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About felixk_priv

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    South England
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  1. @Buck Edwards haha ain't now way plot twist . Mrs Buck Edwards congrats to you and Marcel
  2. @shubhamsharma my current method is to keep a very tight focus on always following my deepest intuitions , for the best possible actions to take in my life for me to live an incredible life / a life I can't regret . Because what else can you do but take the best actions you believe are possible for yourself . I have learnt recently from my mistakes over the years is that , at least my belief really , is if you don't focus on tuning into the best decisions for the best life you can think of frequently , then you will naturally of course just go off track from that . So tuning into powerful vision daily , and making the best intuitive decisions . Number Uno principle for me
  3. @Buck Edwards what is it with you and your profile pictures , are these all the girls your picking up ?
  4. I have had multiple experiences of connecting and seeing a powerful vision , writing it down , but then soon after not seeing through the same lens again and seeing the power + finding it hard to reconnect . I have this powerful one , that I am just going to look at everyday to make sure I don't lose it . - at least ... We'll see..
  5. Anyone from experience ? - more state Are there any more ?
  6. The title is pretty self explanatory . Woud be cool to have a partner in crime
  7. @Ben2204 I have lots of mine own blockages and I've been looking at Leo's confident video . And I have been failing hard approaching any girls . And I have found a bunch of unconscious limiting beliefs that have been there . Sounds like one yours is that you you need your wingman to approach , What other limiting beliefs do you have that makes you afraid to approach alone ?
  8. @Verg0 @Yimpa well good thing I was offered some the other day then . Thank you both
  9. I really want to find my actual top ten values and to be sure of them . One could say I value reassurance , but it seems like every other day there are new perspectives on a value where I think I value it , and then I come back to it the next day and those perspectives are gone and it doesnt seem like I value it . I will get past this , I will get past this , I will get past this .
  10. @Leo Gura oh yea boi
  11. In case anyone else , is also in a position where they have made a few solid commitments in their life but they tend to fade out . / Any kind of permenant commitment on any level, then listen up . I have made a commitment contract with my friend , for a number of things not to do / otherwise I have to pay him a thousand pounds and also socially post weird videos of myself . ( Not sexual ofc you perv ) I am pretty sure this will work . The commitment needs to be just bad enough that you know it would painful , and just okay , so that you would actually do it . Also I'd recommend having a guy because for me personally , I would find it painful to be so weak , to not follow through on this agreement . If you know you need this , reply to this thread !! Let yourself be known . I will pay for your solicitor to write up your contract
  12. @bmcnicho did you know her before and after the trip ? Did she change ? Did she miss the people in previous lives ? How much did she remember ? Is she an old little wise lady inside ??
  13. Morning all , My favourite and most fascinating DMT stories I have read , have been of people experiencing other life's for months or years or decades and then coming back to 'their' life Anyone have any they have read or better experienced ? Example , I remember hearing about someone experiencing an entire lifetime being a pharaoh , and then coming back 😂 now whether that's true who knows And also saw on YouTube someone living their life, dying and then coming back to their 13 Year old self that decided to smoke dmt , all to learn to not be so materialistic and that meaningful relationships are more important than the big yacht , to him ? Idk Also someone experiencing another persons life with a family for a couple of months and then casually coming back . I'm skeptical now to be honest
  14. @Princess Arabia @Jason Actualization @Michael569 @Yimpa thank you guys 🙏