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Everything posted by M A J I

  1. Take a libido boosting herb like shilajit to balance out? Simple.
  2. Those who you see on the big screens are far from anyone you should follow or look up to. I see through all of them, the greatest spiritual masters you will very rarely find online or on the big screens. Most of them are paid actors to 'distort' spirituality. Whoever is big on the screens is 'sold out'. Sadguru promoting vaccines goes against the true nature of yoga. He clearly sold his soul to the dark side of the higher mind. A true yogi would never take that path but embody his/her master and harmony with the inner-nature. Goes against the fundamental alchemy of yoga.
  3. It is because they are not 'truly' wealthy but materialistically congested. The truly wealthy are those of perfect health, spiritual enlightenment, simplest and effortless living and minimalists that live in perfect harmony with the earth and the universe at large.
  4. Well done, Indeed they do not, 'permission slips' ultimately, as Bashar wouild say...
  5. Amazingly Soothing and Therapeutic. It reminds me a bit of the clouds, infinite creational potential.
  6. Good to see you still around Dodo. And yes Symbology especially Sacred Geometry is very powerful for triggering Activations and Awakenings.
  7. This is when you need to read the Tao Te Ching and return to Fundamental basics. The more you know, the less you understand.
  8. 100%. Its not really possible to be any other way. Existence only has one quality, to Exist. Therefore, what exists is Eternal, always was and always will be.
  9. First step is to realize you are your U niverse. Secondly the U niverse is a directly 'reflection' of your state of being. So something in you changed to make the outer reality change, you gotta remember what you did before your awakening and start living that way again or at least attempt to put some effort into change what you do on a day to day basis unto which brings you most love, passion, excitement that brings you joy and happiness and pursue that and sooner or later that will be the dominant energy then reflects the outer reality.
  10. Very simple. So the Oneness can have "experience" and Oneness/absoluteness can only have "experience" through separation.
  11. What Leo says is irrelevant to your conscious experience. You must be able to decipher what is truth and what is not. Leo could be deluded or he could be playing the trickster archetype, or both and none.
  12. In a state of constant amazement, how can you view yourself?
  13. I haven't used any soap, shampoo, detergents, anything chemical in years. I find hot water is enough and clean living/eating. Our nature is self-cleansing if you support your environment. We are beings of supreme intelligence who have forgotten perfection. Adapting to such toxic lifestyles and environments made us sick and reliant on external needs, we don't really need them if we know how to care for ourselves properly. This is why fasting is so miraculous, it is all the evidence we need. Soon as we interfere we distort the divine innate intelligence.
  14. Iboga root bark yes few times, deep healing, very trance-like experience, less visual, more inward. Also have used 1 of these bottles. Good medicine, works in the background, seems to help with mental and emotional awareness, triggers, wounds ect.. I have not dabbled too deeply into it but was nice while it lasted.
  15. Thinking in terms of "spiritual levels" is a confusion and trap of a distorted mind. I personally avoid that stuff altogether.
  16. If you take cilantro/coriander 30 - 40 minutes after it will help significantly. Its like the black pepper to turmeric. and Shilajit is another powerhouse due to high (fulvic acid) content will help many other biological functions.
  17. if a lover comes, she comes, if she goes, she goes. Relationships act as reflections or "mirrors" of consciousness and expression. Just like you have best friends, you can have lovers too. They ride with you until you no longer need the reflection. Surrender and accept what the universe provides.
  18. Its how you "see" things that matters most. You could spend, or you could invest. Your currency is your frequency.
  19. Only the mind loses its shit my friend, the Self is beyond mind/stuff. When you return to presence it ceases to have any power or hold. These saints are in constant meditation so very little mind is there besides the basic needs and functions and what its originally designed for so the saint or guru uses it perfectly. The Hallucinations are a result of an over-active mind and inflamed nervous system. Remember you are the Dominating force of your reality not the substance/illusion. The Mind = The Manifestation/Illusion/Maya The Self = The Great Mystery/Truth/Tao
  20. They can only (point the way) or (show you the door/paths). It is the application of the realization that allows you to Integrate. Substance can only go as deep as you have gone yourself so they can only really remind you. Tools are useful until they are no longer useful. Permission slips, Ultimately.
  21. 5-Meo Baby #1 Nervous System Destroyer jokes aside... What if Leo is playing the role of the Devil, Satan, Lucifer? In that sense he is playing his role perfectly, there is nothing wrong with that, its up-to you to be the Master and decipher the codes and symbology and not get "triggered" and fall into the traps. The Guru sometimes plays the Opposite for a very deep teaching. You can fall into the storm or rise unto your peace. I feel where you are coming from but then again you are on an online forums seeking truth from a system/entity that is still discovering itself. Return to the Tao ~
  22. He has used it maybe 2 - 3 times after that, its one of those substances you really can't abuse much because its so impactful. He has changed so much after I introduced him to meditation, nature therapies and natural medicines.
  23. You are infinite, you are eternal. Take your time, enjoy yourself. There is no rush, you've created your own templates of destiny that you utilize your own free will upon. You cannot miss your own self-created destiny! Don't worry about it! Relax into the flow of your own timing, don't be so concerned with time... timing is the key. Allow yourself to relax into that flow and your life will become an ecstatic explosion of synchronicity - the right place, the right time, interacting exactly with whom you need to interact with when you need to interact with them - knowing exactly what you need to know the moment you need to know it. Not a second sooner but not a second later either. You are connected to the infinite source of knowledge, vibration will determine what information at any given moment you access... you are the reference beam! You decide with your frequency what it is you'll experience. Allow yourself to know you have the freedom to choose and that really really really the highest act of spirituality achievable in physical reality is to simply live this physical life the fullest that you can! Allow yourself to be blended and balanced and grounded in that way, so that as you reach for the stars your feet remain firmly planted on the ground.
  24. Good now meditate, integrate, exhale ~