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Everything posted by ZenBlue

  1. It gives you an altered state of consciousness. In moderation, alcohol isn't harmful. It's just that you have to be careful not to make it a habit and start to over consume. A part of it is a gnawing feeling of emptiness and pain inside. That is what all of society is distracting themselves from. It just manifests in different ways for everybody. For some people, they turn to gambling, porn, sex, various drugs, shopping, adrenaline junkies, mindless entertainment, etc... Ever wonder why can't we just sit still and be? It's extremely difficult to not want to distract yourself with your phone, or get caught up in your thoughts, or some other type of distraction. It's extremely uncomfortable and painful to just sit there and not have anything to distract and stimulate yourself. That is where the challenge and hard work lies.
  2. Move beyond the need to categorize and put guys into neat little boxes. No one's going to fit neatly into your little boxes. You will delude yourself into packaging guys as if they are all manufactured at factories. So it seems like guys aren't the only ones to objectify women. Women objectify men as well by trying to put them into boxes. Yes, you were probably hurt by many guys, but that's part of the dating game. We have all been hurt by others. Trying to gain a sense of superiority by labeling and categorizing people will end badly.
  3. The fact that you say you feel like doing life purpose work is a waste of time. You come across as only having a myopic focus on reaching enlightenment. If you want to reach enlightenment, you can't rush the process and you can't skip levels. Just like you can't force a tree to grow faster, you can't force enlightenment.
  4. @karltiboleng Yes absolutely! This is quite a beautiful model when you really look at it. Each stage adds a layered foundation to build upon. If you were to take orange, then green lays the foundation so that orange can elevate to yellow and so on.
  5. Last night I had some interesting thoughts about the spiral dynamics model. This is my attempt to understanding the bigger picture of this model. I'm still learning so bare with me. Leo talked about how each stage stacks on top of the other. Then something about the model hit me, and it helped me to gain a deeper understanding of it. Every stage is an elevation of the previous two stages. It's hard for me to articulate it clearly so it might not make sense. For instance: Beige - The foundation of human survival Purple - Tribal. Awareness increases and people start to become aware of their thoughts and surroundings. Everything is magical. Red - An elevation of Beige. People become very egocentric and barbaric. Survival isn't about the elements of nature anymore. Survival is about conquering and dominating other tribes and communities. Blue - An elevation of Purple. There is structure, authority, and rigid hierarchies. Magical thinking has been tempered down with logic and rationality, but there is still an element of faith, magic and belief in higher powers. Orange - An elevation of Red. People are still driven by ego, but now it is about separation from rigid hierarchies. It's more about learning to become independent and self-reliant. It is like a tempered down version of red, because orange isn't as physically violent. The violence and aggression becomes more about psychological and emotional abuse. Green - An elevation of Blue. It's less rigid, but still community based. People start to explore their inner selves and focus less on the external. Spirituality, and harmony. Compassion and empathy for others start to develop. Caring about the environment and our impact on it. There is still moralizing and demonizing of those who are not like them. Yellow - An elevation of Orange. Still a sense of independence and personal responsibility. But there is an element of compassion and understanding how everything fits into a larger system. Appreciation for natural hierarchies and seeing how everything is interconnected. A system is an emergence of all the elements in it. Not a sum total of each part. Turquoise - An elevation of Green. True compassion and love starts to develop. Where Green was limited to moralizing and demonizing, Turquoise embraces holistic thinking. Realizes everything is all interconnected and forms all of existence. Reality is an emergence of everything in it. There is no difference between self and other. Non-dualism. Starting from Yellow, and downwards. Each stage looks down on the two stages below it. It is like the relationship between adults and children. Most adults look down on children. Children react negatively to this and then look down on most adults. For example: Green looks down on blue, not realizing it is like the adult version of blue. Blue is like an immature version of Green. Orange is like an immature version of Yellow, and so on. What I really find interesting is how each color seems to represent each stage so well.
  6. @mandyjw You're welcome. I just wanted to bring this to people's awareness because I believe it's a great opportunity. Definitely recommend taking the time to do some research and learn what it's all about.
