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Everything posted by Rahra

  1. If you are conscious of God when you die, if God is with you when you die and helps you, as He does to many… There is no fear. It’s a celebration. It’s the best day of your life. Do you think humans just die alone? That God doesn’t involve Himself in the death of His children? He does. Of course He does. Therefore, fuck fear.
  2. All fear bowls down to fear of death. It’s a false fear, since there is no actual death. Indeed, God is with me, so I fear no death or evil. I literally don’t fear death, I only fear where I may arrive. Other than that, I’m looking forward to death ?
  3. Indeed, religion is right on the existence of demons and spirits. There is no shadow of doubt that they exists. Of course it will be in religious literature that they exists when mankind has directly experienced them since the beginning of time. Jesus meet one, Mohammad meet one, Buddha meet one, the Hindu Yogis talk about them. Only a deluded atheist-materialist denies them. He must. But unfortunately for him, materialism and atheism is the height of ignorance. It is Absolutely false. Spirituality is the Truth and everything in it.
  4. Frank's Buddhist adherence is indeed cute. God is the Absolute Truth. So his idea of something above or beyond God is falsehood. Buddhists denial of God and Love is absurd. God's existence is Absolute. God is love.
  5. My highest experience was when I entered another dimension and meet two Supernatural beings. It was also when I had my most incredible vision of God. And realization and experience of the soul. It was a Supernatural experience. Totally Divine and Religious. Totally terrifying. It was a meeting with a higher and more fundemental reality. I stand by the fact that we are not alone.
  6. Chance and random mutation is a cute attempt of a deluded atheist-materialist to make his ungodly perspective of reality seem a little more coherent. No such thing exists. Everything is designed by an Absolute Intelligence.
  7. It’s normal to me. I’ve seen spirits and demons since I was 5-7, and also a lot of insane non-normal dreams. There is a fight within and outside between evil and goodness, between light and darkness, between celestials and demons. No doubt. I’ve not known normal for many years. Indeed, such people are labeled as insane or delusional. But it is them who is insane and delusional.
  8. God has a plan for everyone, and God’s Plan is Good.
  9. The Word of God is Truth and Love. He speaks to many, in many different forms, and many hears Him. Exalted is God, there is no god but Him. ”The dancers were perceived as insane by those who couldn’t hear the music.” And indeed, God’s Speech is music.
  10. It is to my knowledge that God is Absolute Consciousness and Being. I don’t understand the non-dual claim of divinity very much, but I’ve experienced being God, in my own way and form. Non-duality seems to me as a valid and true state of Consciousness. I want to go back to it and figure out the truth about me being God.
  11. “Scientology view is that a person does not have a soul, it is a soul. It is the belief of the religion that they do not have the power to force adherents' conclusions. Therefore, a person is immortal, and may be reincarnated if they wish. Scientologists view that one's future happiness and immortality, as guided by their spirituality, is influenced by how they live and act during their time on earth.” That shit sounds true.
  12. The claim of an objective physical reality is a falsehood. That’s the illusion, of the mind. That it’s objective and therefore true. That’s the falsehood.
  13. Indeed, there is life after death. All evidence points to it. Mankind has recognized it as truth since forever. Still, there is something terrifying about death. I should prepare.
  14. Buddha seems wrong on the concept of annata. Atman (Soul) is the case. Actually yesterday I realized the existence of the soul. I have to further examine it, but it seems clear that the soul exists.
  15. God is Love. So Love is an Absolute. I don’t yet know it’s part in reality, but I’ve been seeing ❤️ everywhere the last 5 months, in forms of flowers, the sky etc. I’ve also seen it in my visual field, a lot of hearts ❤️. I don’t know yet what it really means. But one thing I know, for certain, Love is not a product of the body nor is it a feeling merely.
  16. God is Absolute Goodness and Love. He is Absolute Consciousness and Absolute Being. God, there is no god but Him. He is Absolutely Great. The Goodness and Love He has shown me is undeniable. He gave me the gift of seeing Him. To behold His Greatness. And He is the one Who forgave me when I did unright to my soul! And He came Gloriously and saved my life from satan. To Him I shall return.
  17. I had one experience where I seemingly didn’t exist (wasn’t aware) but I have no experience of it, I just know I was gone for some time, totally gone, and then I came back. But I strongly believe life after death is an Absolute fact.
  18. It seems clear that certain people are born with superior spiritual genes (or born spiritually blessed). They will experience hundreds of mystical and supernatural experiences and they will most likely realize God without a single touch of drugs or even meditation. Jesus was one of those. And Mohammad. Indeed, God blesses the unworthy with Truth and Honor. He is the Truth, the King. There is no god but Him. We are His children. And His children were created in His image. And ultimate, in the end, we shall all return to Him.
  19. God must refrain from showing His full Divine Might to a human so he doesn’t collapse into dust.
  20. The existence of Supernatural Beings as an absolute Truth doesn’t seem to be acknowledged much. It seems clear to me that there exists independent spiritual beings, or what Leo calls aliens and Demi-gods. The denial thereof is one of materialism, the Lie.
  21. It’s unclear if the ego exists as a self. But it’s clear that it exists. Like the soul. The ego doesn’t die until the ultimate physical death and may exists after as well. The question of being an ego is a difficult one. Are you the ego? It seems in the least that the ego is a central part of you. But ultimately, you will never die.
  22. It’s nothing soft about spirituality, I’ve almost lost my life twice in this spiritual path. But that’s how I like it.