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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. If I didn't have social pressure, I would probably look like a homeless person (big unkempt beard, baggy streetwear, combat boots, beer and cigarettes lol...) In the meantime, I have a very classic style, I think; I just keep it clean and presentable. I don't care about "me", "me" has no interest; What interests me is the other (a woman, the homeland, a car, a frame...) I want a very sensitive girl who likes flowers and teddy bears, so I can be her daddy. I know one of the best-placed French-speaking members of the Global Information Network; he can basically manifest a woman whenever he wants. I recently saw an unlikely video of him with an 8/10 Slavic woman, while he's a 5/10 with a worse French accent than mine and a hair on his tongue; when he asked her why she agreed, even though she basically never agrees to sleep with anyone, she replied with very simple and strange things like, "I don't know, I knew it would be good with you." Super trange.
  2. Thanks for the reference, i will think about it for my birthday eheh. Why do you wear perfume? What's the point? I don't understand, actually. Do you think it really attracts women in a decisive way?
  3. What's your problem ? He said he still had existential dread when he took 5 MeO, but that was a long time ago; So maybe that has changed.
  4. Lol. To me most perfumes shampoos and soaps, even for men, make one look gay/bourgeois, even though I'm quite a stickler for hygiene. That's why I don't like cannabis at all; I prefer the smoky, woody, chocolatey smell and taste of tobacco. I have rustic tastes in general comrade.
  5. @Judy2 Your photo was good + Yes coffee can easily make you anxious, depending on the dose.
  6. It is not because he is cocaien addict ? 😅
  7. @Nilsi He experiences his libido in a particularly split way, it's neurotic.
  8. Mea culpa, it was because you said somewhere that you buy your own organic tobacco or something like that.
  9. Actually I shouldn't even interfere, I don't care, it's not my problem. Mea culpa my Lithuanian jesus.
  10. I like soy milk, but I've never had anything with tofu that tasted good. It's also expensive where I live.
  11. @Sincerity You seem like a cool guy, it’s fine. It is a neurotic regression to think that the world must have meaning/purpose. It's just a very realistic and twisted sandbox. Ramana Maharshi helped me to be less crazy. Mhh
  12. Everyone is creative in their own way all the time. Even the way you sleep is creativity. It's just that in the collective unconscious, the word "creativity" refers to a specific group of ways of being creative. Generally "bourgeois" things (music, painting, photography, etc.). The proof is that just a few years ago, we were still wondering if video games were art; And that's me, a "conservative," saying that.
  13. JP's work is as good as a microwaved meal, lol.
  14. No one is going to cancel on you because you're looking for a girlfriend in university.
  15. I leave my delirium and start interacting with them like normal humans.
  16. @Princess Arabia You told me you smoke a pipe, right? Maybe I'm confused. I just bought one.
  17. Don't encourage her to indulge in a weight loss delirium that is pointless and self-destructive.
  18. You've grasped the underlying energy of my message: I have been desperate in love and mistreated by the maya (myself) in various ways, it was just a little excess of frustration I'm not going to lie and pretend otherwise, but now it's about orienting ourselves towards the concept of self that we don't want, eheh. Let's just say, and this is also and above all true, that in any case, I'm relationally sedentary. Perhaps, surely, this is the case for you too, even if you've been an escort. We wait for the right person at the right time; we don't want to manifest shit for everyone. And that's noble. Archetype of the prince as Jung would say.
  19. Not me. It's a waste of time, it's exhausting.