  7. For all you artists and creators who want to escape the wage slavery. The biggest opportunity in the world is happening now. I'm sure most of you are aware of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology by now. If you really took the time to research, and understand the technology, you would see how incredible this opportunity is. I've known about Bitcoin for over 8 years now. Since then, I have watched the space grow and flourish rapidly. Blockchain technology is where the big revolution is happening. As a result of the growth and development in the crypto community, there has been an emergence of something called NFT (Non-fungible Tokens). This is basically a way to create unique digital goods that people can exclusively own. The art space is especially thriving with NFT. It really takes some big picture thinking and a deep understanding of technology and human behavior to really see how valuable this is. Let me put it this way, the kids that are growing up today mostly live in a digital world called the Metaverse. Imagine how they would spend most of their time 10 years from now. This is an upgrade and paradigm shift to the Internet as we know it. Here is some introductory information about NFT: https://www.garyvaynerchuk.com/what-is-nft-non-fungible-token-guide/ NFT News: https://www.reuters.com/technology/nft-sales-volume-surges-25-bln-2021-first-half-2021-07-05/ https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/09/millennial-artist-made-over-130000-selling-nfts-in-about-5-months.html https://www.theverge.com/2021/3/11/22325054/beeple-christies-nft-sale-cost-everydays-69-million
  8. Ah I see. I think there are some shop platforms that allow for that type of mature content. Maybe look into Shopify. No I'm not. I used to be into graphic design many years ago. I have spent the past 10 years studying business, and digital marketing. I've had a few small successes, but many failures. Even after 10 years I still haven't given up though. I scrap projects or move onto new ones. Pivot and shift. Try different approaches. Never give up.
  9. Yes this is why this space is very empowering for creators. It's new so I expect a lot of things will change over the next 5 - 10 years, but at some point the rest of the world will catch on and embrace this technology.
  10. Yes, but artists can create terms where someone might want to have exclusive rights the artwork with the NFT acting as a type of digital contract. For example: Music producers can sell their beats, and samples and use an NFT to allow the holder to have commercial rights. I'm new to NFTs myself and still learning. What kind of business have you done with cryptos?
  11. Yes I can see how it might seem like a fad. The current space is very new and is still developing. I'm just saying the community is currently very generous to creators and if someone is struggling to sell their artwork, they might do well in this space. I would say speculators and collectors would have to be more wary than creators because there is a bit of a bubble forming around it. My personal perspective is that this isn't a fad because I have watched the crypto space grow for a while now. Of course I recommend everyone to do their own research as well. Sure anybody can save the image, or music piece or whatever to their computers. But having ownership of the token does have value depending on the community. This space is new so yes there will be a lot of things that will end up being trashed. There is also a lot of real world applications and use cases around this technology. For example: Someone can sell a NFT music that gives the owner exclusive commercial rights. Also for live events, there are tokens that act as tickets to the event. In real estate, there are tokens that act as legally binding deeds to the property. NFT goes beyond artwork. There are many applicable real world cases for this technology. I'm saying don't just take my word for it. Spend the time to do some deep research. It's no skin off my back if you decide to dismiss this altogether. I just wanted to bring this to people's awareness because this is such an amazing opportunity. I am very much ahead of the curve when it comes to technology. I have been since a young age and I have entrenched myself into the Internet world for the past 17 years, which is why I have a deep understanding of where this is heading. Yes, I totally understand because this is so new. I highly recommend just doing some deep research for yourself to get a better understanding. This isn't just for art. There are real world use cases for this technology as well. Also creators can add a setting where they get paid royalties for any secondary sales. So if someone buys your work, then sells it to someone else, you can get a percentage of that sale for example say 10%. And that will happen for the lifetime of that artwork whenever it is re-sold.
  12. Did you get shut down because you were selling copyrighted designs? Take that as a lesson learned to not sell designs you do not have the right to. Rather than quitting, spend more time with self-actualization work to learn more about yourself. Create a business that provides value to a small and specific group of people. What problems have you solved in your life? Can you provide a solution to specific problems people are dealing with? Depends how bad you want it. If you really want to run your own business, never quit.
  13. Beautifully, and eloquently written. Seems like you are exactly where you need to be. There is a liberation in having faith in the Universe because infinite intelligence governs and watches over all aspects of our lives.
