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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. I feel i will still not be understood lol humm...
  2. 5 MeO DMT which is used for ego death is a powerful 5HT1A agonist who deletes stress response. Ego is hypertrophied by stress response (it's a defense mechanism for survival) and stress response increase 3d depth, libido and so on (to survive). "Life drive" is technically a stress. A drug that decrease the activity of the nervous system and the energy perceived. Like benzodiazepines or dissociatives.
  3. It depends of people. I don't do well at all with it. Lots of nausea, heavy bodyload in general and It's just too psychologically destabilizing.
  4. If the "awakening" is actually provoked by neurological factors yes. 👍 Most of sedative will both decrease sense of self and 3d depth.
  5. I’m not optimistic, i just don’t care. I don’t have the control on everything.
  6. Lmao, what a big sloth. That’s say, that’s not cleaved. You can demand tranquility from an animal or a children. They also don't want you all the time neither and fortunately.
  7. Why not just admit that you like to sleep with lots of Latinas. Humm…
  8. You get too carried away with stories.
  9. No, i don't care, you do what you want of your life. All I'm saying is that there is a lot of love in having children and a family in general. It's always selfish, the goal is always to please you.
  10. Didn't you want a cat ? It is sometimes easier to give love to an animal than to family because of issues in the collective family unconscious.
  11. What wouldn't be fundamentally selfish ? Nobody care about all of that, we love you because of what you bring on the table within the limits of what is legal. And fortunately !
  12. No, i would be less able to love these children if they aren't mine, even less if they are racially different or something like that. I don't care.
  13. Find a tall, prolactin-rich woman who wants the genes of Europe's greatest people
  14. @Sugarcoat @Applegarden8 @Nemra @Paradoxed @Jannes Why you don't want children ? Apart from obvious narcissistic flaws. The times favor heightened self-awareness, and this stress makes one apathetic, selfish and self-centered in general. To be able to enjoy giving, one must be able to abandon oneself. Love is only something you can give. If you dont give love whatever how peoples are kind with you can only pretend to feel it.
  15. It's how the CNS (human ego) react to this perception. If you mix your 5 MeO DMT with benzodiazapine or something like that, it would be different.
  16. I want as much children as possible.
  17. And i’m a walking stomach 😛
  18. I could, but why would I buy this if I could get much more elegant stuffs 🤔
  19. No, as soon as the testosterone level drops below a certain threshold, the pituitary gland retriggers the HPTA axis until a normal level returns. If the hpta axis has been stopped for several months or years there may be an abnormally high LH level and testicular pain due to hyperplasia.
  20. Yes ahah, how do you known ? 🤔 The skin of the scrotum is thin so it’s adequate for transdermal solution, indeed.
  21. Testosterone don't really cause aggression.