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Everything posted by BojackHorseman

  1. I mean, do you feel like Owen has resistance to something? It might be hard to say from videos only, but while he certainly has problems, I don't think not taking psychedelics is stopping him from growing. You can certainly all think about examples of celebrities, or just people you know, that seem to be doing more than fine spiritually (even if they're not the type to actually dig spirituality) without the use of psychedelics. But yeah I kept watching his videos and as annoyed as I was lately at him for pushing his dating stuff, it seems like he's finally going back to actual good content. Sometimes a bit too stretched for what he has to say, but he's definitely a great teacher with very strong points in his league.
  2. As much as it might be true and there would be no other way to just say it like this, since we don't know nothing, I feel like it's a lazy answer (not targeting you, hope you understand it's just my opinion, akin to religious people saying their god exist and such law is like that because it's like that. But anyways, I don't feel like answering each post individually cause I don't have much to add, but those are beautiful and interesting answer, things make more sense to me now. But overall I'll just say if humans created gods cause they need to blame the bad or feel like they're being protected, that again shows how weak we are. I mean man religions can or could be beautiful, but the way they're used is absolutely disgusting. One reason I could get more behind is the search of meaning and connection to something. From a certain standpoint, needing meaning is also quite useless. But this one I do feel stronger. And finding meaning in the esoteric, even if there's no god in the end, can also act as a reflector in our personal lives and help us find ourselves (which is pretty much what most of occult modern teachers/practitionners that seem to actually think, are saying nowadays. That they don't actually reaaally believe in occult stuff, but that it's a prism to be used for evolution...and a fun pastime)
  3. Princess is letting it all out About the subject in general, I am personnally addicted to femdom. I'm not even sure where this came from but as much as I love vanilla sex, femdom puts me in a trance that's different. I don't think it's necessarily a loser thing like most people think. I'm confortable with it, talking about it, and practicing it. That being said it might have something to do with being emotionnaly wounded or something, but isn't every type of domination or fetish in sex the same? I don't think like it's causing me harm (I'm not into femdom), I just find the role reversal and contrast in femdom very appealing. But on a slightly lesser degree, it's ther same with maledom for me. I guess I just like spicy things and extremes, and again I don't think that in itself is bad at all. You can do femdom and the likes without them being the problem to solve in your life. (findom might be another be honest I find the power women have in this role arousing, but I would never do it myself, ever, cause that's actually giving power over my actual life, not some sex play)
  4. When I first read his book/heard his videos, it felt really great, discovering such a basic simple truth, but the more I see other videos, the more I feel like everything can just be summarized into : be in the present moment (sort of). Which of course is the only needed advice in life in a way, but also, once you get the idea, is there anything left to learn here? Not saying there should be. Just considering not following him anymore, because it's just wasted time to me at this point. Please note that I'm just talking about theory here, not practice.
  5. Certainly not 4 hours, I'm actually a total beginner and my longer meditations were around 30 mn But I also have ADHD and anxiety (also 40+ and coming from a very anxious neurodivergent father and mother), so, the bar is probably very low for me. My current challenge should just be meditation streaks. Even that gets harder these days.
  6. Certainly. But the pros to me are just in introducing people to nonduality, and after that I feel like his work is done? Now that I'm writing all that I'm not even sure what my goal was of that I was trying to say haha...If I feel like his teachings aren't useful to me anymore, I shouldn't ask for anybody else's opinion. It just feels weird letting go of something you love, if that makes sense, so I was having contradictory feelings about that. But there is just nothing here for me, it seems, so I should rather use my time to learn things I don't know about (and, well, practice, cause I won't lie, I'm a compulsive information hoarder)
  7. Never said I was But more seriously, I could indeed be just present and listen to him basically say the same truth with different words, but at this point I'd rather learn something else that I don't know of in my spare time. (By the way, I'm certainly not dissing him, I'll always be grateful for what he's doing. I just think at some point we gotta let go of some teachers)
  8. Maybe it's because I'm old and my spirit, motivation, or just my body, call if however you want has lost the spark. But I don't think it's possible for me to be what I once think I would love to be. These days, when I try to draw, or make music, I still enjoy it, but if I listen to myself, I certainly do not have the will to work 24/7 on it for other people. And, maybe due to ADHD (not sure if it's linked, but some people seem to think it can be), I admitted to myself that I don't have any imagination, so I can't really transfer anything interesting into art that would not be requests. It seems like I am slowly admitting that maybe this is just a pastime. But it hurts so much. I'm going around in circles wondering what I should do with my life. I don't want to die being so angry and regretful. I also don't want a child (I think...I mean, they don't appeal to me, and clearly my anxiety, bipolarity and other problems would not allow me to do a good job anyway), so, if I do not put my energy into art of raising a child, what's left? It's egotistical, but I also don't believe I'm made for helping others. There doesn't seem to be any path left. I tried to "just have fun", but even it I'm still kind of passionate about movies, music, reading, etc, it seems like even my interest about those is going down for the first time in my life. I can't connect as deep as I used to, I see the patterns too clearly (even when consuming more challenging stuff), and they bore me. Humans kind of bore me. Sorry, this kinda went into venting, but originally I really was planning to talk about life purpose. Lately I've heard Teal Swan say something like "imagine someone told you that you will never find your purpose in life. Then, what do you chose to do? Your purpose will then come naturally" And I see how strong the idea can be and should generate something, but it just don't.
