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Everything posted by Mia

  1. It´s not very convenient for other living beings neither was it convenient for humans in early ages. Many species live on the edge of existence, fighting every day for survival, in the desert, in the Arctic or in the mountains, - so was it for humans before and still is at many places on the planet. So I would rather say that it´s convenient for those living in the western world, yes, that´s not normal...Man has taken control over nature, made himself to the Master of Nature, having enslaved it to serve him fo his own comfort, - but at the same time what we now see as climate changes, extreme weather etc is a consequence of that, so the nature sort of strikes back. What is unfair though is that mostly people living in the 3rd world are vicitms of nature catastrophes, not those who caused it most.
  2. Hm...:) I guess it might feel uncomfortable if you feel that you loose control, but to me it seems like enlightenment (even though unconscious), as if e you have a connection to the unknown part of reality, probably "perceiving energy directly as it flows through the universe" (quote from Castaneda).
  3. I`ve never had any experience like that although I`d actually like to. In one of his videos Leo tells about one of his meditation-experiences that probably, as to the description, was something similar to yours. We are all atoms and energy, being part of one whole entity, so it seems to me like you are somehow approaching this insight through your experiences. Have you noticed any regularity? When does it happen usually?
  4. But if there´s no meaning, then there´s no good or bad, then there´s no moral, then anything is allowed, right? I`m not even talking about laws created by society, but rather some universal principles as being good to others, not harming others, not killing etc...
  5. @Roman: I live in Oslo, so if there´s anything you wonder about, I´d be glad to help
  6. In some situations I think it can be wise to agree and compromise, but in others it may be necessary to tell your opinion. It all depends on the situation. What I think is important is to do it an a calm and friendly way. If you understand that it´s not about fighting, being attacked and counter-attacking it should be easier. Conflicts often happen because of misunderstandings, so a good beginning could be asking questions just to clarify what the other person wants/is really saying. Then maybe saying that you disagree and explaining the reasons can be a next step. Sometimes I just agree if the issue is not very important to me, but in other situations I try to find the right words to express my disagreement, if I feel for example that the other person is behaving disrespectfully toward me. When emotions flare up I know it can be difficult, so I don´t have any solution, but basically I think you can say all you want as long as you don´t do it aggressively and without insulting the other.
  7. I didn´t quite understand your question: do you mean what inspires creativity or just in general what has left an imprint?
  8. Being an introvert, I never enjoyed small-talk and superficial conversations (it rather stresses me), although I discovered that it´s necessary to have this skill for creating networks, job opportunities etc. Humour helps a lot, but unfortunately you don´t always come up with a good joke when you need it most (I think Leo has a video touching on humour), but if you relax, just being present in the situation, following what happens around - it all can happen naturally. Curiosity and genuine interest about other people can also be a clue. Otherwise - finding a hobby, an activity, doing something you like together with others (sports, dancing, hiking etc. in my case it was Argentinean tango that helped to connect with people).
  9. I completely agree with you. It`s as simple as moving away from the "Facebook-style" where liking and popularity are so important. Whether ego is a good or bad thing is another question, it´s more about keeping to the focus of this forum: concentrating on the goals and not on people.