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Everything posted by Ray

  1. Name: Ray Age: 19 Gender: Male Location: Milan, Italy Occupation: Student, media studies Martial Status: Single Kids: 7 ahah (nope). Hobbies: Personal development, meditation, pick up, watch quality movies, stand up comedy, improve my organisation system, improve my diet, video games. September 2015, I turn 18 and I still never had a relationship with a girl... around the begging of October finally I meet and start a sex friend relationship. She is particular: it's the first person that I truly believe is mature (but I still believe I'm more mature ahah) and she have a particular prospective on life, which is based on a concept called "enlightenment". I value truth and I love speaking about important idea and concepts so I continue to argue with her about enlightenment and while I try to demonstrate that it's a stupid idea I slowly begin to realise that maybe I'm the one who have a false prospective on life. Meanwhile, always for the "relationship" I research technique and stuff for improve the sex life and I stumble on Leo's channel, and I immediately think he's a great and truly mature guy and because of my new interest on enlightenment/spirituality and the discover of a profound interest on psychology and personal development, I start to meditate 15 min every day. From then I started to watch more and more of leo's videos and practicing technique, and now it's been more than 1 year that I'm following him. And I'm so grateful to have made this choice. In synthesis: for improving sex life, then for cool ideas/quality of channel related with my passion, and then even for spiritual material. Personal challenges that I've overcome: - a powerful procrastination that lead me to never follow on school (even if I was really interested, I was just lazy). - being and feeling as "the loser". - being more confident with girls: I've had multiple "relationships" since then (still not a true one ahah), but I feel I can attract almost every girl that I want. - Not having a clear prospective in life (HUGE ONE): I was religious (childhood) and then atheist (teenage-early adulthood) and I now I finally have a prospective that I sincerely consider valuable, that I accept and love, which is "actualising" (personal development & enlightenment... a belief &"non belief" -which is a non belief ahah-). - Facing my parents, express what I truly feel and believe. I let my father convince me to change university when I was loving what I was studying for learning economy in another university... but I've change again university and now I'm "following my bliss" - And in general being so much more confident, more authentic and more independent of the opinion of the others. I'm not anymore the "loser", I'm neither "the cool guy", I just try to be myself and -amazingly- it works! - Learned to make positive affirmations, visualisations, death contemplation, and from january 2015 I now meditate 1 hours every day! What I'm working on now: - Finding my Life Purpose (through leo's life purpose course; and I'm facing soo much resistance). Understand if my passion is cinema or personal development or an harmony between those 2 or something else (or cabin on the woods -cabin on the woods it's always a choice ahah, and we now that we are all gonna end up like this ahah-). - Getting better with girls. - Improve my organisation system, in particular my daily-weekly-mothy-yearly plan, and my morning routine - Working on enlightenment. Learning not just meditation but even mindfulness. - Improving my diet. - Remove other bad habits and create new one. - Finding other "actualised" persons who I can have a sincere good relationship - Study for my university (at the end of the list ahah) Thank you too much Leo; and thanks you too reader, and every other person on this forum: I feel good when I'm here
  2. Thank you sooo much guys@Ayla @Dhana Choko @ZenMonkey @ZenMonkey @Roman Here is the change that you enable in my life: my first healty smoothie and from now on I will improve even more than before my diet
  3. Warrior imagine dragon could have been me struts the pretender foo fighters
  4. - the inner and outer world -samsara - jodorosky dune - inside jobs - jiro dreams of sushi
  5. You have great methods guys, thanks for the tips Personally I'm tring to find a some kind of method that I can use for every book that I read in order to get the most juce from it: right now I put different simols when I found that there is an important topic/main idea regarding the subject of the book, when I have an insight and one when I have some doubts/questions. I use post it when there is no enought space on the page. I even find really useful "convert" the written ideas into simple schemas that sum up the idea. Still I really want to improve in my reading skills and I'm starting breaktrought rapid reading... What do you think about it? I think it's a really essential skill because we will read books for entire life yet nobody give us a tecbnique that enebles to improve our understanding of the book, how to categorize/select different infomrations (that can comes from the book or from us) and how to archieve/implement them... It will be really cool to have some kind of course or powerful sistem of techinque... Did you know if something like this exist out there :)?
