedestal which definitely repels in sexual attraction. We try to create balance within ourselves, so we don't have to put anyone or ourselves on a pedestal. And partner dancing can help build qualities they are lacking in a more subtle way where they don't have to be everything, they think they're not all at once. They can ease into it if that's their temperament. And yes, there is plenty of opportunities for game. Many people are successful, and I was myself. But obviously it's not the only way... as you say women are everywhere. But if someone's interested in maturing feminine... we'd like the masculines to see us for many qualities not exclusively sexually but inclusively. @Leo Gura Yeah I agree with your direct approaches. And your suggestions would get results quicker than my own recommendation. That's why I was personally drawn to your teachings. I'm just giving the socially awkward guy options if they're intimidated in the balls to the walls approach. Yes dance classes will lack in their experience with women directly. That's just to help a bit of confidence and orient them into a new system before getting them out into the dance venues where they can really apply themselves. @Devin Exactly... in fact thank you, I forgot to mention that the ratio is in favor of the masculine. Females end up learning both lead and follow because we lack males to dance with. Did you gain enough experience where you ask women to dance wherever you are? @Vrubel If you're looking for a less direct form of game, have you considered partner dancing? It could be something to try out. I can feel masculines who are uncomfortable in just being in feminine energies. You can work this idea of being awkward out of your system when you're literally sharing close personal space. Women who want to dance with men allow you in their space. You can be awkward at first, so can we... but we're taking a chance together to see where it goes. This is the work and to be consciously aware of. It's not like women don't find friendliness attractive, but extreme friendliness? I might need a little more to know what you're saying but I might understand. It's ok for someone to have boundaries. Friendly and respectful in a conversation= good. Creating best friend material, the first time we talk= no good. That leads to the concern about seeming pushy or needy to have a conversation. For me neediness is the most unappealing and frequent quality I run into. First, I had to realize that needy quality was in myself which seems like you do as well. Mine seemed to be geared towards a lack mentality and desire for attention. You're looking for the highest quality chicks at museums and gardens... nice! Do you have your own personal interests in these areas? If you do, then you can create conversation fairly easy. I'm not certain what type of museums, but as an example an art museum... you see her lingering on a specific painting... tell her you noticed she seemed to be attracted to this specific piece... you're curious why? Take a moment to hear what she says, but you can also observe the same piece and feel out what that piece does for you. If you conversation seems to flow then continue, but if not... she's not the only quality chick there. Even if you end the conversation with a simple interesting and literally walk away... and leave it as that; is great. If she was really engaged in the conversation, then you'll get her thinking... was I interesting? was the comments I said interesting? The more she can think about you after you leave the better. You can also really work on trying to find moments of direct eye contact. That's really crucial. Not only in their personal space, but when there's distance between you too. I can't help to bring it back to dance, but when it comes to a tango malonga... that's how you connect with a partner to ask to dance. If your eyes meet and you continue to be able to look at each other in interest, then you walk towards each other to meet on the dance floor. When it comes to the gardens, allowing people to enjoy the environment by themselves is the assumption I would take. I wouldn't assume they go to the gardens to find conversation with strangers, so if you feel like the conversation isn't going anywhere... it's ok walk away and use the natural environment to calm and relax you... it doesn't have to be a failure; they may not need human interaction in nature. Now if I as a woman find myself having a fun conversation with a man while I'm in the gardens it would be an added bonus, but it would be a pleasant surprise not an expectation. I'm not sure if you like dogs or not, but visiting parks where people like to walk their dogs could be another chance where women have an open expectation to have men approach. I guess when I'm suggestion dance... you gain qualities that you can ultimate use elsewhere.
