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Everything posted by Ray

  1. @Leo Gura yeah really loved that part of the Lp course, best way to end it, really. @Arik happy that it helped you @Saarah Yay I was thinking omg maybe that was a really dumb example "but I'm not the only one" *emoticon of musical note*. Anyway one of the things that I've learned so far in my life -but I still have to understand it a lot more deeply- is that quality is better than quantity (except for money, money are greater in big quantity ahah), so I would prefer a shorter life than a long miserable life. @Electron ahah yeah! I find more and more existence funny: isn't all paradoxical and even ridiculous how everything works? like for real why did gravity and death or shit like that exist? the universe could literally work in many other way! Life is a big fat WTF. @Zephyr Thanks for the advice: you made me think about the documentary Samsara and maybe I will take a picture from there as my death contemplation poster (BTW if anyone of you guys don't have saw that movie you are literally missing out something amazing, like a Leo's channel ) @Emerald Wilkins Great answer! thanks so much for the big advice. I'm still not an expert in enlightenment work but as long as I'm alive I'm on the journey to reaching it. But actually right now I still don't have that success that enables me to be at least economically independent and my major struggle is procrastination therefore I would accept to slow down my enlightenment work (even if deep down -as far as I know- there are no really slow down). I think leo already have given his thought about it: he don't believe it's a problem... In any case I will make it, and if he's right better for me ahah @Mal Thanks for the reminder: I will never stop my journey towards enlightenment, and maybe if I will found out that this really give me problem I can simply remove the poster. @charlie2dogs wow, deep stuff man, thanks I appreciate it. And deep down maybe I find that you are right, more precisely regarding the part with the positive motivation... So what I thought is that I will put another poster with that kind of motivation . Anyway here are my conclusion: I will have my death contemplation poster and if after some time I feel that is working the wrong way I will simply change /remove it. Here are my ideas for the poster: 1) A quote from the Wheel of time: Death is a twirl; death is a shiny cloud over the horizon; death is me talking to you; death is you and your writing pad; death id nothing. Nothing! it's here yet isn't here at all. 2) I'm actually studying art so if I will found some great artist that have made a art piece that enspire me regarding to death I will love to use it as a poster. 3) A picture from the movie samsara (cemetery landscape or desolate land). 4) But the most probable is the attached image Void 1 or Void 2. (I've put some of the best image that I've personally found in case you guys would like to have some inspiration). In any case I will let you know in some month how that "project" went! Thanks all of you for your advices! Love so much that forum!
  2. @Leo Gura Ahahah yeah that is what I'm talking about. But don't you think that it could be counterproductive? Probably is a stupid example but is the one that pop up in my mind: maybe Steve Jobs actually get a cancer because he programmed his submind every morning thinking about his death and what he would be doing if that was his last day... In other terms my question is: this kind of death contemplation (quote or poster) program the submind in a healty way? It could be possible that death contemplation is different from optimism and positive affirmations and program the mind in a negative way? Maybe I'm just overthinking @Saarah I have search a little bit on google but I still didn't find a good picture... probably I will create a quote for myself like Leo have done.
  3. @Saarah Yeah I already do the self contemplation exercise for almost 2 month and half every mornings... it's really amazing and I'm sure that I will do it again in the future. But here the question is different, is related to a poster, to an image that you have in your flat and "passively" help you thought your actualization journey, it's not an exercise. Still thanks for the advice!
  4. Hey guys, From the 15 of July to the 31 of August I'will be in holiday and I would like to attend a personal development / self help seminar in Europe. I look for something regarding Finding my Life purpose (I already done the LP course of Leo and I discovered that probably my Lp is into the personal development domain), or Public speaking, or something generally related to personal development -yeah I know it's very general-. Little bit of my info, maybe they can help: I have 20 years old, I'm into pdvelop for almost a year now, I meditate for 1h per day and I will attend my first vipassana this summer (so exited ). I'm kinda of undecided for my life purpose between filming, public speaking (onemanshow) and personal development. So yeah, what QUALITY seminars in Europe do you suggest me for this summer? Really appreciate the help
  5. Nope, the book list is not included, however there is a list of recommended book regarding the Life Purpose. I'm reading them and they are really amazing :)!
