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About jonatech256

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  1. what is your mode of consumption and does it give you the same effects everytime - by the way how often do you use it
  2. can't recommend a better definition than this
  3. This is the actual effect - am wondering what will happen if I try shrooms
  4. @Leo Gura Thank you for your feedback and guidance on the topic. I appreciate your insights and perspective on the use of weed and the distinction between occasional use for a unique experience and the stoner subculture. Your input has been valuable in helping me understand the different viewpoints surrounding this matter.
  5. In my previous forum post, I mentioned my search for psychedelics, which proved challenging to find from a reliable source in my country. To satisfy this curiosity, I resorted to using weed, especially edibles. I consume them weekly, and my experiences often evoke similarities to the effects of psychedelics as described by others. While under the influence of weed, I frequently find myself reminiscing about my childhood experiences, which has aided me in accepting and understanding my past. I am now curious about why weed, with its psychedelic-like effects, is not classified as a psychedelic substance and why @Leo Gura does not endorse its use.
  6. before you ask for more have you deeply understood all the previous topics? Or are you looking for entertainment
  7. Thanks am taking this advise seriously
  8. Thanks, looking forward to sharing your experience
  9. To what level of personal experience are you basing this view? What metrics do we use to measure the level of suffering? I believe suffering is relative.
  10. This is what dies: Your Memories Your thoughts Your beliefs Your knowledge Your Fears etc This is what doesn't die: You're Conscious ( that thing that has to remember that its human) your body ( it turns into something else, let's say carbon, and then carbon becomes a plant) So I conclude by saying it is authentic; you will die and vanish completely because who are you without the first list? Dying is placing a factory reset button on a human being.
  11. Follow up .Hello, guys, i got a local supplier who deals in shrooms and 2cb he recommended that I start with penis envy shrooms, with a reference photo I have attached. Each gram is $16 what do you think? Should I go for it? I am already feeling a bit excited.
  12. @Sugarcoat that was unfortunate.Thanks for the caution
  13. @Jehovah increases thanks for this recommedation
  14. @thenondualtankie thanks for the advise
  15. Now for 3 months, i have been digging deeper into Psychedelics. Now I feel like am ready to try but I have failed to get a source am from east Africa any recommendation