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About Schizophonia

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  • Birthday 06/05/2003

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    France, Toulouse
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  1. There will be a socialist overthrow and distribution of wealth, that is the most logical.
  2. So, where is this "swedish restaurant" ?🤔 He must be somewhere.
  3. lol your mental gymnastics works with any logical reasoning, it is fallacious; it does not contradict what i said. But me too my dear hot black philosopher escort. Throw a piece of baguette at the face*
  4. Yes. Because you are disconnected from yourself and have a tendency towards denial at the base, but that does not change the fact that your brain, your being goes in certain directions and these directions are emotionally motivated (which makes you choose these and not others). But in fact everyone is more or less in denial, the ego itself is an onion of denial in its structure. It is a whole work of contemplation to determine how one's psyche works.
  5. 1)My message was a bit aggressive, i was "in my anima" as @Emerald would say lol, so sorry if it offended you. 2)I still think what I said, but you don't see it because you are not used to contemplating your psychology and that of others. There is a reason why you end up on this forum instead of elsewhere. There is a reason why you post on dating instead of elsewhere. There is a reason why you insist on what men think and that kind of thing, usually with negative emotions. Etcetc. Everything has an emotional reason that drives you to think and declare an opinion, a belief, and act on certain ways. Then it's about asking yourself "why would I complain that there is too much pressure on women (tacitly on "me")" and the answer that comes automatically is : "because I'm afraid of not being pretty enough". And then "why am I afraid of not being pretty?" : "because I would like to have someone that i estimate good enough for me". And so on.
  6. She looks very stressed, it shows in her eyes and stress can induce pseudo-psychotic delusions.
  7. Something that looks horrible.
  8. Of course it is, you spend a lot of time ruminating on the physical and tacitly sending peaks here on how "yes we can easily sleep with someone it does not mean that we can have quality men", sometimes more targeted and mean stuff. Now you protect yourself for some reason by bringing the question back to your main problem, as if that would make all that disappear.
  9. You and sugarcoat like to complain about the pressure on women to tacitly explain why you can't find the Prince Charming. This is femcelism, reverse incel ruminations; it's about complaining about not getting the soup you don't give.
  10. I know i'm close to the truth when people have nothing else to whining "autistic thinking"
  11. No it's the opposite, they are anxious people and they calm they anxiety through identification with the father, with authority. It is a fixation on this defense mechanism developed during the phallic stage of psycho-sexual development due to poor development of the Oedipal complex. Vegans, liberals, religious people, all "idealists" in general are often unpleasant because they are narcissistic, they like to "embody good" to unconsciously be recognized by the father and calm the anxiety of castration ; The pleasure comes from the feeling of power obtained in this configuration, it is not a coincidence that people stop being vegan or similar behaviors when they are under high doses of benzodiazepines or similar compounds (alcohol, phenibut ...), all idealism, all limits, are in fact learned by social pressure and therefore experiences with peers and especially parents at an early age. Even incest is learned, it is not naturally disgusting, you had learned this prohibition and you have integrated it to the point where it is no longer a possibility at all (well I hope, normally lol). This does not mean that all vegans have a psyche organized like this, ofc.
  12. No they don't and it doesn't make any sense anyway This is actually a narcissistic tendency, people who "love animals" see too much of their own unaccepted bullshit (because of narcissism) through other humans and therefore need another mirror humanoid enough to arouse empathy, but not too much so as not to reflect what they don't like about themselves; it's basically the same mechanism that constitutes sexual kinks. 1) When someone says they love "animals", they mean "a handful of animals that are humanoid enough and domesticated long enough not to be hostile towards humans. No one is going to be friends with a giraffe or a praying mint. 2) While a dog, cat or pet can be cool, you'll never have as deep a relationship with pets as you would with a human. Then obviously, as we are in a society of comfort, with increasing exposure to endocrine disruptors, to delusional subversive ideologies etc. people are now for many too sensitive to kill an animal, it disturbs their ego too much. Not only killing an animal, people are more fragile in general in developed countries. Above all, they should accept what their limbic system demands, the primal truth that has sculpted their DNA over hundreds of thousands of years, rather than letting it intimidate them, make them feel guilty by a form of instilled mental slavery, an ideological virus infiltrated into the collective unconscious for some reason.
  13. What a woman does with her sexuality isn't my problem but i wouldn't date a girl in a high bodycount, this says a lot about her priorities. + Yet another stupid English term ending in "ing" so as not to have to question yourself lol