  9. I've seen a lot of movies but I don't think anything really matches what you're describing. That does sounds REALLY interesting tho. But I think it's hard to not be humans and humanize everything, so it's probably really hard for someone to come up with that, even if I feel it should be possible. Otherwise everything you say is very true. The idea of how movies can inject morals from a very young age is indeed quite strong. And some movies do really feel like meditation even if they're quite rare (or I just don't know them) I'll take the example of Stalker fascinated me from day one, and that I always watch at least once a year. That being I said I reallmy wouldn't recommand it to anyone, it's *very* slow and static cinema.
  10. I do. I did already in the past. But nowadays I just seem stuck in an endless loop of playing, listening, and watching. And every fucking time I do, I feel such a strong need to create things myself. But I don't. I haven't been for a lot of months now. So... I actually don't want to create? Am I even allowed to say "god this is so cool, I'm so inspired, I NEED to do something like that myself"? Am I confusing admiration for the actual need and capacities to create? This is weird because as I was saying, I used to create quite a lot not so long ago. But now I'm getting comfy just consuming, and that scares me. Not sure if I should admit that I ran out of energy, will, or whatnot, and that my time has passed, that I'm too old for this...or if I just need to get deintoxicated form screens and stimuli in general, get disciplined, and get to work before I end up regretting wasting my life. I'm sure some people can be super happy with just living and consuming. I'm not sure if it's my case. Clearly it's tormenting me. Sorry, this ended up being a confused vent...
  11. I don't think it's about self image that much, as I've barely shown my things for 25 years or so, most was for me, even if I love the idea of sharing it. But I think you're right about the stimulation. Very much a huge problem now that I'm thinking about it, I'm literally always on a screen (except when I'm reading, whis is, very sadly, less and less compard to when I was a kid). But on one hand I also feel like it's easy to demonize screens. They are part of humans now in some way, at least of our society. It's a good was to communicate, learn, and other things. I could have this simplistic childish picture of going back to nature and I sometimes do, but I also know that it's not me. That baing said, making more space in my consumption would be good. But to be honest here, just thinking about it, I know that I would have trouble doing so. I might actually just be addicted and trying to defend the drug here. I am very conscious of it as I'm typing it, but I also feel like I'm stuck here.
  12. I find it so strange how "official" informations like that are on various news sites. In any kind of fiction in the past, such event this would have been a total freakout, a groundbreaking event. Now what is it today? Just a random news? Also as I was saying before I'm still surprised that Grusch's statement seem to lead nowhere? The matter just vanished form the news now? Or does is just take time to hear how states and whatnot react about it? Also If both are true, why suddenly so many official news?
  13. I feel stupid but I''m not sure what exact ideas I have of those. I could try some kind of automatic writing here : my wife : reassuring, comfy, strong animals : no thinking, acting as an animal myself, instinctive reactions cinema/music/etc : magic, other universes, passion, infinite creating : mystic, language, reproducing, communication sex : reall hard to think here. It's just exciting sensations Well, this probably doesn't help. More generally it's hard to let go of whatever my ideas about those could be cause I really feel like they're me. I could try and reset my ego and whatnot, but I also feel very certain that I resonate with those to such a deep level, and -mostly- without cons, that I don't see the idea behind stripping them of what they'd mean to me. Did you have any specific idea asking this? Any preconceived path I was supposed to go though while asking myself?
