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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. A certain person who will recognize herself : "Hi hi hi, you can't help yourself to some lame jokes about me isn't it ? 😊" "Hummm no, not at all, i swear 🤔" "..." 24 hours later : "Mhh ok, i can post again on Actualized again, let's leaving her chill a bit for this afternon " "Oh...this topic looks fun" click* A topic about hypnotizing a woman to fuck her is showing "mhhhhhhhh " creaks his desk with his nails*
  2. There is no objective reality.
  3. I'm only dating a girl at once. And yes, i've venus in bull
  4. Ahah. No, the withdrawal turned my "autisto-sociopathic" I've had twice visions (in dreams) of conciousness state. -This one, i've dreamed of me on my bed snorting a good amount of "3-HO-PCE" or something like that, it has push me in a psychedelic state with with an unique and very different vibe that tryptamins, from what i remember it was an infinite field of a very cold and heavy energy, it was visual, i was an infinite machine of monochrome lines and shapes, electric usine-like vibe. -An other time, i dreamed i've snorted a white powder with a weird name (rc-like)and it has push my in a super euphorical state where the reality colapsed. The vibe was very "dirty" if it means something.
  6. @Applegarden8 You, the guy on the video and the girls who appears in it are reflections of myself and vice versa, we form a little egregor here. I see an incline to manifest a reality of loneliness to cling the victim persona of "I am the one who is lonely despite all the effort" or something like that. More precisely, i'm still attached (otherwise i wouldn't see it) to this kind of victim-hood persona, but without really trusting it. So in my system i will tend to supposedly take a certain distance, and in addition bring back people in my delirium to maximize changes to convincing myself. What give in a result some mirrors like you who do topics like "Oh look at how choices of people (hypergamy of women ?? Something like that i guess) create". Then, the black guy is your mirror, he plays the persona who is unconsciously hidden behind the one you explicitly play (like a russian doll), it give you the information that you play the guy who feels big, important by being the missing piece to someone’s happiness, that generate this malicious persona of "ahahah, look at theses dumb women, they cry because they reject my treasure, blahblahblah" And finally, the girls are the mirrors of the black guy, the expression of his incline to play the "I prefer to be only than abandoning my strategy of having energy by victimizing myself" persona. So, we could refined all of theses informations and deduces 3 personas that you play and that your topic betray : 1)I believe the sum of subjunctives. 2)I am necessary for someone's happiness. 3)I am abandoned. My post is probably not very clean but I will make a topic anyway when I have more time and concentration.
  7. No, but for some reasons i've heard this name in a dream lol (or rather 3-meo-pce, from what i remember).
  8. @Keryo Koffa @Javfly33 No, i've taken 100/150mg. I was extremely relaxed and really wanted to have fun with people on the internet, a lot. The next days i've had a consequent craving and i've turned at the contrary pretty autistic and even a bit sociopathic.
  9. I would say it's in my interest to For me "ethics" is just the interests that fall under suspicion, guilt, and issues of the collective unconscious in general no matter how they are rationalized.
  10. The idea is simply to change persona. And this is played out at the energetic level, not in matter/space-time.
  11. I was jocking ofc. The last time i've dropped an opiates i've vomited 6 times in some hours. Never again.
  12. I would say it's subjective. Each choice will produce consequences that we can both judges good and bad.
  13. So typically here you will have plenty of people who have been raised with very liberals parents, without a cadre. The real reasons why parents are liberals with their children is to tacitly give themselves the masculinity feeling that they think they lake (by doing anything for their children), the tacit contract is that in exchange child's don't try to take power on their parents, to defy them, and keep being in "feminin" energetic games. This produces docile people, who live in a mental bubble, and have this strange persona of absolutely wanting to "purify themselves", be clean on themselves, be measured and reflective in each area (electric rather than magnetic if you will). "Strength" is assimilated to the ability to dissociate, to endure, to moderate oneself (hence the attraction towards spirituality) rather than truly fundamentally seeking to be active like a "normal" men. To give a "funny" example, that's why @Leo Gura and plenty (you don't know, it's insane) of personalities on the personal development field have a kink about asian women. As their brain is still too conditioned to assimilate their masculinity and identity in general to this kind of personas, going out with a woman for whom they have esteem (who resembles their mother) makes them uncomfortable because of the oedipal temptation (taking the place of the father, which would destroy their strategy of "I am more mature/intelligent/wise than everyone else" (I am the good boy to his mother) and would force them to finally enjoy becoming "the one who gives, who produces something. etc" persona. This blockage leads to generates : 1) Strategies to cope with this feminine persona like "attracting a woman is a game where you have to pretend not to want them/be detached (so as not to betray the regression to the lower stages of psycho-sexual development, because once again of the edipal conflict) with women for whom you have esteem, and an inability to fully enjoy because of the "partial" character of the object. 2) Sexual paraphilias where the libido can finally express itself. Asian women are seen more or less unconsciously by white people as racially inferior (smaller, stupider, tighter vaginas...), given that there is a lack of esteem and therefore a certain detachment, the threat (narcissistic rage, guilt) of the oedipal temptation is removed and finally you can fully be sexually excited. This split will create a kind of whore and madonna syndrome. It can also simply be BDSM, in fact it is essentially BDSM.
  14. Concretely ? Why not simply see peoples who are actually qualified (nutritionists for weight gestion, seduction coach for girls, psychologists/psychiatrist for mental health...) ? I really think this forum and any forum in general is essentially an excuse for peoples with a similar psyche on certain points to have the right to be sociable.
  15. Yes it's a bit that eheh, indeed.
  16. "Oh that's cute, he talks about oxytocin, he should like cuddles, it's must be cool too be in his slightly muscular harms btw 👉👈" Actually in Valentin's head : "Yeahhhhhh, it has given me want to drop with my dudes, pfizer qualidad my nigga " Goes to stock up on his favorite tor/onion market.
  17. Oxydation ?
  18. To flex* ”I have 17% Spanish blood 😛 😎”
  19. Ketamine turns me incredibly sociable. The only issue is that if i take too much, i can’t move properly and i begin to say nonsense just as if i were drunk.
  20. Ahah it was a joke. It’s a strong drug (very close of heroin) that give you a super intense feeling of pleasure and detachment of usual objects of your life. Even if you od and are close to suffocate with your own vomit.
  21. What’s the point ?
  22. Which work ? Serious question.
  23. ewok growl*