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About Will2gain

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  • Birthday 07/16/1986

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  1. @Adamq8 Its the lack of humility i see on this forum. I have a strong intuition, that all of you guys are talking from the point of a massive inflated and diluted ego, and feeding the puppetmasters complexes. Ofcourse i could be projecting.
  2. @Adamq8 So you are awakened, and this is absolutely truth for you? You do not fear the hammer??
  3. Tell that to your boss when your late to work next week
  4. It isnt obvious at all for me? my body seems to be a part of my existence no?
  5. So you have transcended the body also? You do not suffer anymore?
  6. Would you experience fear if i came at you with a hammer in the night?
  7. So you have transcended biology and exist in that state constantly?
  8. But why then if i bash a hammer on your brain, you loose consciousness and shit yourself?
  9. I met Leo once in a dream, he was like "what the hell are you doing outside my house? You need to leave" so i left feeling sad and disapointment, this was a lesson of idolism, if i had the chance to meet him back then, i would have traveled for days, not for learning or information, but only to meet and be with him in the present, can anyone comprehend? I suspect you can
  10. If the navel chakra is so important,then what symptoms would a blockd navel chakra bring? My navel is extremely sensitiv and i get spasms if someone where to touch that area, its like i get electric shock in my genitals?
  11. Also i keep seeing 666 over Leo's head in his intimate blog videos ?
  12. I had a dream one night about 8 years ago, where i whitnessed a man fall down on train tracks and got run over by the train, after the train passed by i jumped down to help him but he was now so small that i could pick him up and hold him in my hands weird.. anyways i told my gf about the weird dream.. The following day was sunday and my girlfriend and i went to church (occationally we went to church) and the preacher talktheme was "mind the gap" he kept talking about the similarity of minding the gap between pavement and train in trainstations to taking care of your life (we dont even have trains in this country) so yeah that def gave me a hint of god