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About M A J I

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  1. I trust you will see soon enough my friend. The answer is always both yes and no. I am an unpredictable mystery, undefinable and unfathomable. I share what is valid and useful for the world and the persona / ego, not what is always fundamentally true, that is not always the most relevant. One has to be wise enough to live intuitive to each moment of the play at hand. One day I will be the teacher, the next moment the trickster, it is up to you to see between the lines, hear below the silence, and feel within the stillness. Once you see beyond the masterful play, you transcend it. As you rise up the ladder, you eventually reach a state of oneness realization or true nature, some call this enlightenment. Yet even the word 'rise' or 'reach' is not ideal, surrender and rediscover would probably be more aligned. However, that is still not the full story, rather a stepping stone. The integration of the wholeness of the matter occurs when one then lives a full human life (the middle way). Buddha didn't invent the ~middle way~ for no reason, for it is the grounding and stabilization into the human experience that completes the circuit. A messenger, Farewell 🙏 chop wood, carry water ~
  2. That's how I live every day for many years now, almost everything I do is in such mind-full and meditativeness. Meditation in the traditional sense is a thing of the past, although I do still find it valuable and useful for spiritual housekeeping. The mind can be a master trickster at times. I wrote something a few years ago on fb I will share below. Today I had a beautiful reminder of the more unfamiliar side of spirituality that is rarely talked about. While everyone was raving about and in the awe of something we've all seen and experienced many times before, my being simply needed to make love and unite with food at that very moment when this eclipse was happening. I had no time or space to go outside and gaze at something, to pull out my phone to capture something that was already within me, a part of me, an extension of consciousness, to simply to be apart of the crowd and to feel any more myself, to feel something or some connection with the mysterious, and or any attempt to feel any more spiritual than i already perfectly am in this moment, simply by Being. Because the greatest connection in the universe in that moment was my body becoming one with that food, and so i chose that over all the other noise going on in the background, and i felt amazing because I honored that. I may have missed a visually appealing experience of some eclipse, but i experienced something many others missed, i experienced a feeling that connected me deeper as if i embraced the entire moon and the whole cosmic dance of spiritual fairy lights, the fusion and merge with the direct physical substance that was right in front of me, that my body needed, then and there, allowed me to experience and feel what was happening externally so much more deeply. Sometimes we tend to forget that living as fully, as intimately with what is right in front of us, here and now, each and every moment, equally valuing all things as one, to truly realize the oneness and feel and experience more than all the fireworks in the universe combined. I was not distracted one bit. I was just as fully there as everyone else, because i was fully here and now with my being. Its not really how much you can do, how much circles you join, how much yoga and meditations you practice, how many psychedelics you take, how many things you create and experiences you capture... To me its how totally, intensely and passionately you love, accept and surrender unto each and every moment. To me That is Fundamental Spirituality. A True Moment of Depth with Being shatters all the fancy spiritual lights out. A Spiritfull Reminder.
  3. Found a playlist on odysee that contains some highlights from each book in audio/video to get a better idea of what these books are about if you are curious and interested to read them. https://odysee.com/$/playlist/cf436456fc9e5ba16345fca533c5f53b65d47777 I have read hundreds of books, maybe even close to a thousand if I count all the online files I've read, not many have touched my soul as these have. The Celestine Prophecy was a good one, yet this is like 10 of those books exploring many different subjects that go far deeper into spirituality. It brings a very practical and grounded approach to embodying and living a truly rich and spiritual or spirit-full life.
  4. Back to the Spirit Realm re-evaluating the dream, choices, mistakes, challenges, obstacles ect... then again into another body to try again and complete the mission of self-realization and to grow as a soul and free oneself from the reincarnation cycle. When one realizes his/her (true nature), even for just a moment, one is automatically freed from the reincarnation cycle and proceeds to the next level of the game or divine play when one ascends or physically dies. From there one will experience higher levels of the game until eventually one is returned to Oneness.
  5. That is where your misunderstandings lie with such assumptions, we are talking about exactly the same thing. The only difference is your understanding of it, which is limited by your perception of what I wrote, and only perceived through your own lens, thus end up distorting the truth of the matter. It is not that difficult, you are making it seem so far-fetched because you yourself have yet to surrender at the level required to experience it directly and see it for what it truly is. Its as simple as I originally stated. When one returns to absolute awareness or presence, enlightenment is right there, as it always was from the beginning.
  6. Sometimes I wonder why I even comment, people online continue to misunderstand the deeper things in life. I can often resolve every misunderstanding in person in a few minutes or less, and often all it takes is a simple gaze into the eyes to recognize the truth, because there is a whole level of communication and energy-exchange that is missing online and through texting. It is a very small fraction of true and total communication. What we are trying to convey to each other is ultimately the same thing, my initial comment was perfect as it was, there was no need to complicate or correct it. If you would of expanded your awareness you would of understood what was truly meant, yet you had to play the ego-correction game. It only reveals where your level of illumination dwells.
  7. When the food is toxic, when the air is toxic, when the water is toxic, when the media is toxic, when there is no true nutrition and spiritual teachings, when the electronics are destroying our brains and nervous systems, when our atmosphere and what we consume and put on our bodies is full of chemicals, you have something along the lines of mass disorder or distortion in consciousness, hence these types of people and videos arise. Its not really that surprising, someone with a calcified pineal gland can be literally blind to the truth that's right in front of them. Poison a mans body, weaken him, then confuse him with artificial programs and screens, you create a bio-robotic zombie. Man destroys nature then wonders why he is sick and twisted, not realizing he is nature.
  8. Really we shouldn't be watching things when we eat, we should be (mind-full) and (present) of all things that we do, otherwise we are (escaping) from something and potentially suppress eating and not true hunger. You also do not digest and enjoy the food nowhere near as good as if you were to remain present on the food itself, often over-eating too. The best would be if you want something to play some gentle music in the background. I like eating fruit in the sun listening to the birds and observing nature, but more so focusing on the food, colours and flavours, closing my eyes, feeling the sensations, it can be quite blissful and meditative and rewarding. You will find you eat less and have more energy.
  9. Mental health is directly related to physical health, as emotional is to spiritual. Health is Wealth. The path that purifies you is the correct path.
  10. Ahh I see you are only waking up now
  11. Men who are in touch with their feminine is one of the most highly valued traits of a mature women.
  12. To put it in the simplest terms, porn robs the spirit and drains the soul.
  13. Hmm well said there, I experienced this a lot, ever since I had my first awakening, I would observe and feel intense attraction coming from women, probably because I was more celibate at the time and not generating any sort of sexual need or energy, and yet at times when there was a potential union or mate, most would flee soon after, almost as if they were afraid of something so deep and intense. They rather continue to play with boys who aren't going to expose a lot of their shadows and darkness. They want the truth but only to a certain extent. I noticed this in spiritual circles a lot, everyone wants the perfect Christ-like man, yet they themselves are not christ-like.
  14. Beware of people who appear very nice and friendly externally, if you do not feel a deep peace that generates from them, there is often underlying shadows. Sometimes psychopaths are exactly like this, the perfect friendly person externally, yet something is deeply wrong or off with the energy they give off if you are sensitive enough to pick it up. Some of the nicest people I know have some of the darkest secrets, they eventually will come out.
  15. You did, you just don't remember.