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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. Have you read return to the brain of Eden ?
  2. Basic B-complexe of thorne too btw
  3. B-complex Pure encapsulation
  4. Cabbage and lentils buffet
  5. It seems like most of your energy goes more into looking like an acceptable person rather than devoting yourself to something that truly gives you energy, a desire to live.
  6. It's still sounds like fundamentally an aesthetic posture. Where is the venture that actually make you cum ? Maybe your energy is being lazy, maybe your energy is being a drug lord, maybe your energy is being a carpenter, maybe you'd like to paint stuff, maybe your energy is being a politician etc etc.
  7. Connor is very smart, to bad he surrendered to madness 🤷‍♂️
  8. We only talk to ourselves
  9. We all write things to show that we are valuable people and feel useful, it's normal eheh
  10. The first time i too LSD (150ug) i thought it wasn't working until my living room plant has began to watching me, it looked like snail in SpongeBob. 5mn later i was on ecstasy on my bed (samadhi ?) while "dancing" with my plants.
  11. just usual lame jokes. It's a good topic for those who are concerned.
  12. Of course.
  13. The most efficient venture would be to confront your toxic shame in life. No psychedelic will be efficient.
  14. Yes, but it will feel different. More like a family member.
  15. Yes, because of high cortisol or something like that. My mind tend tends to gravitate towards stressful objects.
  16. This guy literally looks demented.
  17. I will record it this week end.It will be fun
  18. It’s not awkward, just twisted and a bit hard to understand, ah usual ahah. The most hard thing is your structure, maybe you could give more details, examples, metaphors etc to show for example what you mean by ideal self.