Ryan M

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About Ryan M

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  1. I am Evil
    I am Evil
    Of course.
    Most importantly, commit to the pursuit of truth.
    Recognize that making mistakes is how you grow. What matters is not the past mistakes but who you will become thanks to them in the future.

  2. Anyone in this forum completely transcended fear of death ?
    Anyone in this forum completely transcended fear of death ?
    This may be technically true but it's way too reductionistic because most of your life is wrapped up in meaning you create.
    For example, if your business collapses you will not feel any physical pain, however the mental suffering can be immense as you have to face serious loss and you have to reflect on things you did which caused its collapse. You cannot just take the position that "oh, well, it's just a story in my mind". No, it's much more serious than that because the stories in your mind determine whether you live or die.
    There is much suffering to be had simply from reflecting on your on inadequecies. So what are you gonna do, not reflect on your own inadequcies and mistakes? You gonna ignore them in order to feel at peace? That's not gonna go so well. Imagine how you'd feel if you were pulling out of your driveway and accidentally ran over someone's child. Are you gonna sit down and silence your mind to meditate your way out of that?
    And what about all stuff in your life that you could lose? Are you just gonna act like nothing happened if your house burns down? If your child or dog is run over by a car? If your health is ruined by poison? If your spouse dumps you? If your best friend steals from you?
    There is endless suffering waiting for you behind every corner. You just aren't aware of it yet.

  3. I hope for death, but I fear eternity
    I hope for death, but I fear eternity
    @Display_Name My only advice to you is to this:
    Become very serious about what kind of thoughts you allow your mind to entertain. Take responsibility over your own mind. Do not focus on things that disempower you. If you notice a certain line of thought is consistently disempowering for you, make a commitment to stop allowing that line of thinking into your mind ever again. Just drop it. Let it go. Practice letting go. Watch my video: The Power Of Letting Go.
    You are under no obligation to entertain every negative, depressing, disempowering, ugly thought that enters your mind.
    Focus your mind on how you can best honor the miracle that is your current life. And stop thinking about bullshit.
    Reality is your dream. So if you dream of horror and torture and shit, that's what your reality will slowly become. Until eventually you reach Hell. That's all Hell is.