
Member P3
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Everything posted by josemar

  1. You should keep your delusions to the politics forum echo chamber. @Basmanit's simple, can you afford to decline work? How many people in normal jobs can pick and choose which tasks to do and which to leave. Maybe in the beginning, get as much work as feasible, keeping your life-work balance, so that in a few years you can afford to turn down work or maybe hire/subcontract someone else for those tasks...
  2. Good advice, normally... where are we now? I keep making the distinction between "crypto" and "bitcoin". They are NOT the same thing. When bitcoin is going to be added to the strategic reserve in a few days or weeks in the USA, and when countries will try to front-run the USA in getting there... will you still maintain this position? Yes, "a crash" is probably coming, but depends how you define it. 30% drawdowns for bitcoin are pretty common even in a bull market... that's not a crash. if the 30% drawdown comes after a 100%-600% upside (BTC was 16k in Jan 2023), are you telling your followers to stay away from making money? Not everyone here can afford to ignore bitcoin, but this is exactly what you're doing to them... Meanwhile, their USD savings are withering away in a bank account, or worse, under their mattress @Daniel Balan To everyone else, I'd advise to research bitcoin on your own, don't rely on Leo's uninformed opinion... And if we see a pullback to 70k, that only means a second chance to get it at a discount...
  3. It's kinda obvious... Because no one government controls bitcoin. can you say the same about any other asset?
  4. Are you working in one of the 200+ agencies Elon wants to streamline? Or are you in Trans - Carbon neutral - Gender studies? Then yes, probably have to look for another job. You'll probably have 1+ years wages to tie you through to the next job. The stock market and bitcoin are at all time highs, after Trump's election... So you can see what the financial system thinks of his 2nd term. You mean, steal your money at an even higher rate than current FED/bankers? You probably lose half your money every 10 years through inflation. We're in luck though, since most Trump supporters voted for his pro-bitcoin policies, the only digital inflation-proof store of value. And also, they keep announcing planned tax cuts. You'll probably pay less tax...
  5. Are these real animals, or something present only in your mind? Seems strange to happen in 3 different locations. What works for me is melatonin, but don't take a full pill, experiment and see what works for you... For me, about a quarter of a 3mg pill works great, no point taking more.
  6. Do I sound worried? Today is like Christmas and Easter arrived at the same time !!!
  7. I kept copy-pasting 5-7 policies that I agreed with the republicans on and vehemently disagreed with Kamala. Do you want me to post them again? Anyway, given the option of voting for a party that promises to implement the exact policies you want to see, with a dubious representative (Trump), or a party that has the exact opposite policies, but with a wishy-washy, uninspiring, hollow representative, would you honestly say you would vote for the latter? And see exactly the policies you don't want be enacted?? I doubt it. Paraphrasing Sam Harris on the Hunter Biden laptop story, I don't care if Trump killed 3 people and buried them in his backyard, as long as he implements my policies.
  8. Kamala got the fake Avengers to support her, Trump got the real Avengers in his team
  9. No worries, we are a majority and can start healing even if your side doesn't want us to
  10. Empty words, you believe the leftist propaganda. If what you say was true, it would have been easy to give 1-3 examples that are not misconstrued or taken out of context. People like me is the reason the US society will start healing and do a 180 from the shitshow of mutilating kids, allowing men to beat up women in the Olympics, allowing criminals to cross the border unchecked, allowing thieves go unpunished and people feeling unsafe to just walk through their neighbourhood and many many other downright damaging policies inflicted on us by the extreme left that passes itself as the "normal" left. Clean your own house first before making delusional pronouncements about the future of the US. "The right side of history", indeed
  11. What does he say he'll do that worries you so much? And not what leftist media "reports" he said
  12. She seemed happy as well *ears bleeding*
  13. Only one more day until you can stop the cognitive dissonance and repeating lies you heard from your lying leftist news sources... Hang in there, relief is near...
