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Everything posted by OldManCorcoran

  1. People with zero experience of any sort of mystical awakening (or with delusional ideas they had such a thing by hand-staring) should not be proselytizing all the time.
  2. There is no logical inconsistency or issue with various living beings, unless you are of the belief of an ultimatr "observer" with separate observed objects. When instead of an observer and objects, awareness literally is the very act of seeing etc, the entire unit. Origami. Piece of paper, the paper is awareness. Fold it into any shape you want. Each portion, every tiny speck, will be paper. Origami swan beak, may be the sight of green. The sight of green is a singular unit, there isn't something separate from the sight of the green in addition to the sight of green. I.e. the swan beak is the swan beak, it's not a swan beak PLUS an observer component which sits next to it, the swan beak is literally made of awareness (the paper). Awareness itself is in the shape of the sight of green.
  3. These are people's theories. Buddha said in a past life he was a tree. They mean things very different things than what it is interpreted to mean when the Asian language is translated, and also what words meant in 500 B.C. or whenever it was. I have no issue with the logic of singularity despite various apparent viewpoints existing at once.
  4. In tribal cultures, the drugs are seen as the only way to gain spiritual knowledge. They believe often that the drugs are literally communication with God or whatever spirits they believe in. In ancient India etc, being a guru came with social benefits. It still does. If everyone was "enlightened" they wouldn't get to have followers and all of the benefits. "Secret Drugs of Buddhism is the first book to explore the historical evidence for the use of entheogenic plants within the Buddhist tradition." I am not surprised, but never knew this. So people just sitting there in silence are indeed completely wasting their time. It's another one of those things with benefits which are nothing to do with a mystical event or existential truths. It is not surprising since biology is super evolved to ensure ego is constant. If ego could just shut off, the species wouldn't survive. That's like, something has actually gone wrong with the brain if you're sober, sat there, and just have a total ego death. Can you imagine driving a car then your mind just randomly goes into a Salvia trip? Like most things in life, it's people who achieved things via other means telling others (usually for money) to do something else. Like Mr. Olympias on tonnes of tren and insulin and HGH telling people they can get as big as them with chicken and broccoli... Or people who came into money via parents or criminal activity or whatever, discussing "hard work" to get rich... Or people who had a mystical awakening due to hard drugs destroying their biologically cemented ego, telling people to just sit there in silence like morons lol.
  5. That's just what Buddhists and also various Indian philisophies are about, you are meant to see everything as interdependent etc... You're meant to see the entire cosmos within a speck of sand. It's actual "spiritual" people type thinking. It isn't to do with ontological truths which the Buddha refused to discuss.
  6. If you are doing heroic doses of acid, just do 500ug instead but grab the DMT pipe when you're peaking. Have it pre-prepared and use a foolproof device (a temp controlled vape). This is irresponsible to advise, but I did it and it is far beyond any trip of anything by itself. And if you're downing 800ug you're willing to go to high limits. The synergy is extreme. You can't have a DMT trip that intense without other psychs mixed, because you would black out (say 200mg is a blackout, but if you're already on acid, 50mg DMT will synergize to provide a trip stronger than 200mg of only DMT).
  7. Gita's pretty good in my opinion. And the Upinashads of course. I REALLY think ancient Indians used DMT or Ayahuasca brews. Most of my psychedelic visions on n,n-DMT, aside from jesters (which didn't exist irl then, so weren't an archetype in anyone's mind), were of Hindu deities. Chicken or egg type thing, I suspect the drug came first... As in those ancient Indians took the drugs and saw the same apparitions and that's why this occurs. Probably what "Soma" is. I think the Tao Te Ching is crap realistically. I think it's one of those things that: 1. People want to pretend makes sense, because it sounds deep and mystical, and they wanna act like it's not nonsense words. And 2. Typical Asian vocab is very different and used differently. This is very obvious with Buddhist philosophy, the way they use terms is very alien to the way the same terms are used in the West. And many authors interpret it as though it means what a Westerner would think a certain line means.
  8. That guy's work is so crap, man. Just chalk up the monetary loss thing.
  9. @Moksha Also that is something I dislike in Buddhism and Taoism. As soon as you say things "go together", well, together ALWAYS means two things joined. Their philosophy may be accurate, but it seems more geared towards feel-good insights than anything existential. The Buddha refused to answer existential questions even... For example, when they say paper is empty, but full of everything, it is about how the paper cannot exist in the absence of trees, sun, stars, water, loggers, etc... A nice insight, but where is the relevance to existential questions? Reality itself would never have to "go together" with something else, as it's the only thing there is. There's simply nothing else for it to "go together" WITH. Those philisophies are quite focused on the two sides of the same coin thing, as opposed to the coin.
