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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. Lol, you must be super lunatic or something like that because you have to be pretty attractive to having “great results” in dating apps.
  2. Super annoying to pretend being interested into someone you have never met.
  3. @Keryo Koffa Idk anymore if i've already said it but you have a lot of love to give eheh 👊, probably more than me.
  4. Lol, the most based school of the world.
  5. It's not because you eat more proteins that you will automatically improve you're physical condition, independently of sport practice.
  6. What's the purpose if you already eat a lot of animal foods ?
  7. It is true ? 🤔
  8. Lol. Jokes asides bananas frieds in some butter and rhum taste super good. Even better with coconut milk/cream on the side, or vanilla ice cream with some salted peanut on the top.
  9. Throwing a wast in nature doesn't have a root cause, it's just because it needs less efforts.
  10. It would be precisely worst if there were no punishment, it's like saying there is school dropout so school is useless.
  11. I can't wait for the snow so I can have the excuse to fry bananas in butter and a whole bottle of rum. Yum
  12. What i've said is carefully considered. You think you can stop people from behaving in a way toward you by instilling in them slave morality ("immature", "egoistic", "bad"...) that you call "human decency," that only works with people who grew up in a particularly neurotic culture and collective unconscious in general. Most people in the world don't have that kind of conflicted psyche, don't operate on guilt and you'll have to threaten them with punishment (by fines, prison sentences etc) to keep them from behaving that way.
  13. People just need to be punished. Wanting to make people "unselfish" is actually tacitly making them neurotic.
  14. Means nothing about her mental health. In any way it's a way to enrich her misandrist delirium and she suffers from that just like the incels/mgtow.
  15. Even in men most of the libido comes from estrogen.
  16. It's the opposite, selfless. Masculinity is formed in the abandonment of libidinal investment towards the image of the self (imaginary in Lacan, and the imaginary order in general) for the investment on external objects (and symbolic order in general) "Love for oneself" resembles the neurotic tendency (that we all have more or less) to cut off the phallus in order to actually limit the capacity of the signifier to castrate us, and thus to overcome the crisis of secondary narcissism. It is the fascist, self-denying strategy of "You can't castrate me, since I no longer have a phallus" by cutting you off from the outside world (signifiers), but in fact you expose yourself to relational and even sexual problems because you don't recognize the mirror.
  17. lol she seems turbo neurotic.
  18. I will check that. But then, maybe psychedelics have punctual downside on the cardiovascular system but the real question is does anybody already get cadiac even with LSD. A priori no need to worry about that kind of thing.
  19. 🤙
  20. Cool but still prefer 2pac. Nigga nigga nigga.
  21. Not at all sorry. Why would LSD trigger cardiac fibrosis ?
  22. Indeed. You still can try to make love to your neighbor's dog but not sure the agreement will be optimal lol None, because you are not the body ; So there is no "consciousness' center", just different neural pathways that are in charge of different activities. Number of neurons will be correlated to the ability of conceptualizing/discriminating reality (intelligence), consciousness is more correlated with the frequency at which neurons operate, electrical intensity. The more the stress response is high, the more your consciousness will diving into a less holistic reality where there is “less depth and more surface” as KB would say. Multiples vs unity, ego vs god , 5 MeO DMT vs Methamphetamine...