  6. Hey guys I'm starting my journey for cleaning my diet and I thought that it will be great to have a list with the best youtube channels (or even other sites w videos). Did you have some suggestions? Even if you have some particular video and not an entire channel to share it will be great I'm so exited to hear your suggestions, I've see lots of expert on the topic!
  7. Thanks man, I appreciate all your synthesis
  8. @Leo Gura sounds amazing! thanks leo for everything that you are doing!
  9. I changed twice university and now I'm maybe changing it another time... you can immagine all the struggles etc... this is just for telling you that there are other people out there that are facing your same problems... So yeah, face it, you can do it bro! from the power of your expression, your sincerity we can see that you have a deep desire, so I believe in this! I wish you the best and good luck
  10. "Heeeeeeeey" guys! I'm looking for a person with whom do personal development together. For me that mean: sharing our personal development story and tell us our currently objectives, giving advices and help the other one to being on track with his/her goals - like with motivation messages or reminder of our deadline etc...-, chatting about personal development in general, make times to times Skype session/call, brainstorming together about mine/your/our personal development journey etc... Basically the idea is being adventure partner; I look for a relation of mutual accountable friend. Here are some info about me: It's been more than a year now that I'm in personal development, I've seen all leo's video many times and reading books from Leo's list. I'm currently doing the Life Purpose course. My major challenge is to find out my life purpose, which could probably be personal development or working on cinema as a director. However I focus a lot even on personal development in general, like improving habits, testing new technique, mastering meditation, working on enlightenment etc... And yeah, I would even like just talk/discuss about personal development ideas in general with someone that is into personal development as much as I am or more; you know finding people like you guys is so rare! (yet so beautiful). Here if you want to know more about me (sounds like an porn meet up advertisement ahah :P) Btw I can speak Italian, french, english and spanish. If you are interested let me know it! I would be really really happy to start this project !
  11. @Henri I'm open to this too Well @Zane, as as the saying goes "when one door closes, another opens." (even if I had not close it ). Did you and @Draconis Chaser start the accountable friend idea? how is going? I still have not find a partner! so guys please comment if you are interested in the idea!
  12. @Zane Cool! but what fairly new exactly means..? like how long have you been into personal development? share your story on the "tell us how you got into personal development" topic or just send me a private message with more information about you because, sincerely, I would like to have someone that is "at my same or higher level" for avoiding slow down - no offence I really don't want to be rude -. Anyway, if you are really motivated and committed into self actualization is all that matter... so yeah, let me know Edited: ahah thanks man! I am grateful to my french school! still the language that is most useful is english regarding personal development, so you are set better than me in the context ahah! speaking italian about pdvelop is like using american to describe a french recipes .
  13. Man that shit it's fucking accurate... fuck the life purpose course ahah. Just kidding, still I am impressed, because ok mind trick emotions etc... but why they are SO effective? we are people that are sensible to truth, bullshits have a different taste generally speaking... I'm impressed ahah, logically speaking a relation between your vocals, consonant with you life it's possible but it have an impact just a little bigger than the meal that you consume on the morning it can't just determine everything you are... right? ahah. And question: how the Chinese people would do the test? they are fucked. @electroBeam thanks for the great link, you help me recover my rational mind However if they promise a complete refund you know, I could try to buy it and then let you guys know.. but I'm not an expert too so I couldn't say a lot regarding the truth of it. "Oh Great Leo hear our prayer... help us! Numerology it's just a bullshit?" ahah
  14. It's a really cool site! I really love to speak with all you guys live Yeah I want to create some kind of Italian community of Actualized people! so yeah if you are interested join!
