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About Alytheyogi

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  • Birthday 02/16/1990

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  1. Hi! I can't thank you enough for sending me this video! It's like finally having a diagnose and knowing I am not crazy. thank you thank you thank you. _/\_
  2. I have this huge problem with my mother. There is no way for me to talk with her without her going all mad and turning things around, often start to call me all kinds of things and try to put shame on me. This has been going on for my whole life and it's worse now that I'm no longer a kid (i'm 26). It's easy to see the reason to why she acts the way she does but of course I don't yell that back at her. I do my best to say as little as possible and only speak truth and sometimes when it's too crazy I don't answer cause I'm pretty sure it will make things worse. We mostly write messages since we live quite far away from each other. I have no longer any idea of how to act. I continue to question if I should cut the relationship with her? if I choose not to, the only way for me is to be ok with the situation or do someone have any idea? Intellectually I can see the madness but I really can't stop feeling like someone is dragging me down when it comes to her.
  3. How to talk to people when you are more spiritual than them? This is something I've wanted to hear from Leo for a while. I've noticed that as I grow it becomes harder to talk with some people who are not practising spirituality and are very defensive. Is there a way of being yourself and honest here or is it better to keep what you know to yourself and just smile and be mostly quiet?