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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. Because a real connection is much more complete.
  2. Meat also contains plenty of nutrients you don't find in plants in the same proportion.
  3. Spot on ! Human is a war-machine for survive, you might even feel good on a mono-diet of grapes. If you feel any abnormalities, don't hesitate to try something else and take blood tests. Maybe Joe Dispenza work would interest you πŸ˜‰
  4. It's both very expensive and actually pretty ugly just to say "look I'm a psychonaut". Well, you do what you want, but at this price you have a suit, or a some really stylish ensemble ahah
  5. Having tried it myself for some time, testosterone should be an antidepressant of choice for most men.It's almost like a sort of permanent small dose of ketamine, while gaining libido and muscle.
  6. Maybe πŸ™‚ for which purpose. ? I personally take no supplements at all, foods are much more interesting. Some preparations like celery juice are very simple, not very expensive, and incredibly beneficial. Rather than spending money on a bunch of vitamins or whatever; Align supplements. There are also plenty of plants you can freely collect from nature, but i didn't go that far in this rabbit hole.
  7. Everyone has their own karma, therefore their personas, therefore their games, and therefore their own world and its challenges
  8. Effectively a man is relatively less susceptible to become vegan, on average. Agree πŸ‘
  9. Ahahah. I don't understand everything but it sounds good.
  10. Don't go to the club. Why not simply flirt with the girls around you, or even ask friends to introduce you to single girls ? Way more simple and effective.
  11. Women, nature, and Chopin. πŸ˜‰
  12. You know you're weirdo when you feel that the smiley has a mischievous meaning.
  13. Ahah, it's up to you to tell me, i didn't envision it like that Maybe because It sounds like a laid-back vibe proposition, if you see what I mean. Something like that πŸ€™
  14. I would say It all depends on the amount of fat. If you are used to salt the meat is good with just a little salt. Then by taste I also and above all wanted to say texture. It's just painful to eat a lot of starch without "cheating" with ingredients and condiments. I'm not at all against balanced meals :), I'm just tacitly trying to aim for and promote a diet that would be historically and anthropologically consistent. If a diet is painful and heavily encourages unnatural mixtures (oils and starches) to be pleasant enough, then I feel there is something wrong somewhere. Meat, raw milk, nuts, fruits and some vegetables and tubers are good in themselves. Yes.
  15. Don’t worry πŸ‘πŸ‘
  16. Yes, but when I talk about taste, i'm talking less about the palate's reaction and more about the overall sensation. Legumes are boring to eat and that is why they are always eaten well cooked with lots of condiments and possibly ingredients. Who here is capable of eating 1000 kcals of legumes for example? πŸ€” I'm just talking about eating legumes. For the second time it was just a joke.
  17. Why would you threaten to ban someone (@Danioover9000) just for that? This is truly a disgusting move that no one would dare to do in real life. You are also inconsistent, you spend your time saying that everything is God's will but when it is Trump who dodges a bullet a few centimeters away you mysteriously go back to being a atheist fanatic to the point of threatening someone with ban. If personal development does not push you to be joyful and tolerant, to know how to take breaks, then by definition it is useless, It's just savior syndrome. (being stuck in the projection)
  18. Gnegnegne Well, enough Actualized for today.
  19. Third assumption is literally "Higher protein consumption may be protective for older adults" Then, these are epistemiological observations, even irresonable associations (proteins -> mTor, IGF1 etc -> aging).
  20. Ofc, i meant who presents himself in a way that betrays possible dangerous behavior.
  21. I think we are all different and there is no such thing as a objective weirdo. Then there are people who still comply with injunctions when it comes to the survival of the group, and those who allow themselves to engage in sociopathic behavior. For me "weirdo" comes with a feeling of danger which explains the possible hostility, whether it is justified or not.
  22. I thought it was fun and it fit my structure well. "Hippidentitarian" is also a pseudo i can use here and there.