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About Porawe

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  1. After watching many videos including many on the topic of spirituality, I have unknowingly created an ideology. Why did I watch videos like "the ultimate structure of reality" and other deep stuff? I think out of curiosity and for mental masturbation. I thought they would benefit me. I know these teachings should be used consciously, which means you know what you´re doing and if it´s right for you so to speak. I love the video "how ideology works", is there any further advice out there for how to get rid of an ideology? I´ve noticed that people often get envious of me and I think it is because of this ideology. A psychologist got envious of me last year so she wasn´t able to help me with healing. And when I talked with a life coach recently, I felt like my "ideology" disrupts the relationship. Like I can´t be fully authentic because if I were I would have to talk about this channel..xd
  2. This is an all topics-journal, from a newbie. My personal story: I´m 25 years old, I started watching Leo´s videos in fall 2019, during my first semester of college. At that time, I was at a relatively low point in life... Will continue with my personal story in the next post!
  3. Hi! So on the topic of Chapters and phases, I would say I'm at the end of the "limbo phase". I don't know what action steps I should take. I feel like I have the energy to take a lot of action but I don't have a long term plan/vision for the next 5-10 years. I have work to get done but I procrastinate on it because I'm not at the "start" yet... I want to be positively motivated instead of negatively motivated and also stop waisting time. Should I hire a life coach? I'm 24 and I probably need more life experience. On the life purpose course I'm at the values assesment and I have high consciousness values but I don't have the clairity/ability to focus and go within to know what my top values are.. So should I start my new chapter before having created a life purpose? I fear that I will waste the next 5-10 years on a "weak" chapter. I just want to be productive and do the right thing (obviously). I tend to feel pretty restless. (College education is free where I live) Thankful for any advice