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  1. If I play a musical piece to Facebook, then it has value to my Facebook friends, or it is worthless because the internet is full of people playing this? Can somebody explain this to me?
  2. Let's see classical music for clarity, because they called as artists. What do you think there is such a thing as spiritual emission toward the audience of the highly concious musician, or there are just playing the notes a bit artisticly. Becoming more and more artistic is a possible? Copying the most artistic person is something possible? With ai or without ai it doesn't matter now. We have to invent such a piece of music which is very artistic/very conscious? Or we can play the clasical pieces with strange artistic way, or with esoteric background power? Examples: This is the worse one (this piece related with nuber 8, and destruction of the orchestra by the solist) This is the better one as the commenters say too. (this music is about marriage or the solist and the orchestra. This is related to level 9) The same thing happening here
  3. How to create value to others, or to myself at all, if everything is available on the internet in videos. I believe that everybody is good at something and he must do it for the greater good and connecting with other people. For example Michelangelo's soul calling was to increase the aesthetic abilities of people. Colombus had the calling to explore new territories for humanity. So I want to make distinction between sould desires and body desires. Also I believe that doing what I like, raising my basic consciousness I have an idea, that I have half year if free tine until I start college, and I thought I want to play on my saxophone in a way that I want to play the most quicly and artisticly the paticular music piece, the devil's trills final movement. But this feel bad idea at the same time I just want to contribute to the people I know and also I don't want to compete because there will be always better, and I can't give value to youtube. Or I don't know why it feels bad. Nowadays listening to classical music is my only intrest. I feel half-contect with it, or not at all.
  4. I heard that the "all seeing eye" or the "eye of the providence" is above silence. According to my knowledge the new age spirituality say that the all seeing eye is the 8th chakra. Silence is God and it is at the 7th chakra. When I had a awakening into above silence then I understood that at 8th dimension there are hive minds. Illiminati type of hand gestures coming from this. Art is coming into shape from this. It is eytraordinary correlations, syncronicities. It is psychosis or schizophrenia if not treated with consciousness. For example maybe this music represent it somewhat
  5. After realizing perfect self love, you become "I" again. So alien consciousness.
  6. If somebody curse me for no reason or arrogance then that person will het it back hundred times. But if he cause me bad things naturally then everything goes well.
  7. Most people on this forum would leave spirituality if spirituality became mainstream. Most of us on this forum are here because our personality is a about going against what other people think. We speak about consciousness because it is something outside of the box. We are such personality, force of this society. We just use this force on each other even on this thread, for example this is why people are not serious in this thread, and not working for something together but showing outside of the box of the outside of box. There can be only one satan at one place.
  8. Because whatever you do it has a certain energy signature. For example next to a lake, you will be able to summon hindu deities connected to water.
  9. Today I had a lucid dream, so what I controlled, where I tried to wrote on It took me like one minute until arrived to the point that I publised a writing, because everything was morphing, I searched for the right subforum. Characters around me tried to speak with me, but I said consciously that hey man I rarely has chance to watch the lucid dream version of so leave me alone. After I got up, I see that in the real world it wasn't published of course.
  10. I made two normal spiritual post yesterday on my Instagram. I wrote the text below the picture in a way that like "you see auras too?good, ask me questions if you have". Today I see that I got banned for the reason of "misleading people/stealing money from people/promoting in some wrong way". There is a person I spoke with who get always banned when he start speaking spirituality on his Youtube channel. So trying to promote will maybe end up not good.
  11. We meet with people who talk and we aware they just say nothing. But then whenever we speak we always 🔥 try go a bit higher.
  12. You already speak quite intellectually, so I will say that: grab your initial intent, and boost it. 💥
  13. Today I stepped down from my bike in a park to look around, I didn't noticed that a girl was next to me at that moment, I got suprised, she thought I'm wanting to talk with her, because we have already looked each other times before. This recontextualization compelled me to jump on the bike, but go away like nothing happened and my context would be the true.