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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. Absolutely nothing at a certain level of consciousness ๐Ÿ˜‰
  2. My spiritual mentor Franck Lopvet is a model of masculinity for me. At least that's the energy I "naturally" tend towards.
  3. You're the yin leftist alternative version of me ๐Ÿ˜‰
  4. Hummmmmmmmmmmmm... So that's why in interracial porn, white men sleeping with black women are often big and bald. ๐Ÿค”
  5. There is no difference in the way i would lovingly treat a woman of varying degrees of attractiveness. I say this because it sounds like "If he's too attractive, I don't have the power to let myself go (for fear of being ridiculed or something)." Unless it's an even more twisted software ahah.
  6. Yea women prefer "to beat around the bush". That's why they bore us so much lmao.
  7. I don't know what's going on all in your head on this topic lol, the second guy is clearly more androgenic (lean, hunter eyes, good facial development, good skin).
  8. Yes. Everything is an illusory, relative, linear story in (god infinite) consciousness.
  9. Hey that was my idea ๐Ÿคจ
  10. Unconscious fear of representations of death, like being socially exclude, being physically hurt by someone, develop a disease... (ego) What you see in others and the world in general is the part of you in denial (mirror) that maintains your current "problematic" persona, so for exemple if you're anorexic you will see "swine" (humans psyche is as brutal as that) everywhere, if you force yourself to be too generous with money you will see "tightwads" everywhere, If you feel stupid and it's refused you'll see idiots everywhere, etcetc. To give a more personal example, when i was insomniac i play a very "perched" persona (me i'm above everything, i'm flegmatic, blahblahblah...) in total deny about the influence of mirrors on my well being, at this point i saw "hysterical and dedenious people" everywhere and get particularly triggered by that. Now i've accepted that theses character were actually mirrors of my ego my insomnia has been cured and lot of compulsive rumination have disappeared ; I accept more now to be ruthless with things that tend to be negative for my self-esteem. That's why i've said some time that traumas and bad psychic configurations persists because people are too attached to secondary benefits of their personas pushed, induced by their experience.
  11. @Davino Super cool๐Ÿ™‚ I love Marie-Louise and Jung.
  12. I don't exactly know why, but it's like italian people naturally infiltrate far right everywhere in europe ๐Ÿ˜‚
  13. It's a shallow illusion. I well contemplated how we directly manifest and are attached to our negative experiences at a certain level of consciousness.
  14. ๐Ÿ‘ No, I'm just basing it on what he said here.
  15. @Spiritual Warfare Buck isn't a woman, it's a literally a neurotic and autistic (according to himself) american incel who has watched too much sissy hypno and has created himself a delirium. He is motivated by aggression, it is easily seen in fact, so do not be influenced by this mirror on this subject.
  16. T-Centralen* Nevermind.
  17. That's not an ethical problem in itself, but you can be fired for that because you have a means of pressure on your partner.
  18. What does that mean ?
  19. I talk about "T Central Station", there was also train lines because it's here to go to Arlanda airport. I felt like a monkey. โ˜น๏ธ