  14. Can we not see the institution of the president outside of the actual person performing the function? If people like the promises one side makes over another, what would make them vote for the opposing side, "well the particular individual chosen to fulfill those promises might have done some bad things"... Right, but is that enough to vote for the opposing side, and abandon all hope for what you actually want implemented? Yes, they're only promises for now, but Kamala had almost 4 years in power and she still blames Trump for ... being a presidential candidate? These are the policies I like the republicans over democrats for... any one of these is a one issue vote, luckily all are correctly chosen by the republicans... 1. PRO Free speech / First amendment. By contrast, the dems want to censor whoever they don't like (which they already were doing before Musk bought twitter) 2. Pro bitcoin. If a politician is against inflation-proof store of value and is favoring the bankers that will steal your money slowly through inflation hoping you won't notice, I'm not voting for them. 3. Lower (income) taxes. When is that ever a bad thing? Kamala is floating all kinds of ideas on increasing taxes and taxing unrealized profits!!!. Is she crazy? No, just shallow. 4. Decrease size of and make government more efficient.Why would I vote for a party that wants to increase taxes (to sustain an inefficient too large government), that increased the number of IRS agents to check my every little sale of old shoes? 5. A more sane approach to the newest gender ideology. Offering sex changes to illegal migrants in prison? Yeah... I don't think this is the highest priority. Watch the stock market and bitcoin tank if Kamala wins... tells you all you need to know about how economy-friendly each party is.
  15. My guess is that if there really was some truth to UFOs, it would have come out already. Musk said he hasn't seen any evidence of such, with all his top level security clearances... Or would RFK not said something? Actually maybe he did, I'm not following him that closely... Trump tried to give a political answer to aliens, but I got the feeling he also hasn't seen any evidence.... just couldn't straight say "no" and lose your vote
  16. 5 meo dmt is S tier in my experience, and no other psychedelic comes close. All other psychedelics still play in the realm of the ego, you may get lucky and have ego death on mushrooms or lsd for 5 minutes, but with 5meodmt it's almost guaranteed.
  17. Absolutely correct. A lot of Trump voters don't think he's a saint that can do no wrong, but the Presidential institution will enact policies that will benefit the common people much more so yhan a continuation of what has been. Could be only a perception, and we'll see if it gets better under Trump, but rewarding the existing leadership with another term in office seems to say that people agree with the direction America is going, which they don't. Democracy ftw!!!
  18. My pockets are enough evidence. Do you want me to listen to people telling me I was worse under Trump? Nope. What if... (are you sitting down?) the election was a fraud? With all the involvement of 3 letter agencies to censor non-mainstream narratives, is it that difficult to believe they are doing everything they can (without being discovered) to prevent Trump from being elected? What about the rest of the American political apparatus, will they just sit down and allow Trump to become a dictator, have you so little faith in it? Fearmongering BS. Funny how only right wing people are censored by the left wing government. Why not censor everyone equally? Because the lefties want to use it for their benefit. How about not censoring anybody?
  19. He didn't resolve border issues? At least there were 10-15 million less illegals, many criminals in America then. Economy was booming, inflation was under control... 1. PRO Free speech / First amendment. By contrast, the dems want to censor whoever they don't like (which they already were doing before Musk bought twitter) 2. Pro bitcoin. If a politician is against inflation-proof store of value and is favoring the bankers that will steal your money slowly through inflation hoping you won't notice, I'm not voting for them. 3. Lower (income) taxes. When is that ever a bad thing? Kamala is floating all kinds of ideas on increasing taxes and taxing unrealized profits. Is she crazy? No, just shallow. 4. Decrease size of and make government more efficient.Why would I vote for a party that wants to increase taxes (to sustain an inefficient too large government)? 5. A more sane approach to the newest gender ideology. Offering sex changes to illegal migrants in prison? Yeah... I don't think this is the highest priority. All the fear mongering lies spread by the left on Trump's crazy ideas, are not worth mentioning... - project 2025 - Trump has dissociated himself from it multiple times. - Federal ban on abortions - will not happen, and Trump has said that multiple times - Trump is as bad as / worse than Hitler... yeah, alright....
  20. Uuu indirectly... Must shrink in fear... Depends where you get your news from. After the twitter files exposé, I wouldn't be surprised if 3 letter agencies were pivotal in their involvement with Jan 6.
  21. I've watched more hours of interviews with her than I like to admit.