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Everything posted by daramantus

  1. You didn't answer me. What do you mean by detector in your consciousness?
  2. yet there still a computer, internet, and a forum for you to post these cough cough "enlightened" fellows never fail to amaze me
  3. oh rly? tell us how is it like to have a detector in your consciousness? You can have ideas, can have thoughts, etc, which are personal and subjective for you and no one anymore. A detector is NOT in your consciousness, it is outside of your consciousness and for this reason you can see what others can see too, it's called shared reality, which proves objective reality, it's static, it's there, it's outside of you. What Leo preaches is 100% utterly lie. He wants to push to the fallacious side, the deeper he is debunked the deeper he pushes to a fallacy, that way he will never lose an argument. He is a fraud. Reality is objective and there's nothing that can even refute that. The reason we can communicate via internet it's because of this fact. Just learn to deal with it, everything is outside of your consciousness, EVERYTHING
  4. who told you this bunch of bullshit? who told you that there is even infinity? and why do you number infinity? infinity is infinity, it's not one or two, or three. but there isn't even infinity to being with. not even in physics: http://bigthink.com/experts-corner/infinity-is-not-real also, you are so dumb, that determinism is not the opposite of free-will, let alone "equal". the opposite of determinism is in·de·ter·min·ism, the opposite of free-will is responsibility. there is no philosophy to oppose that, only pseudo new-agers bullshiting and bitching about it.
  5. Do you have reading problems ? the universe SHOULD NOT exist, there is nothing saying ""universe Doesn't Exist"
  6. "The "Nothingness/You" was there before even the time you were not born and will be forever." How do you know that? Do you have any evidence of your statement? "it's called "awareness" that is true self and cannot be changed because it's "nothingness"" Define "Nothingness" "The brain should be firing trillions of signals to make sense of self and everything you currently experiencing that makes "you" unreal and just a mind activity" Are you really trying to solve the "consciousness problem'? lmao, How you gain consciousness and how you are always being you in the same body? can you explain this? There is a big nobel prize waiting for you.
  7. "Well I would say no one" You simply avoided the question. "no one" is a lie. Obviously I am aware (ME), Stop using "lalala I can't hear you" "But one could also say awareness is aware, but not as a "thing". " Awareness is aware but not as a thing, sound a lot of word salad woo woo, be specific and conclusive as you talk. Can you experience being a flower? NO, a rock? NO, can you experience being Empty Space ? NO, You are always stucked within your body? YES. In the same body? YES, you faint and back to which body? YOURS, then who is aware? YOU. Consciousness is YOU (as a thing, separated from the rest, YES) If it wasn't then you'd be everything already, not only in your body. What awareness is aware even means? I don't have idea. "Of course there is a body-mind-organism here looking at the screen, typing this text and there is a perspective here, from which the world is viewed." and guess what, Of course this "body-mind-organism" is me. I experience every little thing of this body-mind-organism, so this is ME, separated. And If you want to separate you from this body-mind-organism, then you are 100% proving that you believe you are a separated individual entity, because If you are not the body-mind-organism, but you are stucked in your body, Then you are a INDIVIDUAL SOUL (that's what you are claiming. because If not, explain me why you are always going back to the same body, and only you can experience being you? " In a sense I am everybody else too." You sound like a delusional hippie, Nice self delusion. No, you are not. Neither awareness, Because you are making assumptions out of what you believe it to be, you have no idea what happens after death. "Sorry man, this is just my personal view - how it is viewed from here. Take it or leave it. " This is a forum for discussing. No I'm not leaving.
