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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. Real. I'am currently processing the quantum turn to make the earth flat.
  2. I put a sleep mask and try to focus on the "void".
  3. @Salvijus Do you know if there is a limit to the frequency you can post ? It seems you have noticed that once. I came from sugarcoat I've just seen again the guidelines and there is nothing about that it's weird.
  4. Too annoying to have to limit myself so as not to take warning points. I just want to go back to prehistory and be able to become the commander with club blows.
  5. Me i prefer being transported in palanquin while eating a coconut. see that his swedish lady isn't here* -"hum...🤔" see a cute ladyboy within 5 meters , she say hello to him with a back of the hand* -"hum why not why not... " toilet wrecker woman suddenly returns, and throws a bitter and questioning look* -"How sweety you are here, eheh " -"...🤨" -"" -"...🤨"
  6. a parliamentarian*
  7. Ahah no it was a joke. They vote on laws, but in reality there is a lot of dilettantism and simply absenteeism. It's nonsense. Ditto for european depute. Whatever
  8. Me i propose to form a group to do DDOS attack on Actualized, until forcing Leo to put me as Administrator instead of him.
  9. Ty, you're sweet. But no, i will rather become an french depute and win 6k per month by playing at candy crush on my Iphone.
  10. Yes of course, by doing an intellectual work.
  11. The gif doesn't fits well with the character lol (khal drogo)
  12. Ahah yes, that's true. Hummmmmm, yum... Hurries to go to the toilet before lady's intestines end up processing this demonic equation and destroy the toilets in the process.* Run and try to open the door* "Oh no she's already there." "NOOOOOOOOO..."
  13. As long as it crosses the border eheh.
  14. Why do you post that ?
  15. Maybe you confused me with someone else because i didn't really interact on the topic But yes indeed. More mayonnaise cake for the swedish witch. Hop hop
  16. Eheh Never tested. The last cigarettes i've tested are Philippe Morris but it was pretty bad. If you want to try one day you don't hesitate pm me.
  17. Team Dunhill / Lucky Strike here Coffee is very good too, or even some stimulants like 3FEA. But it will give you a more stressed, even't belligerent energy. Physically it gave me some muscular gains and i looked more venous, i sometimes looked very jacked without doing that much exercise, rugbyman/american football like physical. Psychically, it turned me more mentally sharped, more euphoric, lighter and funnier, and i had more energy in general. My libido was a bit higher but not that much. It also definitively turned me more confidant, i had no issue to approach women and was more assertive with men, sometime on a pretty volcanic way ; I became this guy who on the road shout "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING FUCKING RETARD ? MORON, YOU HAVE A PB ? YOU WANT US STOP SOLVE THAT BETWEEN MEN ? big hand gesture with a hysterical look* YEAHYEAH RAN AWAY FUCKING LITTLE F**" Dopamine detox and playing masculinizing energy games (without going into detail) really plays with testosterone to give you that hyper masculine vibe. No, i made my own with testosterone powder and and a lipid solution. Btw i've informed the guy who has leanred me to do that about this forum ahah, maybe he registered since, idk.
  18. Indians are on average at an lower stage of consciousness that the westerners*
  19. A high consciousness person doesn't rape because he simply see how raping a women is dangerous for himself and just a very poor form of sexuality compared at worst to an escort, at best to a consenting girl that you like/love. A low consciousness person doesn't rape because it's essentially a prohibition anchored in his head, and each inhibition, each ban is a constant low-grade stress in the CNS which will obviously therefore be eroticized, which can give rise to this kind of unfortunate event.
  20. @Davino I also recommend to test testosterone cream.
  21. Too long, resume ?
  22. ty 👍 Indeed it's a lot, you may not be sensitive to it.
  23. It's illegal in France, no idea for Netherlands.
  24. Tobacco (not isolated nicotine, you also significantly benefit from the MAIOs in it). Too much is addictive and carcinogenic, but here and there can really help to produce a good and concrete intellectual work, among other things (more motivation, more assertive energy, better at flirting...), way more that psychedelics. Psychedelics don't allow that kind of work, it just allows you to escape somewhere else, enjoy it, and come back to inflate your ego with an avatar and a "spiritual" signature to tacitly assume (wrongly) that you are smarter than everyone else. (I'm teasing you eheh)