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Everything posted by ZenBlue

  1. 3/25/2020 Wednesday I had a random dream about Leo a few days ago. I don't remember the details but I just remember seeing Leo and he said something about how he could show me how I am God. I think this was in my subconscious because of the latest video I watched from him. Also sometimes I get very deep insights in my dreams, but when I wake up a lot of the times I lose the insights because my memory of the dreams become very fuzzy when I wake up. I've had some recent deep insights about money. Money makes the world go round. Money is deeply embedded into all of society as a whole yet we don't have enough healthy discussions around money. Most people carry so much emotional baggage around money, yet we just sweep it under the rug and pretend like it doesn't matter. How the fuck can money not matter when everything we do in life revolves around money? Having these realizations fills me with deep pain because I now see so clearly how badly all of humanity is affected by the issues around money. Most of the discussions we do have about money are so distorted and so unhealthy it's just ridiculous. Why is it such a taboo to discuss money in a healthy manner? Every single society around the world pretends like money isn't something that should be openly discussed. Every single society around the world neglects to have proper education and guidance around money. Even during this pandemic where people's lives are literally at risk, guess what the biggest topic is about? It's all about the fucking money! There is so much greed and corruption in this world and it's due to the emotional wounds people have about money. Money is essentially what most of society worships, yet they pretend like it doesn't even matter. Here is some perspective I've gained around money: I have deep emotional wounds around money as well and because of that I have struggled financially for a long time. Now, I'm finally starting to have some real clarity around money and I see through the illusions cast over society. I have begun to work on healing my money wounds and raising my money EQ. Money is just an idea. This idea now has a life of its own and has evolved and grown throughout the years. The rules of money are constantly changing, and is entirely dependent on a system where the majority of people need to participate in order for the system to work. Money as an object doesn't matter. Money used to be attached to physical objects like precious metals and paper currency. Money is becoming digital and is turning into numbers on a screen. Money is a vehicle for transferring energy. We attach our energies onto money and then exchange it with each other to trade goods and services. The object we call money is constantly changing. Because money is just an idea, that means it isn't real. It never was real in the first place. It's all just made up. Society at large is playing a game with this made up idea. Somewhere along the way we have begun to take it too seriously. Relax... it's just a game... Have a balance between seriousness and playfulness. This also means money is unlimited. There is absolute abundance available for everyone. All the so called "experts" and finance gurus are spreading lies about money. It's all fear mongering done to control society. Rich and poor is a lie. Wake up and see through the illusions. The rich only exist because the poor exist. If everyone had an abundance of money, no would be rich or poor. The only reason people need to buy into this illusion is because of their insecurities. Most people are so insecure they need to have people to look down on in order to feel better about themselves. This game is played at scale amongst all classes, all races, and all of humanity. Most of our problems are self created by our egos. Most of society is driven by fear and insecurity.
  2. 3/15/2020 Sunday This virus outbreak has been a huge global disruptor. When I first heard news of the outbreak in China, I thought the issue would be resolved quickly and life would carry on. Now it seems the issue is spreading quickly all over the world and we are still in the early stages. Schools are being shut down, events are being canceled, and in some areas many businesses have to shut their doors for several weeks. I suppose in the face of such an unknown threat, it's important to take cautionary measures, but at the same time life must carry on. We as a society must not let out fears stop us from living life. The effects of this current global crisis is devastating to our economy. Many people will be without work and pay for several weeks. Some businesses may not even be able to stay afloat and may go out of business. Is this the start of a massive and global recession? This is certainly something that I have never experienced during my lifetime. I don't know what to expect and what will come out of all this. I'm still calm and not scared about what is going on. I know there is a lot of fear going around, but this pandemic is forcing us to look at the stark reality of nature. Anything can happen at anytime and nothing is really in our control. What we can control however is what we decide to do with the given information. At this time, I just want to step back and observe all that is going on. This is a good opportunity to do some deep introspection while we experience increased social isolation.
  3. @TheUniverseIsLove Wow the irony of being in a show called "An Ideal Husband". Yes the trials and tribulations we face throughout our lives makes us stronger and develops us into better people. The process of breaking things down is never pretty, but sometimes things must be broken down to make way for new and better things. Certainly synchronicity is real and we are all connected to the source.
