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Everything posted by MKAUS

  1. Hamas, or all people being evil, as you put it is irrelevant. The Israelis are devils. Hamas are devils. youre a devil. I’m a devil. Now - how does that change the facts since 1948? Since you mentioned Hamas are conversative Muslims who want to fight a war for the end of times. Let’s remind everyone that Israelis are the “chosen ppl”. Their behaviour fits it in with this doctrine. Let’s do as we please. God is with us. It’s inconceivable that we are in the wrong.
  2. Exactly. I say it again, it just boggles my mind how seemingly intelligent people frame this conflict. This conflict is a good litmus test for bad judgment and biased individuals.
  3. Dude you are just very self bias and blind. Wake up. This argument is just pointless.
  4. For around 20 years. Anything of substance that you can add or…..?
  5. No wonder why Israel is a pariah state. Someone says “Hey this is what numerous human rights reports are saying about Israel - sources FROM Israel even” The Israeli says “Nah it’s all bullshit. The UN is bullshit. The ICC is bullshit. The ICJ is bullshit. What Europe says is bullshit. We’re Gods chosen ppl bro”
  6. Yes 5 countries woke up one day and said “let’s attack Israel for no reason!” That’s like saying “oh cmon, what would you do if you were an American soldier and your buddy was killed in Iraq? Wouldn’t you fight against those animals?” Dude
  7. No. I’ll give you just 1 example from a possible 1000. In 2018 the Gazan’s organised a peaceful non violent march to break the siege. According to the human rights reports (look it up), during this march toward the border, Israel shot medics, children and disabled people. Israel was not under attack by militants in this case (like I said, 1 example from 1000’s). The Gazans were attempting non-violent resistance. What does Israel do? It shoots and kills disabled people. This is the documented record. Reap what you sow.
  8. Just because a country has awesome falafel stands by the beach and good coffee culture, doesnt change the fact that the historical record is very clear that it’s a vicious, satanic, lunatic state which routinely targets (by sniper so don’t say “oh they hide behind civilians”) and murders old ladies, disabled people, kids, babies and women. Check out the numerous human rights reports. Those who took the time and effort to really dig deep on this topic are difficult to argue with. The evidence is plentiful and embarrassing if someone peels back the self-bias. Alan Dershowitz debated Norman Finkelstein many years ago. Norman hammered him so bad that Alan went ballistic and ensured that Norman was sacked and unable to teach as a professor ever again. Now, why would Zionist Alan Dershowitz take such revenge - one has to wonder.
  9. Your point here is a red herring. As per the Israeli narrative since 1948. Commit unspeakable crimes and cry victim while pointing “over there”. Best we end it here.
  10. They’d rather die on their feet than to live crawling on their knees like they have been the last 20 years due to a brutal, illegal, degrading siege and occupation. How is their strategy genocidal? Yes they targeted civilians. I don’t agree with that strategy but I also won’t condemn it. When the black slaves revolted against the whites and committed unspeakable atrocities, I’m sure the whites condemned them at the time. What about 150 years later? Do we condemn a black slave revolting and killing civilians? I doubt it. I think it’s too early to tell whether Oct 7th was the catalyst to a foundational change in this part of the Middle East.
  11. Settlements are only one element of it. Palestinians have no reason to accept Israel with its current racist leadership. Any defence of Israel is simply unacceptable. I cannot take ppl who defend Israel seriously.
  12. As someone who’s been following Israel-Lebanon and Israel-Palestine conflicts for 20+ years, I’m constantly shocked at how seemingly very intelligent people see this conflict. It really boggles my mind. The historical record is overwhelmingly against Israel. It’s not even close. Just look up Norman Finkelstein’s work. Israel has just become more and more lunatic over the last 50 years. The only way out of this mess IMO is the dismantling of the Israeli government and for Israel-Palestine to become one, normal democratic state with no partitions and no special privileges for being Jewish. The Israelis will have no choice but to behave differently in the future simply because they’re being ostracized by the world and when the US turns off the money tap they are finished. I just cannot believe the self bias and arrogance of Israelis. It’s really something to behold.