The Redeemer

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Everything posted by The Redeemer

  1. Only date people who have less options or are lower value to yourself. Otherwise they have all the leverage.
  2. I'm tired of everything being about women
  3. Good point, but what to do in a situation like that? Concede when the gun is pulled? Feels like I am a weak man if I let a girl intimidate me like that
  4. I wonder if it is possible to rewire men's perception of women. So men don't perceive women as higher value than themselves.
  5. Probably cause you are over 6ft. I'm 5'10' and have had a gun pulled on me while approaching
  6. So basically I need to be proficient in physical altercations in case things get physical
  7. I think physical beauty skews with the perception of social skills. I notice this with myself at times. I could be saying the exact same thing and someone perceives it as funny, another perceives it as rude, and another as bland. Seems like it has nothing to do with your inherent social skills but the other person's perception of you.
  8. Wouldn't that just raise their alarm bells?
  9. I will. What do I do when a social group laughs at me as I approach? I feel like there is a default subconscious rejection for some reason.
  10. I think that's a matter of perspective
  11. You could make them work hard in order to be accepted. If everyone was included they could toxify the values of the social circle
  12. How can I embrace someone who does not embrace myself?
  13. I can not believe i was not born a woman. It makes me so angry that women are praised for being themselves and me as a man is looked as worthless. I believe people need to be murdered for this. I can't cope with this.
  14. Also I am already a massive value provider, but if people can't see value in me there's nothing I can provide now is there?
  15. That's only because I'm a man Why can't I be valued by my beauty?
  16. I have had women straight up tell me that they have zero empathy for me. How the hell is this even allowed???
  17. Can I allow others into this light as well?
  18. I think that control is possible. I think controlling my life is possible
  19. Where?????????????
  20. Even if that means destroying others success to get it?
  21. Can't tell if your being metaphorical or not. I would love to control this video game
  22. What do I need to do with the part of myself which wishes to control others?