  14. Actually you are coming in at time when interest in entrepreneurship is at an all time high. Much easier to start now than ever before. Go consume some Gary Vee videos to get into the mindset of an entrepreneur.
  15. From my personal experience, the Law of Attraction is metaphysical and not mechanical because it cannot be done through logic and reasoning alone. There is no exact step by step blueprint. All anyone can give you is a guide. In order to make LOA work for you, you have to really tap into your emotions. I myself used to be very logical and rational minded, so it took me a long time to really understand LOA. Sometimes the things you want to attract just show up in the most mysterious ways, but in order to receive you have to be open minded and willing to take inspired action. I'm still working on getting better at LOA myself, but I have manifested some really cool things in my life.
  16. I'm a deep thinker such as yourself. Use your thinking and theorizing abilities to do some deep introspection. Just my perspective, I think you are trying to rush enlightenment. This isn't a race. It's a life-long journey so enjoy it. Stop to check out the scenery and start enjoying life. Don't guilt-trip yourself. Focus on positive thoughts and let go of negative ones. Take care of your basic material needs first.
  17. 7/11/2021 - Sunday Recently I have begun to step into stage yellow. I am not solidly yellow yet, as I still have to integrate large parts of stage orange and stage green as well. Here is my 10 year vision: For the next 10 years, I am focusing on fully integrating stage orange, and stage green to build a solid foundation. I will also work to break past yellow and go into stage turquoise. I plan to continue meditating regularly as I have been. I will also look to take more psychedelics and plan some solo meditation retreats throughout the years. As of right now, I am mostly focused on fully integrating stage orange. I am addressing the shadow parts that I have pushed away from me when I was in stage green. Watching Leo's videos really fucked me up for a while. Over 4 years ago, I was happily in stage orange and finally had my first breakthrough with business success. I was running a drop shipping e-commerce business, and I got it from 0 to over $130k in revenue in the span of 6 months. At the same time though, I was still continuing to watch Leo's videos and put a lot of what I learned into practice. I had to face the truth that the business model I was using was just exploiting a gap in the marketplace and did not add much value. The thing is, I had dreamed about building a location independent business for years. Something that didn't require me to work long hours, and would bring me a decent amount of money while not forcing me to be tied down to any location. Finally, I had it. I even was networking and had a small mastermind group with me and 3 other people. I also had hired 1 virtual assistant, and had developed a good relationship with my main supplier. Despite my progress and what I had built, I felt so hollow and empty inside. I could not continue to run the business, and I shut it down. I then went into the dark night of the soul. This could have easily become a multi-million dollar business, but yet I still shut it down. My finances weren't even good. I even regressed financially and made some stupid decisions that put me in a lot of debt. It kind of tormented me for while. I had no logical explanation for why I put such a financial burden on myself. Then I guess this pushed me into stage green. I then identified closely with empaths as they are in stage green. I started diving deeper into tarot, numerology, astrology, and all kinds of new age mysticism. At some point I emerged from the dark night of the soul and then I manifested a really cool and fun job. I did that for about a year and then left. I spent some time being compassionate and empathetic towards others. I almost felt like I was overly people pleasing and even felt emotionally needy at times. Part of this felt foreign and wrong to me, but this really did help soften me up a bit. Then recently through some personal events, I snapped out of this and my paradigm shifted into stage yellow. Now I am learning more about systems thinking, and I have actually spent many years prior studying multiple perspectives and integrating little nuggets of wisdom and truth into a bigger picture perspective. I feel a bit more emotionally detached from people and society now. I'm immersing myself into my own little world. So now I'm looking at business from a systems perspective and moving beyond the stage orange of competition and exploitation. I am following a stage yellow business course and I'm really looking to build something of value this time. I'm less focused on just earning lots of money, and looking to solve problems and get money as a by product of the value I provide. I'm going back to stage orange to meet my materialistic needs and to also embrace and embody the shadow parts that I have denied in the past.
