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About toasty7718

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  • Birthday 11/26/2006

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    United States
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  1. True to some extent... But you can't "feel" the plaque growing in your arteries
  2. I think it would be a good idea personally to watch some debates between carnivore diet gurus and people who actually know what they're talking about. It's actually a wake up call to many of them to step out of their echo chambers, and it reveals all manner of logical contradictions and fallacies. Anthony Chaffee is a resident and honestly I’ve heard some things that make me suspect he may not even be able to complete residency, but it’s mostly hearsay from people who went to school with him along with the fact that it’s virtually impossible for a neurosurgery resident to have time for his coaching business and all the interviews/social media. In his debates it's made clear than he has no idea what he's talking about most the time and doesn't even read the studies he cites.
  3. @undeather @Unlimited
  4. The last president that was for the people.
  5. Show some more sensitivity man. People literally died from this.
  6. @Scholar your replies are always meaningful, so your contribution here would help a lot
  7. Hey all, It's been a while since I've been active on the forum. I've been incredibly busy with my senior year of high school and the free-time that I had prior that usually was invested in reading entries here or reading books from Daniel Schmachtenberger's reading list...goes towards deliberate study. 12 credit hours of dual enrollment college courses is no joke! (Especially when you only have 4 hours to dedicate to it a day if you have other commitments.) A personal synopsis of what's going on: That aside--I feel like my life has been gradually getting better. I'm reaching virtually 100% of my micronutrient & macronutrient targets on cronometer on a organic whole food plant based vegan diet. I'm hitting the gym 4+ days a week. I'm experimenting with nootropics like Qualia Mind Blend and pour-over coffee, and my sleep patterns are pretty good. However...I'm severely lacking in other areas of my life that require that should be spent towards study. For one, I just haven't had the determination to meditate everyday. Is there any recommendations on how I can slowly build and sustain a meditation habit? My routine is as follows: wake up at 6:40 or 6:50 AM, make my lunch & coffee, wash face. get to school at 7:50 AM get out of school at 3:00 PM gym until 4:00-4:30 cook/eat for an hour (WFPB vegan diet...needs lots of time spent towards eating lol) start study/homework at 5:30 get to bed by 10:00, maybe 11:00 I'm also can I make friends at school better? It's my senior year, so naturally I've stopped caring about what other people's opinions about me are. So that inherently means that I'm not actively trying to be a more friendly, sociable, and better person overall. I'm just...a weird fucking guy. That's how a lot of people describe me as. Weird, but also somehow intelligent...and sometimes funny. But I don't share any real interests or hobbies with anyone I know at my school, so making friends based off that isn't going to happen. The next question builds atop this: how do I get a girlfriend in highschool? Caffeine helps a ton with having actual energy to allocate to humor and "rizz," but I don't feel like this is my authentic self. It's so hard to be my natural, authentic self when it gets shut down from others so, what do I do? Is there a mindset shift I can adopt where I cultivate more stage orange to be less weird (natural self) and be a more likable, charming, but not-authentic individual, or is me trying to be this just an extension of my natural self's path of development? Thanks in advance.
  8. Engineering. Environmental & Civil especially
  9. If you think trump is Hitler then I'm worried for you
  10. Change it to "Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog"
  11. Our community is coming together strangely enough. There's no democrats, no republicans. Only Americans. it took about a week until I got my power back. We're on a well (thankfully) but many other people in Asheville don't have water and won't have water for weeks. Daniel Schmachtenberger lives here and I'm wondering how he's faring through this.
  12. I live in western North Carolina and we have been totally devastated by hurricane Helene. It is the first hurricane to have hit the mountains. Flash flooding was rampant. Homes were destroyed, roads torn apart, and our whole area was completely devastated. There are lines that are several hours long of people waiting to get gas, drinking water, and food. This is historic.
  13. My only advice: Delete OneNote and download Obsidian