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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. Probably not. He's right. Whatever the level of rationalization, even intellectualization, people essentially vote for a persona.
  2. I've never had a "meaningful" trip or almost. Nothing has been fried. It's just confusion.
  3. @integral Help her as far as you feel capable and otherwise pushes her to fend for herself as if she were alone. It's not like you're a monster if you stop supporting her so much, I know people who would have already drowned her in the river lol.
  4. There is no experience and therefore love in oneness.
  5. her* mea culpa Indeed i can't for now.
  6. How does it matter? He's just enthusiastic and expressive on a meeting. Do you think a good politician must act like he was on abilify ? 😉
  7. Donald trump is a great leader, i would vote for him if i a were American.
  8. No, he's super stylish. You're just projecting your fear of flex.
  9. Ahah i like your way of singing the thing. Let's say that yes being more lazy and unorganized leaves more room for the unexpected and the unknown, that’s the "benefit".
  10. What does that mean ? 🤔
  11. Pure serotoninergic products or almost like psilocybin turn me pretty dry and lucid, it may seem somehow healthy. But if it's strongly dopaminergic (LSD or THC) it quickly turns me in a psychotic mess, with more serious SE (tight jaw, vasoconstriction...). People on MDMA have this weird vibe where nothing matter anymore and they can excessively look gross and dirty.
  12. No, when i have more energy i quickly become a bit a hygiene freak. clean clean clean
  13. It's what you want to see because you associate your masculinity with indifference. It is very linked to the relationship with parents, and to a lesser extent the collective unconscious and trauma.
  14. You are still addict to opiates ?
  15. racetams (and nicotine) are the best class for focus
  16. Psilocybine is useless for focus, it will turn you more lazy and unproductive ; That's not what you think. Try 15g of Valhalla truffles if you want to taste the effect a bit. 😉
  17. He is ugly and i don't say that to be cruel. I don't know what to think about this for now.
  18. It increases neurotrophins.
  19. 16, something like that.
  20. It's "natural" to be in a relationship, at least for me.
  21. It's better to have a real relationship at 30 than a toxic relationship at 15/20.