  10. That's right. It's important I think to see that the fact of change and whatever else, does not have a bearing on the fact of absolute unity. I don't know much about time, but I do know that all that exists must be substantially the same. Being the same substance does not mean same in other ways: i.e. a gold necklace isn't a gold bracelet but it's still just the gold. That is how a nondual insight is (which is not a logical thing), but the unity of substance is also an inevitability logically. You just cannot, for example, explain conscious experience in material terms without appealing to the existence of another place/non-place. E.g. claiming that qualia does not exist. Where matter is real and qualia is imaginary. So you create these two distinct realms, of existence, and non-existence, or real and imaginary. That is always duality... In actual nonduality, absolutely everything, both real and imaginary, MUST be substantially of the same nature just like how all origami shapes are inescapably paper.
  11. Additionally, it is those things because, of course, in any way something is twisted it never stops being the thing it was twisted from. The sheet of paper is always identical, although it is true that the shape can change. Yet never ever ever is even the tiniest shred of paper lost, or is anything of any other substance but paper ever introduced.
  12. It can happen in dreams If you ever find it being performed in this particular little dream, you can rest assured a bed is waiting for you to wake up in within a little while.
  13. I arrived here due to a seriously heroic DMT dose trip. I mixed psychedelics to get a trip stronger than the point where DMT would typically cause blackout. It is interesting that I seemed to feel about 5 outer shells break. Because I later found out it's a religious idea that there are "5 sheaths" or something. "annamaya kosha, pranamaya kosha, manomaya kosha, vijnanamaya kosha and anandamaya kosha" Maybe coincidence. But after this it was just pure. I don't remember enough but I considered it a genuine religious experience. I likened it to visiting heaven.
  14. It can't be done by anybody, Leo. It's fake. All the gurus claiming they can levitate etc, they can't.
  15. Dave, if you have a piece of paper, and you fold it into any origami animal, you will never find anything in that shape that is not substantially paper. No matter how you contort the paper, every tiny miniscule speck of the resultant shape is paper. There could never be anything in the shape of a substance other than paper. Conscious experiences exist. Like the origami swan, there has to be an underlying paper-ness, as everything that exists is a contortion of existence itself. I mean in ISOLATION even. Even a conscious experience in an isolated vacuum removed from matter, must have a paper-ness. You can find only one underlying commonality in existence. Everything else is subject to change, as you find, red turns to green turns to blue. Red green and blue are not the paper-ness you seek, as green has no redness. Both green and red instead have a common factor which is the paper-ness. You know what that common factor is.
  16. The absence of clouds could easily be seen as a state. A state of clouds being there, a state where they aren't.
  17. I didn't find him very useful. Of course, nobody has ever been able to trigger ego death and infinity. Leo's videos are infinitely less important than being mid trip. No human sentence can touch the reality of being in the midst of something. Whatever any wise sage claims, in the midst of a toad breakthrough, that supercedes their words in every single way. Anything contradictory is delusional, such is the authority of reality.
  18. It sounds more like Buddhism. Like in Buddhism you are meant to notice sunshine and rain in a piece of paper, like see the entirety of the cosmos in each thing. Which seems like a nice realization but doesn't remind me of breakthrough. Leo "became infinite" in a breakthrough, he's talking about loss of any perceived boundary. Which seems highly correlated with a nondual breakthrough. Mindfulness doesn't seem similar at all.
  19. No, those are feelings you had, it's not insight. Higher states seem to have insights built in, which people do somersaults trying to explain. One time I smoked DMT with a camera on so I could, while tripping, describe exactly what was happening. I focused really hard and could only say "it's really....... serious. It's just something very serious... It feels like... it's very very serious." While in the midst of it. I'm often very good descriptively, I think these shifts are not something you can describe. I tried on my first breakthrough type experience to comprehend it and was annoyed at my inability to describe what was happening as it happened. It's not related to feelings as far as I can tell.
  20. There are many reasons free will is bullshit. There is always a point where an idea comes into being, and nobody chooses the idea. There has to be a first moment an idea happens and before that there is no choice presented. A lot of posters should realistically just read the Bible and go to church, as they psychologically need things the good book promises.
  21. What about not loving My Little Pony? There is judgement, but the show doesn't threaten us in any way.