  4. @BartekD I can relate to your statement. Ayahuasca was the source I used to Awaken as well. I was drawn to work in the jungle with shamans and found surprisingly enough that I have gift or talents in shamanism too. I've been training for five years, but in a mixed non-traditional/ traditional way. I was doing my first shamanic dieta training for three months when I experienced it (November 2021- January 2022). I traveled around Peru for another five months afterwards on a high. This had been the longest time I spent in Peru and also the most ceremonies. I had 20 ceremonies in 8 months. But I finally realized how much I was craving sanctuary. There was a tremendous profound shift I experienced, and I needed time and personal space to understand and live with this new awareness. Did you go through the phase of your awakening where everything was foreign or new to you? When I opened up my eyes, I saw my hands and looked at my body as if it was the first time I ever saw this thing. I had no words labeling anything. I started looking around and seeing shapes, but I wasn't registering what it was that I was experiencing. It was so fresh and so powerful. After a time, everything started coming back. I remember looking at my shaman and he was smiling and shaking his head... he said man, you learn fast. A few weeks earlier he tried to get me to transition. But when he was helping me, I was interpreting as my physical death, and I resisted. I was conflicted because ceremony was beautiful, but my mind was like... wait am I supposed to die now? Lol.. I was depressed and upset the next day. I had a week to process before going back into ceremony so by the time I returned I knew most of me was wanting to see what that death really was. At the end of a ceremony, it just finally came to me on what I needed to do. It was like flipping a switch. It was only after the Second Awakening that I remembered Leo giving hints. The reason I mention this is because most likely you are going to come off the high. You've been doing the work obviously to reach this state of consciousness, so you probably already know. But give yourself plenty of alone time as much as you need. I found myself very sensitive and I've been in hermit/ hibernation mode for six months now. Two months solid of hardly leaving the house to really ground my experience. I also wanted to respond because you asked a question about further developing abilities... The short answer is yes, abilities can be further developed. Have you experienced Ayahuasca with shamans? A little more of my experiences towards abilities or gifts was my first glimpse of this focused practice towards Awakening. I was drawn to an Ayahuasca retreat with 11 strangers from all over the world which had 5 ceremonies in 7 days. My entire life flipped upside right and there's no looking back. I've recontextualized many of my ceremonies since but in the moment, I had no clue how to explain it. The first ceremony I was receiving visions of 8 of these strangers and they were talking to me, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. I also had a deep connection to the two shamans as if they were family and I could trust them. By the second ceremony I could actually feel, hear and understand the shamans who were Shipibo as they sang in their own tongue. By the end of that ceremony, I was sitting next to the female shaman singing her Icaros in her language creating harmonies with her. I heard their language only the night before. During the session I was feeling everybody's energy and I was sending out my energy to the shamans and the guests specifically who came to me on the first night in visions. As the ceremonies continued my energy was boundless and all I desired was to share it with everyone. Even by the fifth ceremony I finally felt when the energies were settled enough to close out the session. It was kind of funny because I immediately popped up and was waiting for the shamans to signal to the lead facilitator to light the candle and announce the completion. I noticed the shaman waiving, but I could hear the facilitator snoring, so I signaled to the assistant facilitator. She came to me, and I told her ceremony is over and she said wait until they give the signal. I said the shaman is giving the signal, but he's asleep over there so he doesn't know. She said just wait until it's over... we'll let you know when it's time. She returned to her mat and then the shaman had to get up and make his way to wake up the facilitator to finalize the ceremony. I can't explain it, but I realized after these first five ceremonies that this most definitely was a calling... I would have never imagined having any shamanic tendencies until I was there. To fast forward I've been developing these skills now at 48 ceremonies of Ayahuasca (several DMT and Bufo ceremonies) but really for me it's been mostly surrendering understanding how I have these abilities. I just become a vessel and it naturally comes out as if I've been doing this forever. Maybe because I'm feminine I chose to surrender to receive. Only during my last four sessions have I been getting messages to start placing my intention into Ayahuasca before I drink. I'm getting to the point where shamans are allowing me to lead a few ceremonies. There are many abilities and talents out there, and some can be shared. Some seem to be common to most shamans. But as you already know you can focus your creativity where you wish to focus. It really doesn't matter if you use shamans or not... it's just easier to learn from others who've been developing their abilities more in those areas and more importantly who are more accepting. Being able to work on something without the collective trying to create doubt in yourself is valuable. But most of my learning still comes from myself using Aya. I know I won't need it forever; I'll develop until I don't need it. The abilities are pretty awesome to develop, but I'm getting other messages that excite me! It's like I'm getting personal missions to push and challenge myself in ways that really motivates me and explore this reality. My confidence continues to grow, but man has it been stretched to almost snapping at times even after the Awakening. I feel I could've grounded myself more before continuing. That's what I'm doing now. Your infinite mindset is crucial... what do you think is possible? As we already know... what better to do with your time? If you don't want to do it anymore, then switch it up. This reality is absolutely phenomenal, and I hope you're just as excited to see how far your potential extends in this body state.