  6. - I want to find out what it's my true passione (movies or personal developpment or self expresion...) and live it as life purpose. - Become enlighted - find a truly beautiful partner and truly love her and have a story that look like a movie where we really synegize toghether - live near to the sea in a big city that have a hot weather and lots of nature in a japan/minimal design - maybe have a speech in front of thousands of people speaking just about a topic that I truly love like humor, laughting, cinema or self actualized concepts - have beautiful friends, like people who are self actualised and that I sincerly love whith which I have profound complicty - maybe in the future have a dinner w people that Really inspired me, like leo, woody allen, louis ck, Hayao Miazaky, gandhi (I said maybe ahah), ricky gervais, roberto benigni ... Those are just few that I could thaught about
  7. i medittate from a year and I now do it for 1h; I don't have a precise point int the day where I meditate. Usually I do it in the evneing, like a this period I have exams so I study all the morning, until 5:00 then I meditate and then I try to study 2 h again (hardcore ahah). So actually I use meditation as a pause, as a tool that I can use when I'm tired; but in any case I do it ev day. i feel that If i do it in the morning I'm tired, like I'm in a sleepy state and so it's weird... Don't know. However I'm working in my morning routine so I think I'm going to meditate ev day sooner: I will post here in 1-2 week how I feel about my new schedule
  8. Milan, Italy if anyone from milan see that post contact me so we can have a chatt
  9. Guys thanks soo much for sharing tour morning ritual, you just inspired so much that I will make that change in my life ahah :)) I just have a few questions: - I belive to be a morning person, but still there is some kind of test for determine if I'm a morning person or not? - could you please hare some article from a fiable source that wake up early it's better and which habits are the best for the morning? - I currently wake up around 8-8:30 (which is bad ahah) and I would like to go down to 6:00- 6:30 (I'm 19 so I belive I have to sleep around 8h). If I change from a day to another there will be some problems? How do you guys have made it? Do you have make a gradually Change? - I meditate 1h per day and do positive afirmations 25 min (4 affirmations for 6 min) , I currently don't have a specific time for meditation, there are some studyes that show that it's better in the moring? Coz leo dosen't say anything about it... So my goal are: - wake up at 6:30 5/7 on the week (7:00 saturday) - include habits like: reading pdvelop book, hour of power, and positive affirmations (even iff I shout them and so it could be a problem for my nieghboards ahah). Any suggestions? i would really appreciate them Thanks you soo much for sharing your storys and for answering my questions, you guys are really amazing! And you really inspired me (sorry for my english, I'm an exited italian writting from a phone ahah).
  10. I live in italy man, I don't know you and my english sucks even more than your current grades, but really you have enspired me to go out and kick ass for myself, and please follow what you truly want because you can really really make a change in life, it's truly possibile, I was aweful w girls and w meditations last year: 1 year of leo and now I can have girls and I meditate 1h per day and I just take my first exam this year (I am 19, I've change 2 times university because I want do something I truly love, my passion -that it's still not clear ahah-). So you know, I don't even know myself what I want to say it to you if not just an SINCERE encouragement, you really can do it, with what you've wright, and the way you use that quote I can see that you have that will, so follow it, it will be hard but I know you can do it all the best ray
  11. Yeah you're right. Totally agree for the future sub-forum. I was so exited by the forum that I couldn't wait to launch my project ahah. I'm sure that we will reach them fast, because -really- the forum it's FUCKING AMAZING, and I'm not just speaking about the topics etc... but I'm referring to the form, the design. Minimal, effective, customizable... a really great work. Thank again for everything you are doing :))