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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. Your challenge.
  2. This time it's me who haven't understood. -"My sweet croissannnnnnt, to celebrate my first apartment, i've decided to pay me a little pleasure " Think instantly to the incline of this grasshopper to jumping on terrible stuff like 5 MeO DMT or sweets made with PIG'S BLOOD. -"Huh, what else? ๐Ÿ˜ฌ" -"Something natural, like weed ๐Ÿ™ƒ" -"sigh of relief* ๐Ÿ˜‘" -"I've did some Jenkem, i've put it in the bridge " -"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....." Ahah. Because contaminating the family dishes with naphta was too easy, now you want to ruin the building, isn't it ๐Ÿ˜‚ Pov : When you're about to do something weird that's sure to go wrong.
  3. Mea culpa. Yes there are some psychedelics and other psychoactives of differents natures (benzodiazepines, modafinil...). But fortunately no lol, it is also and above all supplements and random products found in supermarkets or pharmacies.
  4. My mom and i had often the habit, when we were both insomiac (especially me, at these times), to joking about how we were mental and needed our pills (doxylamine most of the time). Still today to making her laught, i sometime imitate an autistic person by lightly tapping the head and demanding "QUICK, MY PILLS" ahah.
  5. Hi my meat ball. If you find this messy, know that it is pure coincidence. ... I swear.
  6. Joe Dispenza can help, but leo just dismissed my recommendation out of hand. Too bad for him, enjoy your loop with ephemeral and cumbersome recommendations.
  7. lol The most epic scene of the game : Pushing a vase
  8. Only my parents don't know. It doesn't has importance.
  9. Women with higher prenatal testosterone would automatically rise to the top of the pyramid, in fact that is already what is happening. Look at the head and physical structure of women of power.
  10. @Nadia Starseed Mea culpa if i seem brutal. I think it's like that i must talk to push people to move. I'm also convinced that overly polite messages are just a projection of the desire not to be disturbed. I accept being disturbed if it can make me move.
  11. Some things happened in you children-hood that have gave you the feeling of being a sh**, being tiny, being miserable or something like that. There is also some family problems with money. Given that you has no been able to deal with this energy, it has been repressed into the unconscious and is now projected into the outside, so there is now a split: 1)The energetic polarity is projected on the outside (you in denied) : and that you will automatically manifest. In other words -Vulnerable people (sheeps who has been vaxed (i'm not even provax, some others (twisted) inner worlds will create provax personas), who have money issues, who are employees...) -Peoples who want power "by the top" (to become rich, have real estate and comfort in general) 2)The polarity you identify with (your persona, by reaction formation). -Someone invulnerable (It's actually a strategy to gaining power "by the bottom" which is actually accepted in your system, that's why you can identify, but it's still a strategy to win/keep power ! -Someone who don't need money (because for some reasons it's bad in your system, intuitively i would have think to a family problem with money as i said, but i'm too tired and still not clairvoyant enough for now anyway eheh). To return to your problem of loneliness : As you (subconsciously) fear not being fu****** enough (this doesn't have to be virtually true, these are all unconscious processes that date back to childhood), you engage yourself from the pov where you think you are the strongest. Automatically, you will meet you mirror, in other words you in deny, in other words people who are looking for power and use their "convictions" for that, in other words people who feel LOST. (Personas are an infinite spectrum stacked, like a russian doll, you can see people who look for power, simply people who accept being powerless and accepting it). What do you will find on actualize ? People who use spirituality go feel strong and not assuming being actually "lost" (in terms of money, health, relationships), your mirror, again. What mirror are you attracting right now ? ME, what am i representing ? SOMEONE WHO USE HIS KNOWLEDGE TO GAIN POWER. It's always in front of you. If i was you, i would simply try to evolve to a less dissociated, more "magnetic" persona. Accepting you look for a relationship essentially to chill, have sexe, cuddles, share pleasures in general, give up the idea to use relationships to prove to the world that you are not a lost sh**. Actually, if you start to marry this pov, you will start to naturally meet (manifesting ?) guys who are more serious guy, because you will lose the need for the world to show you that you are someone so serious, who makes efforts, who is cultured, who is not a sheep blah blah blah blah; by presenting you the opposite. It don't will be a subject anymore.
  12. Ahah, mr likes the danish chicks. By mental i meant ยซ in the mental ยป, not that she is a weirdo. Mea culpa.
  13. It's more stimulating and turns you more "weird". That said it gives more strong experiences that mushrooms, in general. 5 MeO is god, LSD is the King.
  14. What is the problem ?
  15. By clicking on the link i've sent to you. Or putting it on "join a server" on Discord.
  16. Ah mea culpa i posted on the wrong topic. I've read a post about the "game"
  17. LSD get you much more high, less anchored ; It's a bit like a blend between mushrooms and weed, somehow. And it lasts longer.
  18. @NoSelfSelf Tbh you are right most of the time. I think.
  19. @Nadia Starseed It looks like you go around in circles too much. Maybe you'd be better off just trying to be more social, have fun, and find someone you "feel good" with. I mean you seem very mental and "elsewhere" in general.
  20. I guess the more democrats states are just the more urban ones.