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Everything posted by MisterNobody

  1. @Breakingthewall It is possible for me to have designed this whole universe just to have this singular experience as myself, and when it ends I can very easily throw away the whole universe and create a new one that is very different than this one (different laws of physics, dimensions etc, like fundamentally different). See, I dont have to live life from all others point of view. I can only live one lifetime in the body that I inhabit now and that's it.
  2. @Carl-Richard Yes. It will desensitize you to future pains;)
  3. @Thought Art I enjoy having arguments with myself! It's the best way to pass the time
  4. @zurew I never said dying of old age is better. You can quote me showing me where I said that. I have no problem with you choosing to survive (I also choose that). I have a problem with the fact that you think survival is better than dying right now. What you dont understand is that choosing to survive will bring the same amount of pleasure-pain than shooting yourself in the head right now. I invite you to think about this when you feel smart and open minded.
  5. @Gesundheit2 I am biased and there's no problem with that. I choose survival everyday but I know I could choose death and it would be the same really. I understand this on an intellectual level. Of course I won't be able to kill myself. I cannot embody this principle because as you said, survival in hardwired in me. This is an intellectual concept but it's true nonetheless
  6. @Breakingthewall who says I have to be everyone that "exists" ? I haven't inhabited anyone of these people. I will never inhabit them. Consciousness will never be inside of them
  7. @zurew if you think getting shot in the head today is worse than dying of old age I honestly can't help you. You have some real thinking to do
  8. @Breakingthewall you dont have consciousness, you ARE consciousness. You are not looking at your girlfriend, there exists an image. There is no self who is experiencing things, there is only experience itself
  9. @Breakingthewall There is no consciousness inhabiting the avatar that is your girlfriend. There is no life there, no human experience through her. Nobody there to see, hear, feel. She is an empty vessel. Nothing exists outside of your vision field. The world is generated as you walk down the street. Just like in Grand Theft Auto. It's all an illusion. Even you don't exist, you are just some words on my screen
  10. @Breakingthewall being homeless has its perks. I'm sure you haven't REALLY thought about that. I'm sure you know nothing about that
  11. @Carl-Richard I'm not condemning you for being biased. I just want you to realize you could have chosen the opposite and it would have been the same in the "complete run", when it comes to pain-pleasure. You can choose a path but do not defend it seriously
  12. @LostSoul When you say relative you probably mean that for some people being governed by liberals is better, while for some people being governed by republicans is better. But this is true only for a short period of time ( a few years ). If you were able to see the big picture that is your life you will understand that the the form of government you chose was beneficial to you for a few years and then the disadvantages of that particular party came to harm you. Then you'll realize both paths have the same value in the long run and how foolish you were for being so seriously biased.
  13. @Carl-Richard Yes. Think deeply about it. Maybe you dont have the maturity, knowledge or ability to predict consequences. Maybe your ego is in the way, maybe the idea that Hitler is bad is deeply wired into you by books and society.
  14. @Thought Art Yes I am biased on a daily basis but I realize the other path has just the same value. I am not serious about it. Meanwhile I think you guys are really serious about your political views. I can defend both the liberals and republicans, I understand both paths have advantages and disadvantages that cancel themselves out. If I choose to support one party is purely for fun, I am fully aware I'm playing a role
  15. @Leo Gura just think about what I've said when Leo is gone
  16. @Carl-Richard Yes, but once you're god-realized, you understand it's foolish to root for any political party since in the long run (your life) all parties have advantages and disadvantages that cancel themselves out
  17. this is just like saying "being judgemental about judgement" .... duhh
  18. @Leo Gura I'm sure you sound stubborn to a lot of people. Don't be like them. Give Truth a chance. Ok I assumed you achieved the complete unbiased understanding since you said you are God-realized. It's ok to adopt any bias you want, you just have to know how stupid it is to be biased about anything. You keep saying I conflate relative and absolute matters because you haven't even considered what I said or you fail to admit God is fair, there are no winners , no losers ultimately. You're still in the low consciousness realm of distinctions. I hope your ego is strong and your defense mechanisms are triggered by this and you dismiss me
  19. @Leo Gura The "complete run" applies to everything since your life is the only thing that exists. You view politics as the domain of the relative because you still think dying today is worse than dying 30 years later. It all comes back to the "all paths are the same" theory. Although it's not a theory, it's the absolute truth. I know it's hard to see how every curse turns into a blessing and how every blessing turns into a curse. Dying today is no different than dying 30 years later when it comes to pleasure-pain. It's all the same really. Please try contemplating dying today vs dying when you're 85. What's the difference? Contemplate suicide vs dying of old age. Which is more painful really?
  20. @zurew I have a problem with people who say they are unbiased and it turns out they are biased. I'm judging by the standard they come up with for themselves.
  21. @zurew Context is a temporary and human-specific concept. It belongs to the ego
  22. Yes they both have the same value ULTIMATELY. I am not judging it, I am not saying "you SHOULD believe all paths are the same", I am simply expressing the Absolute Universal Truth: all paths are the same (when one's life is viewed from Outside of Time, as a whole - from the beginning to the end). I am not saying I am valuing truth above falsehood, I am not truth biased, I am merely expressing the Truth. Also when I say all paths have the same value I dont mean on a right-wrong scale, I mean on a pleasure-pain scale
  23. @Leo Gura Can't you see that in the long run (in the 'complete' run, to be more precise) Trump is equally as good as Biden. The liberal way has its advantages but also its disadvantages (which I think you havent really thought about, really). The conservative way has its advantages (which are hard to see now, because we already had them for some time, and we take them for granted) and also its disadvantages (which we all seem to focus on right now). I promise you both paths are the same in the long run. Not to sound arrogant but it's hard to believe that someone as smart as you still doesnt understand that all paths have the same value, ultimately. Thought exercise: think about what this world would look like today if Hitler continued with his plan.
  24. @Yimpa Ultimately, yes. I'm sure getting stabbed will have its benefits. It's hard to see this
  25. Ok so my theory is that for every pleasure we experience in life, there will come a pain that will cancel it. Imagine positive/ pleasurable experiences as positive numbers: +17, +5, +24 etc. Imagine negative/ painful experiences as negative numbers: -21, -12, -9 etc. My theory is that at the end of your life, the numbers will add to 0. Perfect equilibrium. Absolute balance. There's no way you can escape this. It has to be like this! Life is fair! There are no winners and losers in life. There is no distinction. Distinction is illusory. Think about it. Challenge me with questions, contra-arguments, contra-examples. I have meditated upon this for hundreds of hours. It makes perfect sense