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Everything posted by ZenBlue

  1. Personally, I'm not a fan of SEO. The search engines are going to constantly change their algorithms and ranking methods. Right now we live in an age of social media. Creating great content that people actually want to share is a far more effective strategy for getting more traffic and even for ranking higher in search engines. Basic SEO knowledge should mainly be used for structuring the on-page SEO.
  2. Good luck man. I tried this challenge once. My best record is 40 days. Believe!
  3. If you have to opportunity to start working then do it. You should be open to new experiences and working is a great experience. You will learn a lot from working anywhere. You will learn real life skills that you can apply to real world situations. These are the things you can never learn from school. School is all about theory and things that sound good in your head. Most of it has very little real world application.
  4. The best way to spend your free time is doing what you love and working towards something. Think about the things you have fun with and enjoy doing. Also there must be some sort of ambition or dream you have. Why not figure out what it's going to take to get there and then work on it. Of course, if what you are really asking is how to be more productive and manage time more efficiently, that is a different question altogether. I'm struggling with time management myself, but the basic idea for managing time is to journal what you spend your time on every single day. Log the things that you're doing from the time you wake up till the time you go to sleep. That way you can track how much of your time you are spending on any activity. Then you can visually see exactly where you waste the most time doing unproductive shit. Then work on cutting that out and spend the time actually doing something productive.