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Everything posted by M A J I

  1. We are meant to sprout grains/legumes before consumption. If you still have gas then they are not for you. Listen to your body. Raw is always better than cooked as cooked destroys enzymes and life-force.
  2. Heal your body (physical) comes first. Then comes mind and emotions. Fasting and Detoxifying the body whilst devoting oneself to the path of Truth will lead you back to your natural state. Most mental illness comes from a toxic body. When Body heals then mind naturally follows, followed by emotional mastery and your Spirit can come through in its fullest expression. I would start of with gradual steps on detoxifying and incorporating fasting into your life. Once you get the hang of it then you can start fasting from non-food things like social media, technologies, gossip and low-conscious activities, sensory-stimulants ect... We must find a natural environment away from all the "noise" that allows the (Nervous System) to relax and heal, and while this may not always be possible, you can always minimize and simplify your own living space. Trust this helps
  3. Yes I've been there and been classified with all those dis-orders, ADHD, ADD, OCD, Bi-Polar, Schizophrenia ect.. They are all falsities of man who has yet to fully awaken and cure himself of all dis-ease/dis-order. This is the Awakening/Healing path my friend. This is called Self-Mastery or Self-Realization. To Realize the True self you have to go beyond the personhood.
  4. Not for everyone. Some go in solitude to act as (space holders) for the planet/s and are doing more "energetic" work on a higher spiritual level. Others come back into the cities/society to bring that energy down into the physical and blend in more with the physical world as some of us do. There are many great sages out there that have had a huge Impact on the world but few know them like Tat Wale Baba for example. Often it takes the time away/alone to be able to get to these higher states of consciousness initially. How you utilize and go about it afterwards is entirely up to you and your understanding of what you need to do. One who is Established deeper within the Self/True Self is already more Impactful and helpful to the world even if he/she is sitting in a cave in solitude to one like Sadghuru who has just tasted the surface layers and speaking to millions in the cities. Its all about DEPTH in the end that makes the greatest impact. There are no right or wrongs.
  5. This is simple physics. Its how the universe works.
  6. All these "disorders" are just that: dis-order. If you find (order) within your being, they cease to exist. They are ultimately, illusory. You "reaffirming" only solidifies and strengthens the reality.
  7. If you effectively detoxify the body, fast and eliminate all the mucus and other issues that prevent optimal flow of energy and nutrient absorption, and then properly nourish your body with nutrient dense organic (whole-food), you will never need another supplement. Body > Mind
  8. Sounds great, hot tub is interesting. I usually would end up bathing as I wind down.
  9. There is quite a big difference energetically because the "life-force" and the water-enzymes, many "living" constituents have been destroyed/removed, faded-out, from the drying and storing process. If you eat a fresh orange from a tree you will feel 100x more energized than dried orange that's been sitting for months. No water, hydration, oxygen ect... The whole ordeal around fruit is the cleansing/detoxifying and energetically/electrically nourishing aspects and these are mostly "active" during the fresh and "alive" state. If you have no option, Frozen is a bit better, freeze-dried is best.
  10. What better place then India? You ever visit the Himalayas or North India? India and the surrounding countries are highly spiritual in general. Just not in the busy places or cities of course. Real spiritually is usually experienced the opposite path from the crowds.
  11. I understand that but if he is in pain and suffering greatly he needs support, a shaman, guide who can help him adjust, integrate, ground and balance the energies. Many people have Awakenings prematurely through substances and end up in mental hospitals because no proper guide or support. They don't understand what is happening to them. Many have gone insane from their Awakenings, I.E Charles Manson... This is why there is Guru/Master and Student/Disciple. Awakening and Enlightenment are very different. One is being Born again another is Maturing to Mastery.
  12. Allow yourself to feel and experience it fully, all the sadness, all the pain, until you have completely immersed yourself in it, eventually you will know when enough is enough and rise naturally. Its time to nurture yourself and be with yourself, as said above, deep-rest time. A walk in the forest never hurts.
  13. He needs a real doctor if you can find him a shaman would be best. They are specialized in these things. Until then I would lay on the earth outside and she will draw the excess away. A nature environment would be ideal. Grounding and Earthing is very important when playing with substances, especially without a shaman. If you don't have deep roots with Self and or the Earth psychedelics can sweep you off your feet. Many Blessings
  14. Yes and also many things we integrate well are just things we have forgotten. Memory is not confined to a body or brain it is more like a bandwidth or frequency of consciousness. They are like cleaning-tools, they show you your dirt so you clean the dirt off, but its up-to you whether you get dirty again or continue the path of self-purification. The enlightened monk still has to attend to his garden or weeds (thoughts) will grow, and thus it is the "spiritual maintenance" becomes the carrying of the water and becomes the dominating program or state of being that reality
  15. One disappears here, one reappears there, same eternal one continues...
  16. Truth will always lead to Love and Love will eventually lead you back to Truth.
  17. No substance can permanently raise your baseline. How well you "integrate" and "apply" the substance/realizations is how much you raise it. The teachers show the door, point the way, however, the "hard-work" is only and can only be done by you. Substances are mostly about (ascending), while meditation and the the sober-work is about (grounding/mastering). The deeper your "roots", the higher your "shoots".
  18. Portugal? All is legal there.
  19. As a few have mentioned, void oneself of all sensory stimulation, is the surest and fastest way.
  20. I like Bashar's film-strip analogy. We are "shifting" billions of times per second (frame-by-frame) and the "shifting" creates the illusion of time/movement.