  14. I don't understand the weaponizing part. Also, I don't think depression is necessarily waking up. It could have been a "dark night of the soul" phase, but it's been here for way too long and the more it goes the less I seem to feel good. I think people that are actually awaken to the true sense of life don't have depression. Some "stupid people", that "don't think too much" (no judgment at all) are probably way more awaken and close to truth than me in a sense.
  15. There's no "most" I think. I wife, animals, cinema, music, comics, books, creating things (even tho lately I'm very conflicted about it), sex...and probably a lot of other small things. But thinking about the things I love doesn't seem to help right now? Unless you got an idea to work something out of this I suppose
  16. This is driving me crazy. I feel like all will to create is leaving me. But I LOVE creation. Movies, music, comics, books are the most fascinating thing to me. Yet I feel like I'm forcing myself. But if I stop, who am I? I'm 43 years old now, I can feel my life was totally wasted, I'm panicked at the idea of just disappearing. I can't fully express how bad it feels, but it's like my body and mind are telling me "it's over now. Give up. Go sit and wait for life to end". I'm a terrible person. I spent my life consuming and dreaming. I'm nothing. I hate myself.
  17. How did things end up since the news first came out?
  18. Update : in his new video he finally clears things up : 2024 will be the start of the new content and he explains he's showing the OG content since a some time now cause it's not gonna be online anymore since they're changing their direction. But also he wants to release a last dating content, sigh. This is starting to become a bit long winded but I'm still curious to see the new direction cause Owen's got potential so guess I'll check things again in 2024. Those infos were in the beginning of the video, and then he announces he's going to ramble about those older projects for an hour so I just turned it off.
  19. They're not getting any younger, and they're not very strong mentally. That's terrible to say but if they were to die at the same time, I'd be devasted but I'd evolve from here. But if, which is more likely, one dies first, I have no idea how to act with the other one. This is tthe thing I fear the most in my life.
  20. Not really connecting with them. More like protecting them..
  21. So I'm trying to get back into video games and I noticed the more praised games, reaching all time love and numbers, were often set in an heroic fantasy universe : Elden ring, Zeldas, now Baldur's gate, and before, Divinity, Witcher, Souls... Granted, there are counter-examples, but it seems to me like this kind of setup (even if can greatly change in tone depending on the game) is one of the more popular. And it might even be more the case in tabletop RPGs? Why do you think that is? I'll admit I don't resonate with those in general (also some kind of neuro-atypicality makes me nauseous seeing the same content again and again, for example I have the same with love songs that are absolutely everywhere), but there are a ton of different eras and themes, yet we seem to circle a lot around this one and its stereotypes.
  22. May her soul rest in peace. I do wonder what pushes people to such extreme lenghts, tho. Couldn't she feel her body was not feeling well? Maybe this diet thing just became her entire personnality and she couldn't let go of it?
  23. This might be right. It doesn't take out the fact that this might be one of the hardest trials for a human being, but I am indeed somebody that's very anxious so the personal issue here, is me worrying about the future and maybe the fact that I don't consider myself as an adult despite my age. I guess I thought I understood the kind of lesson Eckhart Tolle gives about being present and not being burdened by the past or the future, but it seems like I'm way far from being able to actually apply it in real life.
  24. Well, humans do make long travels and still crash despites how long the technology has existed, right? But also, there could be another force coming into play we don't know about? Something they just didn't think about and can't solve that causes accidensts? I'm not a good writer or very imaginative, but you get the ideas.
  25. Ah, I was kind of imagining that sort of reasoning yes, but I basically have no general knowledge, so I didn't knew how this works in the real world, thanks for confirming the idea. Makes more sense now. Well, I know this is no TV show or movie, but now I'm thrilled again. If this keeps on going this way, there's so many different things that could happen Would aliens help us in some way, or elevate us spiritually? Will everybody accept the help or will half the population consider them dubious and be hostile? What if there are different types of aliens that don't agree with one another? Etc... As long as something, in a way or another, makes us rethink about just being self-destructing sheeps (not saying I'm not one, sadly), this would be nice.