  18. I have decided to start this journal to record some of the insights I gain over time, and any sort of progress I make on my path to Enlightenment. 1/21/18 Sunday Last night before I fell asleep I had a profound realization. It's something that Leo had discussed before in a video, but I didn't get it on a deep level until last night. I was starting to become aware of the constant turmoil inside of me. This constant gnawing angst. I kept thinking what is this feeling? Why do I constantly try to distract myself with things throughout the day? Everyday I try to find ways to distract myself. What am I trying to avoid? Then it suddenly hit me, I'm suffering on the inside. I'm not actually happy at all. It doesn't matter how pleasant my life feels on the outside because on the inside I'm never happy. This is what all the outside distractions are about. This must be what Enlightenment is about. It's about attaining a true sense of happiness. This is the state most of humanity is in. Almost everyone in the world is in this constant turmoil. Anyone who is not Enlightened is suffering on the inside. That's why people are constantly looking for ways to pass the time. The distractions are about trying to forget that we are suffering. Most of the world is in this state of madness. It's absolute insanity that runs our societies. Boredom is a made up concept. People despise being bored. Boredom is actually just a label made up to trick you. It's a trap that tricks you into thinking it's something that happens when you don't get enough stimulation. But when you really break it down you start to wonder, why do you even need any more stimulation other than just being alive? The truth is, what we call boredom is actually just awareness of our suffering. The suffering we constantly try to run away from with outside distractions to stimulate us. The only way to end this suffering is to either die or become Enlightened. Everything else is just a distraction that might make you feel pleasant for a brief moment.
  19. Bonus: Also growth aids... I used some psychedelics spread out over the years to make a great impact. Psychedelics alone is not enough, but provide a great way to assist in achieving deeper breakthroughs. Use with caution as there are pitfalls and psychedelics are not the answer that will give everything. They are merely tools that aid your growth.
  20. @Raptorsin7 To try to make it more precise: I achieved my current breakthrough with a combination of many different things. There isn't one specific thing and this is the result of many years of hard work paying off. Things I've done: - Meditate regularly for the past 4 years and still doing it. - Learning new things no matter how small it may seem, every single year for at least the last 15 years. (Never stop learning and growing). - Studied and focused on personal development for at least 10 years. Didn't take it very seriously until the last 5 years. The last 5 years is where I've experienced the most growth. I can't say this will work for you, but use it as a guideline and keep trying various things. Something you do in your life is bound to be very effective. The key is to do it with consistency. I'm still a work in progress, and I will keep going. Can't wait to see where I am at 10 years from now, and 20 years from now.
  21. @Raptorsin7 I have had many small breakthroughs and insights in the prior years. This is one of my biggest breakthroughs yet. Every time I breakthrough, at some point I lose consciousness and go back to low consciousness behavior. Every time I break through it seems to be a little more profound and lasts a little longer. I keep up with my mindfulness practices and constantly learn new things to bring myself back to awareness. I have been repeating this process of breaking through, then going unconscious, then breaking through again... I don't know how long I'll remain conscious this time, but I am fully enjoying every moment of it If it helps: I have been meditating regularly for the past 4 years. I have also consistently been learning new things for the past the 15 years. For at least the past 15 years, I have never had year where I didn't learn something new. I can't pinpoint to a specific thing I did to get this current breakthrough. I believe it's a culmination of all my years of hard work.
