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Everything posted by Annie

  1. @Harikrishnan Well, bad habits are rarely broken in a day, it's a process. I don't have any addiction problems at all. The reason of this post is to find out what goes on in the minds of those affected because the phenomena is very interesting to me and I'm trying to understand it better. I don't even have a smart phone. On purpose. I try to be - and remain - as basic as possible. It's not always easy but for me personally it works best.
  2. Many diseases are eradicated, or at least controlled, due to better hygiene and broader access to clean water, not vaccinations. I personally believe everything happens for a reason, diseases included. The mind is extremely powerful, everyone in this forum surely is aware of that. So I don't understand why the principles of germanic new medicine seem so far fetched to many?
  3. @ElenaO Have you tried manuka honey? It's quite expensive but worth every cent!
  4. @Harikrishnan Are you trying to do something about it?
  5. @dice If you raise a child you should always treat it with respect, unconditional love and patience. Also, learn from the child, it can teach you a lot about life. I absolutely and wholeheartedly agree with @Emerald! One might have many ideas and theories about how to raise children but if you haven't actually lived it your words are somewhat meaningless, therefore I also believe Leo wouldn't the right person to do videos on raising children.
  6. @BeginnerActualizer Fortunately I don't have any first hand experiences but I've heard similar "stories" like those of @Emerald They sound like perfect nightmares! But even only dreaming can be really weird. I tend not to remember most of my dreams but when I do I very often dream in episodes. I had this one dream when I had to jump out of my window to escape from someone or something that was hunting me. It was very vivid and the sheer terror I felt in the dream was very real. Over the course of several nights I always had the same beginning of the dream but finally ended up coming up the perfect escape route and once I found it after several different attempts these dreams stopped. I believe @Martin123 is right Sounds crazy and rather difficult to say the least but there are so many strange things out there we can't explain and that seems like the perfect advice!
  7. @Sukhpaal There's a great book I'd like to recommend to you called "Running on empty" by Jonice Webb.
  8. @Sidi Yes they can work if both WANT to make it work. I had a long distance relationship (different continents) and 18 years down the line we're still together. It's rare, yes, but not impossible.
  9. @onacloudynight It has nothing to do with age. I'm well over 30 and I have the same "problem". I don't think this will fix anything because you probably wouldn't be authentic. And what's the point of acting a part you are not. People either like you the way you are or they don't. It can be annoying sometimes to feel alienated but there are like-minded people out there, trust me.
  10. Does anyone have experience with sun allergy? What do you do about it? What products do you use? Any advice you can give? Thank you!
  11. @Tibor Quite possible. I'd love more information on that, thank you!
  12. @Michael569 I have seen several doctors already. But conventional medicine does very little for me. Besides I'm asking about people's experiences.
  13. Not only trauma but also the reversal of trauma is inherited. The entire article can be found here:
  14. My husband keeps telling me "just ask around, you don't know how lucky you are" because of how long he lasts. Well, apparently I don't know since I never had other sexual partners except him so I simply don't know it any other way. So, dear men of actualized, how long do you (honestly) last on average?!
  15. @blazed If you feel sore perhaps some lubrication might help. But (at least for me) it's more like eating more and more cupcakes, not munching on the same one all the time. Mmmmh cupcakes...
  16. @Marc Schinkel Hahaha perhaps you're right, I should ask women instead How does he know how long other men last? A lot of women talk. In this case be it ex-girlfriends or frustrated girlfriends of his friends. LOL No, not really, I'm quite satisfied. We normally have sessions of about 2-3 hours (excluding foreplay).
  17. What do you know about this?! Found this video
  18. @Peace and Love Absolutely. I know a few doctors personally and they've told me they get lots of "support" from drug companies to push their products. And I'm not just talking about a few free pens for their office but high bonuses or vacation for the entire family all paid for if you attend their lectures at a congress and prescribe lots of their products. Many doctors fall into these traps, many are convinced everything they've been told in med school is true without ever questioning anything. But there are also many who are open minded and even change their opinions and actions, even if it means financial loss (example: a gynocologist decided not to vaccinate against HPV anymore after he learned how harmful it can be). I'm not completely against pharma, don't get me wrong, many meds are necessary. The main problems are side effects. So you take pill A and then you have to take pill B and C to treat the side effects of pill A. And possibly pill D and E to treat side effects from pill B and so on and so on. And the industry couldn't be happier because this generates a ton of money for them which, ultimately, is the only thing they care about. They can't make money off of healthy people. And since nutrition is like medicine the same applies. There are a bunch of companies who try to sell you "food" which will not keep/make you healthy. Basically if something has advertisement and it has to be produced instead of just harvested don't buy it because it isn't food. It is nothing but a product and this product is there to generate profit. Since it isn't real food it can maybe feed you but not nurture you. If the "food" most people eat makes them rather sick than keeping them healthy of course doctors have to prescribe more meds. It's a downward spiral for people who refuse to think outside the box but a win-win situation for the industries.
  19. @Peace and Love Reiki seems to be really amazing. I'd highly like to improve my level of energy and patience, my children seem to drain me lately. Could that work?!
  20. @Steph1988 It's not mainstream because it works. The pharma industry can't profit from this. They make profit from sick people, not healthy people. They don't care to cure, only to treat. Just follow the money and the answer is clear as daylight.
  21. @Vercingetorix How do I connect epigenetics to GNM? Because everything affects everything. I believe your grandmother's physical and psychological well-being affects you as much as yours will affect your grandchildren.
  22. @Vercingetorix Good question. I don't know. But I guess things are different for people being predisposed to certain illnesses by genetics. And epigenetics is a huge thing. However, to me, the idea of the emotional state of the mother affecting the child isn't that far off at all actually. Because every kind of mood affects the unborn. If there is an "unhealthy" womb (lack of love and affection, nutrition, etc.), the baby will likely be unhealthy too. Besides, a baby can be exposed to all kinds of possible shock moments and traumas, particularly shortly after/during birth (because that in itself is a very traumatic and stressful event and the circumstances (was it a smooth birth or were there complications, was it a natural birth or a c-section, could the bonding process between mother and child begin immediately or was there a seperation for some time, etc.) are extremely important but most people don't even consider this as crucial), just like the rest of us. Some more detailed information about Germanic New Medicine can be found here:
  23. @mostly harmless Check this very informative video (it's in German). The reason why you haven't heard about this in Germany is because the founder of Germanische Neue Medizin, Ryke Geerd Hamer, has been accused of having antisemetic backgrounds and, as a German myself, I know that such topics are heavily censored.
  24. @Principium Nexus Have experienced this first hand. Had to have a long distance relationship (different continents) for 4 years. We only saw each other twice during that time and wrote letters (yes, letters by airmail, praying they'd make it to the other one in a week or so because not everybody had internet back then) which is basically how we got to know each other (we did meet in person but only got to spend two days together). After those 4 years of immense devotion and patience we lived together for a few months only, then had to live apart again for almost another year until we finally got married, solved all the visa-issues (which were an additional problem back then) and we could finally live together. It was hard, extremely hard at times but our stubbornness paid off because now, almost 20 years later, we're still together. But in this day and age with internet and (relatively) affordable airfare I guess it'd be easier.