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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. Dopamine/Norephedrine.
  2. It's a myth, MDMA has a strong affinity for DAR/NET too and the depression come from here. 5HT antagonist (cyproheptadine, mianserin, mirtazapine, seroquel) and even fenclonine or more indirectly testosterone ( 5-hydroxytryptophane décarboxylase irreversible inhibitors) doesn't cause depression even when they behaves as histamine and/or acetylcholine antagonists. Actually blocking 5HT can help some forms of depression by reversing apathy, lost of energy and sex drive. Serotonin can be antidepressant in some people because it can participates to significantly increasing glutamate and dopamine, but it also bump all the HPA axis, decreases metabolism by suppressing thyroid function, increasing prolacting etc.
  3. Yes ofc, "human conciousness" is a spectrum, every human has a different consciousness according to its genetic and memory. Actually, you don't have any prove i don't experience even very atavistic schemes in a different way that your eheh, that for exemple i dont experience vision as your experience smell and vice versa, that i dont experience blue as you experience yellow, or even if i am not purely and simply in a total other paradigm. It it's what you talked about.
  4. It must have supplements to help with the hangover.
  5. Because you're not masculine/mature for now. Sadhguru is a great philanthropist, that's all that matters to me
  6. I've quickly inquired once about him and i came across a video where he explain that democracy doesn't work because "people are retarded". Not only he should look into a mirror because he seemed having dementia, but especially that's the kind of sentence that you would expect from people that live in a ivory town.
  7. Ahah Vite mon gluten. 😜
  8. Because every neuron participates to the conscious experience, eventually you can say that according to the circumstances you are more or less conscious of some things, that is translated by a variation of the activity of different cerebral zones. But in fine, the truth is nondualism 😉
  9. It's astonishing because it's not a lot at all. Maybe it's particularly goitrogenic, or it's just poop's weight 😂
  10. He has heterosexual and/or homosexual neural pathways.
  11. It is the same ideology of the new Sri Lankan government ? I inquired a bit and they talked about something like that.
  12. Ahah. That would explain his ease in putting DMT in his behind.
  13. Sorry but i haven't understood lol.
  14. Nothing will defeat frenchy wily. Baguette egregor.
  15. Lol. You mean a cup of raw lentils (before cooking) ?
  16. Sorry 😬, it's 7pm my transformation has started. Begin to get hard* Ohh nooo
  17. Nothing to do but this pp is cool. Some of the old ones looked unhinged.
  18. You're the only one ego, because you're a god.
  19. Eheh, you will accompany me. 😏 Puts his beret back on and slap the butt of the big Croatian hottie next door* "And that's how you take care of a woman, you bunch of blondies." Starts drinking his red wine straight from the bottle, staggering*
  20. I will infiltrate the cafeteria of one of Stockholm's universities and made flirting lessons, i will learn them. Who better than a French guy for that? Drink another glass of wine while giving a sus look.*
  21. That said i've gone several time in Spain and sexuality is relatively more "liberated" too.