  4. @TheUniverseIsLove The acting world does need more highly conscious people like you. As I've progressively developed myself more, I've started to realize we are all acting in some way. It's just the smart ones find a way to get paid for it
  5. It's better to not judge yourself and society too harshly. We have come this far as a species because of everything our predecessors have done for us. Nothing is perfect, so overtime we start to realize the flaws in our systems and ways of life. No matter what we do in life, if we nitpick at it long enough we will be able to find many flaws. If you really think it's so horrible to be a part of this system, the only way out is either death or living completely off the grid with no modern tools and no clothes at all. The clothing industry is also a great contributor of global ecological damage. What does it take to create the technology we have today? How much raw material have we had to take from the Earth to produce all our cars, smartphones, and produce the electricity we have today? What about our modern day plumbing and trash system? Where does all the waste go? See... if you decide to play the shame game, it is endless. You can look at every facet of society and find something wrong with it. Rather, don't judge and demonize it as evil. Just recognize that nothing we do can ever be perfect. That's what it means to be human. The shame game has no winners. I, personally am very accustomed to the modern day luxuries. I won't judge myself for embracing and enjoying in this modern world. Maybe it is that my ego is attached to all of this, but I still enjoy these luxuries without guilt and judgment. I can't go and be some caveman type of guy just living off the land with some loin cloth and in the wild. Of course, there must be some balance in the world. The collective of society is moving towards that balance. We do not still live like cavemen because that did not help progress our consciousness. The modern technology we have today in a way has allowed for more people to become more highly conscious. You can do any job with higher levels of consciousness. Money is a human idea and only used by humans. Therefore, where does money come from? It comes from other people. If you want money, you must serve people in some way shape or form. That means you are still part of the system no matter what career option you take. You can deliver your food in a more conscious way by interacting more kindly and joyfully with the people you come across.
  6. I resonate deeply with that boy. Life is beautiful when you love yourself as you are ❤️
  7. You stop blaming everyone and the world for all your problems. You also judge less and forgive more. Less suffering within you, and more love and happiness.
  8. There is nothing wrong with playing video games. You feel guilty because people have said it is a waste of time and now you are judging yourself for it. The real issue is the intention behind playing the video games. Are you playing video games as a way to avoid life? Or are you playing video games because you love it. Personally I love playing video games and I do it for the sheer enjoyment of it. If you play with higher levels of consciousness, you'd be surprised that even video games can lead you on the path to self actualization.
  9. The self-esteem issue actually plagues most of the world. The many problems we have in society stems from a lack of self-esteem. Most people are just really good at hiding it, but know that you are not alone in this issue. The reason why most of us do anything is for validation from others. Most people who seem like they have high self-esteem are living in an illusion. They only feel that way because of the external validations. If you take away their external validations they quickly crumble into a chaotic mess. The way to obtain true self-esteem comes from loving yourself as you are. When you learn to accept yourself with all of your flaws, and don't judge yourself for who you are, you will develop a high sense of self-esteem that isn't dependent on any external validations. What has helped me is a variety of many things I have done. I have made a lot of progress, but I am still far from perfect and still have a lot of work left to do. Here are some things that helped me: - Pushing my comfort zone, and doing the things that scare me or make me uncomfortable. I'm still finding ways to push my comfort zone regularly. This has helped me to grow and develop and has boosted my confidence. - Regular meditation for a period of years. This has allowed me to ground myself and create the space I need to learn more about who I am. This is an on-going practice for me because it is a tool that helps me. - Learning new things and constantly improving my skills. This makes me feel more competent and less dependent on others to make my way through this world. - Psychedelics (Really helps put things into perspective and pushes through a lot of your emotional wounds.) - Energy healing like reiki, and guided meditations. - Having more confrontations with people, to the point of almost getting into fist fights. Also known as expressing myself more authentically. You mentioned you fear standing up for yourself and being more assertive. It does feel like you have to fight others to be as you want to be. It's true. In a sense you do have to fight others to be as you want to be. Not physically, but energetically you need to fight. Everyone wants to impose their will on you. The more you express yourself authentically without judging yourself, the better you will feel. That means sometimes your authentic emotions will look ugly to the outside world. Authenticity is not always pleasant. Dare to be more assertive. Dare to be more opinionated. Dare to stand up for yourself and express yourself as you want to. Dare to love yourself.
  10. Maybe the isolation is a blessing in disguise. Also since we are able to connect and interact with others through the Internet, we are not really alienated. True isolation is when we have zero human interaction. When you are completely alone with no one around and no way to communicate with others, is real isolation. Interacting with people online is just another form of human interaction. Dive deeper into your meditation practice.
