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Everything posted by royce

  1. i agree with you , who want to live in a country when these is a militia in ? no one but ask the same people you want to live in a country under militia or under Zionist occupation ? you will choose the militia
  2. There was a time when it was referred to as the Switzerland of the East.
  3. its okey to ask why the nazi party got started or how ? why this is a proplem ? why they used south lebanon ? they came from mars and located in south lebanon ? no they pushed back from their lands
  4. I might have sounded a bit harsh in my reply, but sometimes it’s really frustrating to see how confident people can be when talking about things they don’t fully understand. You mentioned Lebanon would be better off without Hezbollah, and while that might be true, take a moment to consider why Hezbollah exists in the first place. Why have militias been around in Lebanon for the last 50 years? It’s largely because they were instrumental in pushing the Israelis out of Lebanese territory.
  5. You're clearly speaking without any real understanding of the subject. Do yourself a favor and actually learn how and why Hezbollah was formed before running your mouth. Do some proper research before spouting off opinions you know nothing about. please boy please x)
  6. There are instructions preventing you from publishing videos of the losses caused by the glorious Hezbollah's missiles, why?
  7. Stop posting this nonsense. After a year of this war, everything is clear. Who are you trying to convince? The Israelis here? They served in the IDF, and you think a tweet is going to change their minds?! Or you want to convince the Americans? AIPAC controls 90% of their politicians like puppets, just like in third-world countries. Just sit back and watch the region burn.
  8. How to become a white angel? Bear half a conscience Fight for freedom movements Annihilate liberation movements Distribute your compassion and tenderness Over the killed according to nationality But this’s one issue, and that’s another How to become civilized Abiding by all terms and conditions Make all your words righteous Take trees into your arms Sugarcoat titles and names While an army demolishes a nearby school And when caught red-handed… with blood Say everyone’s a victim But this’s one issue, and that’s another How can I believe this world When it talks about humanity? Seeing a mother lamenting her child Who died in a raid… hungry Making a killer on par with their victim With all honesty and fairness But this’s one issue, and that’s another How can I sleep peacefully Plugging my ears While a family is buried under the rubbles of its home Forsaken... denied rescue As if the earth in which they’re buried Is not of this earth But this’s one issue, and that’s another How to live in an open prison With bars of fire and ashes Raise from the rubble Grab your killer by the neck Gather your remains and fight And show the deceiving world How the law of the jungle is forced Where’s the route to freedom How to take on a tank barehanded It doesn’t matter if the world speaks out Die free… don’t live in submission Inspire generation after generation How to live and die for a cause What world are we calling for To denounce and condemn? Condemn all you want For any condemnation of crimes in the slaughterhouse Won’t soften the powder’s charge And won’t bring back daylight But this’s one issue… And that’s an honorable struggle…
  9. Because of the idology of islam , dont Allows that and they trying to change that , the Arab govements And the west and that's make people stick to Islam more and more and maybe they will change it , who knows
  10. The West has had a major role in fueling jihadist Islam. When you kill a million Iraqis, fight a 17-year war in Afghanistan, support dictators, and push the agendas of the Zionist regime in the region, it inevitably contributes to the problem. I'm not saying it's the only factor, but it's certainly not a small one. Like you said not all Muslims want to live in caves and fight the world's most powerful country like Bin Laden did, but you can create many more Bin Ladens if you treat people poorly. It's an ego thing, and they're witnessing what’s written in the Quran unfolding right in front of them. Whats Happening In Gaza Radicalized Students In New york Imagine Whats Happening In The Middle east
  11. In the Middle East, the kings and presidents handpick their governments, and many of these rulers were put in place by the Americans. How is it possible that the U.S. installs leaders who act against the interests , We're living in a modern-day dark age here, where we have no real power to choose anything. I'm not saying whether this is right or wrong—I'm just describing the reality of the situation.
  12. this is impossible before 7 October and after it
  13. This is Maybe from outside they applying Sharia, but in reality, this is just a tactic to keep the public content. They may apply Sharia to minor matters, like marriage and family issues, but when it comes to major, critical issues, Sharia is nowhere to be found. Under true Sharia law, you can't have kings or presidents, banks operating on interest, or foreign military bases in Muslim lands. And certainly, under Sharia, you wouldn’t stand by while Israel kills Muslims, watching it happen on Al Jazeera. Those who truly advocate for Sharia in these countries often find themselves in prison. All of these Arab countries are weak and heavily dependent on the United States. For instance, the entire Arabian Gulf is home to American military bases, and even countries like Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq have American bases as well. The main role of the rulers in these nations is simply to maintain internal stability and keep things calm—nothing beyond that.
  14. which country in the middle east Applies the Sharia ? bro stop fooling the people here
  15. I remember at the start of the war, you supported it and seemed to approve. But now you're sharing photos of people in the streets like they dont want the war, which isn't true. They're angry because they understood Netanyahu doesn't care about the hostages .
  16. This is a myth , you elected Netnyahu for 20 years and you will continue I find it striking how Israel seems to dominate U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, exerting influence over Congress and having AIPAC everywhere. Yet, there's still talk about Americans not caring about Israel — which is pretty ironic.
  17. Israeli settlers offer boat tours off the coast of Gaza, to watch the bombing and see where they plan to build new settlements.
  18. I Just rewatched this amazing episode , i love you leo , thank you for everything