
Member P3
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Everything posted by josemar

  1. This topic should be in the Sexuality Forum, it's for immature people who are still confused about sex and cannot reconcile feelings of shame, guilt etc and start making morality rules based around their own confusions and call it spirituality.
  2. So you're not valuing "being in line with god" above "being in line with the devil"?
  3. Man cannot get woman wet. Accuses her of being trans. Only way to know for sure, is post her insta here. We'll investigate 📸
  4. It was clear to me when Buck Edwards started posting a few days/weeks after preety was gone that it's the same style of posting. Seems he/she fooled everyone else 😁. Of course, now she's a man with similar psych problems as her. The length someone with BPD and histrionics behavior would go to....
  5. I see no downside to giving EAS people 5meo dmt, what have they got to lose? They'd be dead anyway. And just when they're realizing "omg I'm God.... Omg reality is nothing.... Omg it's total freedom, unconditional love!!!!" doctor goes "too late, b*tch!!111" and injects the lethal juice.
  6. It's wild to me that some people interpret the words of great masters and contemporary ones to support their conceptual view of ego solipsism. It's the church of ego elevated to divine dimensions.
  7. Same conclusion I reached about the rizzing lizard some time ago, sometimes he gives the impression of some spiritual sparks, but then drowns them in batshit crazy ramblings. I stopped engaging at that time, and I'm much better.
  8. Nah ... I wish, but nah... Saylor alone probably has hundreds of millions of limit orders above 50k
  9. Give her IV 5meo instead of the lethal injection, she'd die... Just not in the way she thinks 🤔
  10. How do you think you would react if your child said the same thing to you?
  11. How old were you? Don't worry, it's not your fault you turned out to be a disappointment for your parents...
  12. So you haven't followed "the Twitter files"?
  13. Haha, I guess sarcasm doesn't translate well in text Wish it would go lower, don't tell Dodo but I'm in a couple of shorts in profit, stop loss to entry
  14. How's your sleep, are you getting enough? Anything out of the ordinary preceding these episodes, e.g. psychedelics, a change in diet, environment etc?
  15. Ah yes, Gold is such a performer, up 27% in 13 years (since 2011), up 150% since 1980 (44 years ago - guess what inflation did to that price increase?) How much faster Bitcoin grew since its inception in comparison to gold is not even fair, you can't even wrap your head around this number, it's about 700 million percent. In the last year, bitcoin is up 270% compared to gold. How are you going to verify governments and central banks have the gold they say they have? You can't. This information is all publicly available on the blockchain for Bitcoin. In 50 years, when we'll be mining asteroids, gold will have a practically infinite supply, bitcoin will still be 21 million.
  16. And the fact bitcoin is a commodity like gold, not a security like eth and most others. Wait until Vitalik and other eth investors have to file paperwork like companies that sell stocks, carnage will ensue. And Monero? Got delisted recently from some exchanges, governments don't like untraceable money. It might survive as a niche dark web payment method, but it'll never be mainstream... Down 77% against bitcoin in the last year.
  17. Do they not teach Google searching at stage yellow?
  18. If you have less than $10k to trade, I'd recommend working your normal job until you can afford it. It's not impossible to turn small amounts into millions, but it is much riskier, since you're not using proper risk management. Market makers liquidate tens of millions $ positions daily, I don't think my 100k makes much of a difference. That's how they make their money, by liquidating people. You learn how the market makers think by learning to trade (in the proper groups, not everybody with a youtube channel and a course to sell is good), and don't have to rely on 1 or 2 lucky entries. At the ATH, there is a special level - because like I said, lots more people had their sell orders there, so even market makers probably couldn't have pushed through that sell wall, at least at the first try. This is why it was such a high probability trade. I didn't have limit orders set there, I waited for the reaction, and entered when we SFPd the ATH.
  19. Dude... Do you think that me shorting the ATH moved the price down, is that why you're triggered ?? Well I'm happy you think I have this power, but in reality, the market makers do whatever they want with the price, the tricky thing is us as small fish to play with the whales and not get eaten, that is, swim in the same direction with them. Sounds like you're trying to time major bottoms, enter high leverage there, then hope for the best, holding the positions for years... That's great, but funding fees will eat a lot of your profits (seen it as high as 0.08% every 8 hours). There are many types of trading, swing trading (what you appear to be doing) is just one, day and scalp trading are also valid strategies. They require more time and knowledge investment, but usually produce lots more profits, since you're taking lots more trades, each with a high potential. I'm in spot BTC since 21k, it's just when I started being interested in crypto at the beginning of last year. My long leveraged positions, like I mentioned a few times before, now are probably at an average entry price of 50-54k, I didn't initially enter there, but kept taking partial profits, and adding to the positions on dips, that's why my entry price keeps going up. OF COURSE!!! because I only risk 1% on any given trade!!! If you're worried about any particular trade, that means you're RISKING TOO MUCH !!! Lower your leverage, decrease position size, adjust your stop loss, until you don't care if you lose 1 trade. I don't think I can make it clearer that this !!! Of course, when the market moves against you, it is the market's fault. And if the market moves with you, you're the genius small fish with a big brain. That's cool if that is what you have to tell yourself... Or, how about you learn how to trade, and stop blaming "the market" Yes!!