  22. @Raptorsin7 This comes from years and years of personal development work. Even before I found actualized.org and Leo Gura, I was working on my personal development. I studied from various people and absorbed a lot of content from all over the web. The beauty of the Internet is that we have so much information freely available. Yes, this includes sifting through the hordes of bullshit to find the nuggets of gold. Kind of like a prospector sifts through a lot of dirt and sand before he strikes gold. Yes, the path is dangerous and uncertain, but have faith that truth always finds a way to rise to the top. Oil does not mix with water. Cream rises to the top Although there are no shortcuts for hard work, there are so many great teachers out there to help guide us and point us in the right direction. I don't tout Leo Gura as an all knowing master, but I do highly respect his knowledge and wisdom. I take it all with a grain of salt because there is only a nugget of truth in all the teachings presented to us. Leo has created a great guiding point and community in Actualized.org. Make no mistake though, this is not an end all, be all haven of wisdom and knowledge. Actualized.org is only a guiding point. We still have to do the hard work and go within ourselves. I highly respect and love Actualized.org for what it is, but please do not get stuck here. Go beyond and keep exploring. Never stop learning. Learn to trust your inner voice and you will be guided in the right direction. I still have a long road ahead of me, but the journey is absolutely f****** amazing
  23. 4/29/2020 Wednesday Today I have an amazing and massive breakthrough. I am writing this while the insights are fresh in my mind because I know sooner or later I will become unconscious again. The current insights I'm receiving is based on how much creativity is flowing through me. Right now I am connected to the divine source. Creativity, love, and gratitude freely flow through me. I can hardly contain my excitement because of how wonderful it feels. I know I must remain grounded, because if I let my energy and excitement get too high I will crash hard. I must remain grounded and let the energy burn slowly like a long burning candle, rather than a quick burst of flames. I have lots of ideas on what steps I want to take for my business ventures and in life. I am mapping in my mind how it could all play out. I also know that how it all unfolds could be drastically different that what I envision, but I'm OK with that. Rather I'm enjoying the excitement and possibilities that flow through me. It feels like a free falling waterfall that seems to never end. Whenever I breathe in deeply and slowly, then exhale slowly, the ecstasy of life surges through my veins. Breathe in..... then breathe out.... nice and slow... easy does it... that is the rhythm of life. I am also tuned into the energy of abundance. Life is rich and abundant and there is enough for everyone. The universe has unlimited resources. True wealth comes from this feeling of abundance, not from the material things we acquire in life. Even people with lots of material wealth can feel like they don't have enough. Thus they are caught in a never ending cycle of chasing after more. Never feeling adequate with what they have. The truth is... you can feel absolutely wealthy and abundant even when you are struggling financially. Even when money is tight and paying bills are a struggle. You can still feel truly wealthy by tuning into the frequency of abundance. Society will lie to you because they don't want you to know how simple it really is. The concept is simple but the the execution is not easy. This is a simple, but difficult task. Simple because it's easy to understand the concept, but difficult because to put it into practice requires a lot of patience, persistence, and hard work. I am living proof that it's possible. Maybe people might think I'm just being delusional. Maybe... but I'll choose the feeling of abundance over scarcity any day of the week. I have lived with a scarcity mindset for many years in the past and it has not helped my life in any way. It just lead me to living with fear and anxiety. Today I move past my doubts and fears, and step into my power. We all have the power within us to create value in this world. Just by being alive, you are living as a powerful and divine being. If you have read all of this, I challenge you to step into your power. Let go of your fears and worries. Let go of the things that don't serve your highest needs. I know it's not easy. Start with baby steps and don't give up. Keep trying and believe that you will be able to experience the absolute joy of being alive for no reason, other than to be alive. The biggest risk I'm taking is that I'll end up looking like a crazy fool. I'd rather people think I'm just a crazy fool for living an authentic life rather than receive praise and validation for a life I don't believe in. Let people think what they want to think because at the end of your life, you won't care what people think about you. You will only care if you lived a life that was meaningful to you. What's meaningful to me is different to what is meaningful to you. Reflect deeply on what you want out of life and find what is meaningful to you. Then do more of that. - With peace love, and prosperity, namaste.
  24. 4/7/2020 Tuesday These days my mind is filled with a lot of thoughts and it makes it difficult for me to focus on anything for a long period of time. I haven't been very productive for the past few weeks. I've been joining a group meditation session online and that has been helping a lot. This group meets through zoom and will be doing so everyday until the end of April. I have missed one day so far, but I'm committed to try and make it to every session. This group meditation lasts for one hour, and the main focus is that we are putting ourselves into a vibration of gratitude. Overall, it has been a great experience so far. Lately, I have had a lot of negative thoughts and emotions come up to the surface. I think I have been absorbing the energies of my family since we've all been home for the past few weeks due to the quarantine. There was also some anger and resentment I had buried within me as well. I have been releasing a lot of these negative energies and clearing as much as possible. A lot of the chaos I'm dealing with has to do with me wanting to work on many different things. I know I have to focus on one thing at a time, and there is one major project I want to bring back and work on again. I will begin to put most of my time and energy into this main project and see where I can take it. I haven't had any deep awakening periods lately. I have largely been unconscious for a few weeks now. Although I still have many insights come to me on a regular basis, I am still largely unconscious.