  8. As long as you think you are creating something (thoughts, actions), you will never be enlightened First, I don't want to be " enlightened" because I don't believe in such a thing (pure religious woo woo), and I'm a real skeptic. " But People have NO Choice" They obviously have "They can't chose to think. " (No, Then who choose? a God in the sky? A alien in control of you? A mysterious super life conscious woo woo energy? A super mysterious invisible woo woo deepak field of consciousness which knows what is a chocolate and what is a tea, then It chooses for you the tea? Give me a break dude, this belongs to walt disney "But thoughts happened itself." I already show you why thoughts don't happen by itself (whatever that means) what is a thought, a alien? lmao. Want me to go deeper in this issue? "You can't even chose to understand what I'm saying right now" ?? You make no sense dude, you have no proof of what you are saying you are just babbling here using fallacy and saying "You can't do this or that" without any evidence of such, you are just saying what YOU believe to be true. If I can't choose what to understand, then who does? If you say that there is something in my brain that can do that (This is still me, because I'm not separated from my brain and I'm also my brain) So what is it, a big alien? "There's no YOU to create anything but they appears from the cause of external experiences" So "creating things" is an independent entity which is not me but which decides what a body is going to do which is not me, despite me feeling that I am this entity and that I am choosing what to do. Which means I exist. YOU ARE HIGH. FINISH THE CHEETOS AND GO TO SLEEP. STOP ATTEMPTING PHILOSOPHY If people can choose to think, why are they suffering? And who told you that people are "suffering"? I'm sure you are brainwashed by these new fake radical neo-advaita teachers (tony parsons, lisa cairns, etc) who keep repeating the word "suffering" "suffering" "suffering" "suffering" , as If there was a "world of suffering" and the only escape is following their cult/religion of "enlightenment. I can quote thousands and thousands of people 100% happy and full of life which never heard anything of this non dual nonsense. Your happiness is not everyone's happiness dude. The only people who might be suffering are you guys, srsly, suffering from this mental nonsense. You sound like a religious lunatic. wake up, you are brainwashed.
  9. These are all type of unconscious processes within your own self (from emotions and your own mind in the role). From your own self you can eliminate all of these problems. And change them for others, according to your true self (true one that you want to become or already are) and relieve suffering
  10. You are obviously not your thoughts, since you create them, and you have to separate unconscious thoughts from conscious thoughts. Thoughts are peripheral details from you, (self), we differ from thoughts, that's your unique self conscious perspective, and most of the unconscious thoughts are basically old memories playing on you because of painfull emotions from the past. You created them from experience. You are the doer as there is no man in the sky pulling the strings, no alien controlling you, no alien in your brain, only you, and you being influenced by emotions. That's all. And when these type of memories appear in you , unconsciously you direct them, analyze them, can think about them on your own self perspective. Actually everytime someone ask you to remember something you are using your own power of intention in the moment to force YOUR OWN brain to provide the memory for you, the delay is a proof, you are prior it. That's a basic example of you. Thoughts are peripheral details. Your UNIQUE INDIVIDUAL self is the only thing you can be pretty sure it is 100% real.
  11. You must exist in order to say that "you don't exist", so yes, you do exist. So, this is rubbish.. move on.. Then who is understanding this conversation? who is aware of it and understanding with Its own perspective that differs from other people? Who is understanding the thoughts, ideas beliefs and your own subjectivitity in your mind? Who is this centered "thing" inside Which is understanding and analyzing things? If not YOU? If you say "OHHH IT IS CONSCIOUSNESS" (Still you, because you don't experience being a flower or the wind, or "everything", you are always in your body and always experiencing your own subjectivity so that's you. You can't say "the brain", because the brain is not some fucking alien in control of you, you can't separate you from your brain, you are one within your brain, and you are also your brain, neurons etc, and the brain just is, the brain is not some alien which is aware and you aren't... NO, the awareness in your brain is you aware, you are aware of your brain cravings, you are aware of your mood and emotions, which happens UTTERLY AND LONELY to you and through you, because only you can experience being you and your emotions.You can't say "It is life, not you" Because now you're stuck in your body, so that's you, and you have also to define "life". Because the only thing that we can know for sure, is our INDIVIDUAL existence (SELF), all the rest is doubtful. cogito ergo sum. I can be skeptic about the world's existence, but I can't lie to my self and say that I don't exist because I know that's rubbish. so what your absurd statement "there is no you" even means? = bullshit.