  11. @Raptorsin7 Have a wonderful trip
  12. @Raptorsin7 I am not concerned about the virus either. I'm just aware of it and just need to do the basics of protecting myself. I am a bit concerned about the hysteria however. People will do foolish things when they are scared.
  13. You can't control whether you are born as a man or woman. You can't choose who your parents are or what country you are born in. You can't control whether you get sick or not. You can't control how long you will live and when or how you will die. You can't control how other people react and what they do with their lives. You don't have free will, but you are gifted with the ability to make decisions. You can't choose what your heart is drawn to, but you can decide to follow your heart. Or you can choose to let fear control you. Most people don't follow their hearts and instead choose to let fear control their lives. Living an authentic life means to follow your heart. Again, you can't control what your heart desires, but you have the ability to choose, fear or love.
  14. 3/13/2020 Friday Part 2 The beauty of the infinite strange loop that is life. The process of waking up is an endless game. At times, there is great pain and sorrow. At times there is so much ugliness and darkness. But at the core of it all is an endless love. The love within is so powerful and so beautiful that it instantly wipes out all the pain and sorrow. It is all worth it just to feel this love. Let go of fear and step into love. I still continue my journey completely lost and uncertain about life. Am I really lost though? It may seem like it on the surface, but when I realize that there is nowhere to be but here and now. Then I am not lost at all. I'm already here. There is no place to get to. There is only the present moment.
  15. Yes, you have connected to the divine being within you Life is absolutely abundant and love is limitless. Stay with the feeling because that feeling is always within you. No matter what happens with the outside world, you can always tap into the feeling within.
  16. You don't need many friends to be successful. It's about quality over quantity. You don't need many people who are deep in your inner circle to live a happy and fulfilling life. But definitely having good basic people skills and developing a large network of acquaintances helps. Networking is a valuable skill and as human beings we are all part of the social network. Acquaintances aren't really friends, but more like people who you have a little positive connection with. Most of our interactions as people are transactional. People really only want to interact with each other in order to get something from others. Judge less, forgive more, and play with the world.
  17. You could make a good career in video editing and music composing. Especially with video editing since the explosion of YouTube and social media.
  18. Definitely the environment and energy around us does affect us greatly. This is why meditation is a great way to ground yourself and gives you space.
  19. 3/13/2020 Friday Many people are in a state of uncertainty and fear due to the Coronavirus going around. WHO has declared it a pandemic and many people are in a panic over this issue. While it's important to take precautions and do what you can to protect yourself, panicking will not help anyone. I understand where it's coming from though. Fear spreads just like a virus and often times it spreads faster and causes more damage than any disease. Something like this disrupts the world and breaks through the illusion of control. People are faced with the stark reality of how little they actually have control over and must deal with the uncertainty of life. The panicking and hoarding of toilet paper stems from the need to feel a sense of control. Although I do not know what the outcome of this disease will be, I am remaining at ease. No one knows how long this virus will continue to spread and if a cure will be made readily available soon. Whatever the outcome, human beings have proven to be an incredibly resilient and creative species. In the end, everything has a way of working out.
  20. Like others have mentioned, sales and marketing. These really boil down to the art of communication. This starts with basic human psychology and understanding what makes people tick.
  21. Yes enlightened people still have thoughts. The thoughts cannot ever be stopped. Enlightened people have learned to separate themselves from the thoughts and can just sit and observe their thoughts without becoming attached to them. As human beings, we are receivers of thoughts. The problems arise when we claim the thoughts as our own and become lost in the thoughts we receive. Enlightened people are still bound to the limitations of being human, thus are not perfect and still have many flaws. The issue that surrounds spirituality is that it portrays enlightened people as some type of mystical superior beings. They are actually just ordinary people who have developed deeper levels of awareness about life. Of course, the ones who perpetuate the mystery and mysticism won't admit it because there's a lot of money to be made in creating and upholding these illusions. Yes, control is an illusion, but we do have the ability to choose. You can choose to go after what you love, or you can choose to feed your ego. But you can't control what it is that you love to do. It's a cliche phrase, but it's one of the highest truths: Follow your heart. Your heart is the GPS that will lead you to fulfillment.
  22. When you get this joke, it becomes so hilarious. Like why were we so serious about life in the first place? God is the original trickster playing a prank on itself. As for psychedelics, I only have a small experience with it, so I don't really know.