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About Sabth

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  1. It's only because I'm free from it now that I can write about it. Except that it's a mind, history or whatever. This is dangerous. Even if I write the word history it will be brought back to that. But this wasn't like rape. R is like mentally forcing you (me) sabth. I shouldn't do this to @Someone here Anyone , whom have had my influence would be my responsibility. That's how I felt. *I had influenced Constantly feeling like this. Yesterday. And while I was sleeping they still... Would hv read me (?) and do something according to it. Nucleic .
  2. @Someone here I was mentally forced out of my mind , so they become me? Imagine if you are a human being with all knowledge in your mind , or your self. They can empty your mind and fill up your mind with themselves. Rape.
  3. What even is that? You'd hv to fight. Fight for your life , fight for your Truth. Or Reality will just kill itself. This , is certainly not what I wanna bring forth /appeared like.
  4. I am born neutral /masculine. Until after i took art. Mentally im a stereotypically a man but im a woman. So whatever that is i am is a woman. I am very feminine. Just a t instead of a feeler. But ive been raped recently so i cant say for sure. Even before even if i had become more of an f than a t it was still within myself. Reason. But not until those raped me. Whoever they are i became as ugly as they are.
  5. -disappearing into thin air -reincarnate in different part of the world -animals -if youre whole youre lucky -into peoples images(if they see you then they had a part of you in themselves like living in peoples minds) /other new life -new life are killing you. -turns into many (hell) depending on who you are. or where you are from it might be different. and depending on who writes in your memory.
  6. There are many things that i didnt write about in between And make the conclusion.
  7. 🥲 There is the body of someone I love. But it's hollow. I have let them go. I have let their spirit go. So what's left are just some strangers. And they didn't even know it. Wouldn't even realize it.
  8. 2025 ♣️ 31 Dec 2024
  9. I would dropped a bomb. But i dont think they will do it again.
  10. or it could be someone else.
  11. Of course theres something that i do differently before. . . . . it has just come out , right before you write this. its not wax
  12. What should I do? When i woke up, theres suddenly sparkling pop sound in my ear. My right ear. And then it became worse. Of course something do happened before but nothing like it. My left ear was just fine. Its only my right ear.