  15. As soon as I will finish the LP course I will publish my result here! great idea btw @Neill Bolton
  16. Hey everyone I've some question regarding strong meditations sittings and you guys seems to be really hardcore on the topic so I will bother you @ZenDog @Arik I've been meditations for a year now, I've been doing almost all the technique that leo suggest among which the do nothing that I've been doing for 4-5 month in a row and currently doing it. However I start to feel that I'm on big plato, during all my meditation journey I always felt that I was improving; right now I feel that I'm not really improving and furthermore for like 1 month I can't reach long moment of peace and calmness. I still mediate in a chair position and today I've decided to make the "big leap" into a crossed legged position. So here are my questions: - have you ever "get bored" of a technique after doing it for a long time? before I had just a week or 1.5 week of "bad" meditation session, but nothing more than that... - strong meditation sitting it's basically just a long session (more than 1 hour) of a meditation technique (without moving etc... of course)? like when Leo published the video on meditations on steroids he was already doing 1 hours of meditation per day... so he was already doing meditation on steroids all the time (and so I "already done" some long meditation with my daily session)? -straighten the spine, swallow, relaxing the jaw, recenter the attention when I'm falling asleep etc... are "acceptable" movements right? (silly question, but I want to be sure ahah) - there is a really big difference between a chair position and a crossed-legs position? like what are the benefits of a crossed legs position except that the pain it's bigger so you must face a bigger challenge? - You guys do Burmese Posture, Quarter Lotus ahah... what crossed-legs position would you suggest me to start with? And what "tools" do you use? like pillow, covers...? - @ZenDog a cool way to increase would be do a Viapassana! I will do one on the summer Thank you for the time, much love for all the people on the forumm <3 ahah
  17. Great idea! I'm too really interested on this topic! I currently use a tool to manage my time but I'm sure that in the future I will "transcend it" to a more "self actualised" tool, like the Einstein Time prospective... Still my plan is just use it until I will realise that it's useless... but ideas from Leo could really help us to make that big leap in a such essential topic. @Ken Lecoq what is your currently tool/technique to manage your time right now? Do you have some daily plan? Personally I spend almost 20 min every day planning my next day with an Excel sheet that I've create for myself... let me know! Again nice idea!
  18. If i've understood your first question your asking: how can I really start personal development? Personally I've start with meditation. But my tips is: make a list that you want to improve, and then search some personal development technique or video that can help you on that; it's better to focus on what you want right now, it will help you and enable you to learn more about personal development and so with the time having the "bird eye view". If you lack of idea I suggest you to start a morning routine, make a habits of meditation and a habits of positive affirmations or visualisations (like visualize yourself giving compliment to people, seems really silly I know but trust me it work!). A good video to start pratically your journey on personal development is this one Hope I helped you
  19. Hey guys, it' been almost 6 month that I've been doing a positive affirmations that I create for myself (I'am attractive and seductive for all the beautiful women). I really improve my sex life, still I'm not satisfied yet and I'm pretty much tired of this affirmation so... do you guys have some suggestion of a positive affirmation to "attract" beautiful adventures and storys with beautiful girls on our life? Here we don't look for positive affirmations that increase general confidence, but something specific for increase relationships / one night stands . Better if the positive affirmations comes directly from some personal development guy ! Thank you so much, you guys are amazing!
  20. @reez yeah I mean self talking, positive affirmations, incantations like "women love me" or "I'm an alpha man"; indirect way to solve the problem but I find that it worked for me
  21. I've recently start a morning routine so I'm improving my breakfast... with smoothies... And man trust me, they are THE breakfast. Easy to make -you just pur healthy stuff in the blender, I was amazed that I could put A LOT of SPINACH or ZUCCHINI with apple or banana and it will still taste amazingly good- and great results -I feel so much healthy and light than before-. I've recently even started to drink lemon with warm water every day as my first thing... but I don't know if it's a good thing to do every single day... you guys have suggestions or studies that prove that doing it every day doesn't corrode my stomach ? Thaaannks
  22. I recently start my morning routine: wake up: 6:30-8:00 (depends of the days, but my goals it to stick to 7:00 or less) with a motivation speech as my alarm music Then I do: 15min: lemon & warm water + make my bed + wash my face (great for wake you up, clean hands form the lemon) 15min: 15 min to thrive of tony robins (I basically walk up and down my apartment with a breathing adn visualisation execice) 30min: 4 positive affirmations or visualization (depends what I prefer to do, but I don't know if it's a great way to alternate them) 1h: reading a personal development book (or do a life purpose step when I have lessons because I feel that when I came back home I'm too tired and I slack the steps) 30-45min: healty breakfast + order breakfast (I make smoothies, I've start recently, man this it's one of the simplest yet the gretest change I've made: easy and rewarding, basically you just put stuff in the blender and you breakfast is ready) 20 min: shower 5 min: chose cloths Trust me, if you start like this, It's been like 2 weeks that I'm doing that, your day it's going to be really really better. But the important thing it's that you find meaningful the things that you do; like @Rares says "you must find your own way"