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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. I know. But i trust what I’ve said.
  2. He has described Schizophonia Eat your warning point.
  3. My former general practitioner had diagnosed a cyst to my grandpa. Spoil alert : he had a terminal cancer
  4. You're right on the dopamine part, but in fine supplements/drugs are a big trap. We have to find the key.
  5. I have to try MDMA one day.
  6. Oh yes, 300 to 350ug False
  7. Yes, it’s like being in two dimension at the same time.
  8. The last time i've bacame a planete (gaia ?) dominated by cosmic rays. It's indescribable, a whole new alien paradigm who several thousand to millions of times our human energy paradigm.
  9. The goal is to have fun, a "toxic" guy can be fun + dont use your gods powers to create a persona who ruminates, it dont feels good. I will
  10. AL LAD is not LSD, it's weaker. To me LSD is not only incredibly visual, at more than 300ug i am propelled into another universe. It's DMT level.
  11. Real. That's why i only feed myself with wheat grace juice and clovers. Yum
  12. O6/O3 is super important. Dozens of millions of people die each year in unbearable suffering because of peanut butter, it's well known.
  13. Mhh, have you post on the wrong neighborhood ? 🤔
  14. Leo has no children at almost 40, is that making him immature ? All of this is an aestethic business.
  15. Cool. Do you have a particular technique ? There are plenty of ways to meditating.
  16. Lol, what does it means ? Makes 0 sense.
  17. Do you have a purpose ? Are you sure you really want meditate ?
  18. Big phonk
  19. They have a more feminine brain, because of low prenatal testosterone (or e2 ?)or something like that. Given that the stress response is higher, they need to surrenders themselves to stories in the matrix, that trigger a kind of physical mania.
  20. It’s very good for bones and glycemic health. Its also pleasant for the other sex, even you don’t have to do fitness in particular for that.
  21. Yo yoo. I would say that “being a nice guy” is like saying “I have a nice kitchen“. Technically it’s a good base but fundamentally no one care about a nice kitchen, people are in fine interested into the meals you do in it. People prefer a person with a lambda kitchen but who will cook super stuffs rather than a person with a chef kitchen but who will just propose knaki and chips because he is afraid to dirty a pan. Women will eventually prefer a toxic guy but who do the job than a guy who is passive. Being a « nice guy » is aesthetic posture and it’s narcissistic by nature. Being dominant and playful is actually being selfless I would do a video soon indirectly about that, it will be funny.🧙‍♂️
  22. I’ve watched peaky blinders. Now i understand man psychology.
  23. It’s at least as insignifiant than worrying about dick size. But otherwise : Wheat, milk, salt, alcohol, sedatives, big insulin spikes, corticosteroids, NSAI, a very bad sleep during night, hypothyroidism will increase water retention in the face. Stimulants, anti-aromatase, DHT and other non aromatic androgens, diuretics, hypertensives, potassium will make you pee your body water.
  24. You can also take drugs like cyproheptadine.