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About Schizophonia

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    France, Toulouse
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  1. If I didn't have social pressure, I would probably look like a homeless person (big unkempt beard, baggy streetwear, combat boots, beer and cigarettes lol...) In the meantime, I have a very classic style, I think; I just keep it clean and presentable. I don't care about "me", "me" has no interest; What interests me is the other (a woman, the homeland, a car, a frame...) I want a very sensitive girl who likes flowers and teddy bears, so I can be her daddy. I know one of the best-placed French-speaking members of the Global Information Network; he can basically manifest a woman whenever he wants. I recently saw an unlikely video of him with an 8/10 Slavic woman, while he's a 5/10 with a worse French accent than mine and a hair on his tongue; when he asked her why she agreed, even though she basically never agrees to sleep with anyone, she replied with very simple and strange things like, "I don't know, I knew it would be good with you." Super trange.
  2. Thanks for the reference, i will think about it for my birthday eheh. Why do you wear perfume? What's the point? I don't understand, actually. Do you think it really attracts women in a decisive way?
  3. What's your problem ? He said he still had existential dread when he took 5 MeO, but that was a long time ago; So maybe that has changed.
  4. Lol. To me most perfumes shampoos and soaps, even for men, make one look gay/bourgeois, even though I'm quite a stickler for hygiene. That's why I don't like cannabis at all; I prefer the smoky, woody, chocolatey smell and taste of tobacco. I have rustic tastes in general comrade.
  5. @Judy2 Your photo was good + Yes coffee can easily make you anxious, depending on the dose.
  6. It is not because he is cocaien addict ? 😅
  7. @Nilsi He experiences his libido in a particularly split way, it's neurotic.
  8. Mea culpa, it was because you said somewhere that you buy your own organic tobacco or something like that.
  9. Actually I shouldn't even interfere, I don't care, it's not my problem. Mea culpa my Lithuanian jesus.
  10. I like soy milk, but I've never had anything with tofu that tasted good. It's also expensive where I live.
  11. @Sincerity You seem like a cool guy, it’s fine. It is a neurotic regression to think that the world must have meaning/purpose. It's just a very realistic and twisted sandbox. Ramana Maharshi helped me to be less crazy. Mhh